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Terry Beeson
American History-1B
The Age of Imperialism
on-line Questions
Directions: Answer all questions in complete sentences and to the best of your ability.
Any answers not in correct form will receive no credit.
Who is the main person that preached the expansion of U.S. Influence into the Pacific?
Alfred T. Mahan was the main person that preached the expanison of U.S.
What was his reasoning in pushing for this expansion.
Maham believed that american survial depended on the Navy.
What did Commodore Perry do that made him “famous”?
Perry recommended the U.S. take active measures to secure a number of ports of
refuge in Japan.
Explain the reasoning for Perry's actions?
To secure a number of ports of refuge.
Who was Queen Liliuokalani?
Queen Liliuokalani is was the last queen in Hawaii
What was the Spanish-American war fought over?
The Spanish-American war was fought over sugar plantations in control.
What touched it off?
The attack of the USS Maine Harbor was blown to pieces.
Define Yellow-Journalism.
Yellow-Journalism is journalism that doesn't tell the truth.
Describe the battle of Manila Bay.
In the battle of Manila Bay the American Ships destroyed the Spanish Fleet because
they were made out of wood.
Who were the Rough Riders?
The Rough Riders are Cowboys and Athletes lead by T. Roosevelt.
Explain the war/rebellion in the Philippines.
Few Americans rejoiced in the victory, there wasnt even a parade for the
homecoming of the troops, war was a contridiction for the values of the U.S.A
Define Spheres of influence.
Spheres of influence is the area around an object thta is influenced by the object.
What role did Sanford B. Dole play in the downfall of the Hawaiian monarchy?
He told the American government that American blood was shed. Then once the
American government had taken over Hawaii Sanford B. Dole wrote the
Why was the Spanish-American war called “a splendid little war”?
An easy war to fight
Terry Beeson
American History-1B
Why was the war in the Philippines less popular with the American People than the
Spanish-American War had been?
Because the Spanish-American war was closer to America and got more press.
What were the Fists of Righteous Harmony, or “Boxers,” rebelling against?
The splitting up of Chinese soil by America and other great powers of the time.
What was the point of John Hay's Open Door policy?
Any foreign power that wanted to come in could.
Why was it important to complete the Panama Canal?
Transportation route for Emergencys.
Who was Cornelius Vanderbilt, and what did he attempt to do in Nicaragua?
Attempted to control Nicaragua, with the help of William Walker.
What were some of the methods by which the united States expanded its economic and
political influence around the world in the late 1800's and early 1900's? How did
economic interests sometimes lead to military action? Cite specific examples.
Building Panama Canal, and including influences to Hawaii.
Why did the American consul in Cuba, Fitzhugh Lee, ask to have a battleship sent to
Havana harbor? What was the Cubans' perception of the Maine's presence? Do you
think the United States had a right to station a battleship in the harbor? How might the
Spanish-American war have been avoided through better communication and sensitivity
on all sides?
The Cuban ambassador felt threatened by Cuban citizens so he asked for America's
What is the meaning of Teddy Roosevelt's motto “Speak softly, and carry a big stick” in
regard to foreign policy? How did he implement this policy during his presidency?
What do you think of the policy? Is it effective? Is it right?
This saying basically ment that he didnt want people messing with the U.S., I think
that its ok that he didnt want people to mess with it. I think that if worked right this
could be effective, there are some parts i believe are good, but there are some flaws