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Your Topic
Talkin’ ‘bout,
Strike Back
All About
What’s the
Big Idea?
The Religion
of Islam
Topic 1: 200
• Question:
• The central belief of the Quran is:
• Answer
• There is one and only one God
Topic 1: 400
• Question:
• Muslims believe that if they spend their lives
following the teachings of Allah they will end up
• Answer
• Paradise
Topic 1: 600
• Question:
• These were the two most important and influential
cities of the Islamic world:
• Answer
• Baghdad & Cordoba
Topic 1: 800
• Question:
• Explain what the Quran is and when it was written
• Answer
• It is the exact word of God as it was told to
Muhammad; Followers of Muhammad wrote the
Quran after his death
Topic 1: 1000
• Question:
• List ALL 5 of the 5 Pillars of Islam AND describe each:
• Answer
Statement of Faith – 1x state there is only 1 God
Daily Prayer – 5x/day towards Mecca
Charity - % of their annual income 1x per year
Fasting – Sunup-Sundown during Ramadan
Hajj – 1x in life make journey to Mecca
Topic 2: 200
• Question:
• List all three of the Islamic Empires discussed in class:
• Answer
• Ottomans, Mughals, Safavids
Topic 2: 400
• Question:
• The Ottoman Empire was the first to use Janissaries
in battle. What were they?
• Answer
• Christian slave soldiers forced to fight in their army
Topic 2: 600
• Question:
• Why was Akbar such an important figure in the Mughal
• Answer
• He instituted a policy of religious tolerance and
expanded the empire
Topic 2: 800
• Question:
• Why were these empires known as the Gunpowder
Empires, and which two used it in battle?
They were the first to use gunpowder for
military purposes; Ottomans and Safavids
Topic 2: 1000
• Question:
• Explain the THREE reasons for the decline of the
Mughal Empire:
• Answer
• 1 – Reversal of Religious Tolerance led to conflict with Hindus
• 2 – No law of succession to choose next King
• 3 – Rise of European powers, such as Britain
Topic 3: 200
• Question:
• Where was Muhammad born in 570?
• Answer
• Mecca
Topic 3: 400
• Question:
• What caused Muhammad to retreat into the
mountains to pray and meditate?
• Answer
• He was upset that many people ignored the
struggles and hardships facing the poor
Topic 3: 600
• Question:
• What do Muslims believe happened to Muhammad
in that cave in 610?
• Answer:
• He was visited by the angel Gabriel, who began to
give him messages from God
Topic 3: 800
• Question:
• How did Muhammad end up going to Medina, and
what is that journey called?
• Answer
• His life was threatened and officials in Medina
invited him to go there; Journey is called the hegira
Topic 3: 1000
• Question:
• According to your notes, what were the three main
teachings of Muhammad?
• Answer
• 1: There is one and only one God
• 2: Muslims should treat one another like family
• 3: Slaves should be treated with kindness and mercy
Topic 4: 200
• Question:
• The Quran was written by:
• Answer
• Followers of Muhammad
Topic 4: 400
• Question:
• Muhammad was wealthy because of what type of
important business in Mecca?
• Answer
• Trade/Merchants/Caravans
Topic 4: 600
• Question:
• In Arabic, the term Islam means:
• Answer
• To submit to God
Topic 4: 800
• Question:
• What was the longest-lasting Muslim Empire and how
did it eventually decline?
• Answer.
• Ottoman Empire – declined after they were on the
losing side of WWI
Topic 4: 1000
• Question:
• List SIX important inventions/innovations from the
Muslim Empires:
• Answer.
• Gunpowder; inoculations; Arabic numbers; Coffee;
Camera; Checks; Surgical Tools; Carpet; Shampoo;
3-course meal; Pleasure Garden; Quilt; Parachute;
Combo Lock; Distillation; Windmill; Globe; Chess;
Pointed Arch; Fountain Pen
Topic 5: 200
• Question:
• Define the term TOLERANCE:
• Answer:
• Acceptance
Topic 5: 400
• Question:
• What was the HEGIRA?
• Answer:
• The journey Muhammad took in 622 when he fled
from Mecca to Medina
Topic 5: 600
• Question:
• Together The Quran and The Sunnah from the basis
for Islamic Law, also called:
• Answer:
• Shariah
Topic 5: 800
• Question:
• Define the terms JIHAD and PROPHET:
• Answer
• Jihad – to make an effort or to struggle
• Prophet – one that receives messages from God
Topic 5: 1000
• Question:
• Explain the difference between guidelines in The Quran
that are EXPLICITLY stated to those that are IMPLICITLY
• Answer
• Explicitly means it is fully revealed; you know exactly what
you should or should not do because it says so in the book
• Implicitly doesn’t clearly state something, but it is implied or
hinted that you should or should not do something