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Red Deer College
MLA 103 Basic Anatomy and Physiology
Course Outline
Fall 2014
Instructor: Melynne Crawley
Office: 2607 J Phone: 403-314-2417
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Please feel free to drop by anytime. You
can make an appointment by emailing or by calling my office.
Class Time:
Fall - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 2 – 2:50 pm Oct 6 – Dec. 11
Room: 1800 (room subject to change – please check RDC online timetable information)
Credit hours: 2
Prerequisite: N/A
Academic Calendar Entry:
This course has been designed to develop a basic understanding of the structure and function of
selected systems in the human body.
Course Topics:
Levels of Organization
The Integumentary System
Urinary System
The Digestive System
The Respiratory System
Blood and Circulatory System
The Lymphatic System and Immunity
The Endocrine System
Learning Outcomes
1. Levels of Organization
Upon successful completion of this Learning Outcome Guide, you will be able to locate and describe the
human body’s basic organizational structures and their functions.
1. define anatomy and physiology and list the basic body regions.
2. define how matter is organized and describe various chemical reactions which occur in the human
3. identify the structure of the cell and describe their functions.
4. recognize the different types of tissue in the human body and describe their functions.
5. identify the organs of the body and explain how they are grouped into different systems.
2. The Integumentary System
Upon successful completion of this Learning Outcome Guide, you will be able to identify the
components of the integumentary system and describe their roles in health and illness.
1. list and describe the structures of the skin.
2. list and describe the functions of the skin.
3. describe the location and function of the accessory structures of the integumentary system.
4. list and describe some of the pathology of the integumentary system.
3. Urinary System
Upon successful completion of this Learning Outcome Guide, you will be able to locate and describe the
structures of the urinary system and explain their functions.
1. locate the organs of the urinary system and briefly describe their gross anatomy and functions.
2. describe the internal anatomy of the kidney including general features and blood supply.
3. define a nephron is and identify its components.
4. describe the functions of each component of the nephron.
5. explain how the kidneys regulate the composition of the blood.
4. The Digestive System
Upon successful completion of this Learning Outcome Guide, you will be able to locate the organs of the
digestive system, describe their functions and explain how the body is absorbs nutrients.
1. list the organs and accessory organs involved in digestion and define their basic functions.
2. locate the mouth, esophagus and stomach and explain their roles in digestion.
3. locate the small intestine, pancreas, liver, gall bladder and large intestine and explain their roles in
4. explain what carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and vitamins are and describe how they are absorbed
by the body.
5. The Respiratory System
Upon successful completion of this Learning Outcome Guide, you will be able to explain the major
function of the respiratory system and describe its upper and lower structures.
1. outline the primary function of the respiratory system and locate and describe the structures of the
upper and lower portions.
2. locate and explain the function of the upper respiratory structures.
3. locate and explain the function of the lower respiratory structures.
4. describe what pulmonary ventilation is and how it is carried out at all levels.
5. explain how oxygen and carbon dioxide is transported through the human body.
6. Blood and Circulatory System
Upon successful completion of this Learning Outcome Guide, you will be able to recognize and describe
the components of blood, identify the structures of the heart and explain how they work in unison with
the entire circulatory system.
1. identify the components of blood, describe their proportions and functions, as well as know the
difference between plasma and serum.
2. state the major blood groups used in transfusion medicine, and describe how they are determined.
identify the major structures of the heart and state the function of each.
3. define what an electrocardiogram is and have a basic knowledge of what each region means in
regards to a heartbeat.
4. differentiate the different types of blood vessels and how they are arranged within the circulatory
7. The Lymphatic System and Immunity
Upon successful completion of this Learning Outcome Guide, you will be able to identify the
components of the lymphatic system and describe their roles and functions.
1. identify the components of the lymphatic system.
2. explain how the fluid portion of the lymphatic system is made and transported.
3. define and describe innate immunity.
4. define and describe adaptive immunity.
5. explain the role of the immune system in organ transplantation.
8. The Endocrine System
Upon successful completion of this Learning Outcome Guide, you will be able to identify the endocrine
glands, list their hormones and the effects of these hormones on the human body.
1. list the endocrine glands, define hormones and state how they affect the human body.
2. locate the anterior and posterior pituitary, and pineal glands, identify the hormones secreted, and
describe the effects they have on the body.
3. locate the thyroid and thymus glands, identify the hormones secreted, and describe the effects they
have on the body.
4. locate the adrenal glands, identify the hormones secreted, and describe the effects they have on
the body.
5. locate the pancreas, identify the hormones secreted, and understand the roll they have in diabetes
mellitus type 1 and type 2.
6. locate the gonads, identify the hormones secreted, and describe the affects they have on the body.
Learning Activities:
Required Textbooks and Equipment:
Course Pack – MLA 103 Basic Anatomy and Physiology
Recommended Readings and Resources: N/A
Material and Special fees: N/A
Assessment of Student Performance: The final grade in this course will be computed based on the
following elements. At all times the Red Deer College final examinations policy will be adhered to.
1. Assignments & Quizzes – 20%
2. Anatomy Project—20%
3. Exam 1 – 30%
4. Exam 2 – 30%
Last day to drop without penalty:
Fall Term - 201520
Last day to drop courses (consequently the entire program) - October 15th, 2014 (OR one week, 7 days,
after start of the MLA class)
Last day to withdraw from courses (consequently the entire program) – December 3, 2014 (Or the last
day of the MLA class if it ends prior to December 3)
General Information
It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with the information contained in the Course Outline
and to clarify any areas of concern with the instructor.
Students should refer to the Student Dispute, Appeal and Misconduct Processes Policy and
Standard Practice should they have questions or concerns about the Course Outline that cannot
be resolved with the instructor.
Please be familiar with what constitutes academic misconduct, as well as the consequences.
Plagiarism involves submitting work in a course as if it were the student’s own work. Plagiarism
may involve the act of submitting work in which some or all of the phrasing, ideas, or line of
reasoning are alleged to be the submitter’s own but in fact were created by someone else. The
complete RDC policy is available at:
The Final Examinations Policy will be followed with respect to final exams. Please review this
document to ensure you understand the contents and implications of the policy.
Attendance may take many forms. Lack of attendance may impact the students’ ability to
successfully complete the course.
This course may be eligible for Prior Learning Assessment. Students should refer to the RDC
College Calendar for a list of excluded courses.
Classroom Learning Resources may be available to students in alternate formats.
Students should be aware that Personal Counseling, Career, Learning and Disability Services are
provided by RDC. Inquire about locations at Information Desk. It is the student’s responsibility to
discuss their specific learning needs with the appropriate service provider.
Changes to the Course Outline: Changes to the course outline will be made with the consent of the
course instructor and students. Changes will be reviewed by the Associate Dean of Health Sciences for
consistency with College policies.
Associate Dean: _________________________ Date: ________October 1, 2014___