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Spring Semester Exam Review With Answers
Chapter 8
1. Empresario
2. Militia
travel agent; brought colonists to Texas
volunteer soldiers
3. Filibuster
a rebel; someone who tried to free Texas from Mexico
4. Land Title
proof that a person owns land
5. What 2 things did Spain require US settlers to do if they lived in Spanish land?
pledge loyalty to Spain
B Become a Catholic
6. Who was the first empresario to recruit settlers to Texas?
7. Who was the first filibuster to come to Texas?
Moses Austin then Stephen F.
Philip Nolan
8. What was the Gutierrez-Magee Expedition? Attempt to free Texas from Mexico
9. Who is the Mother of Texas? Jane Long
10. Who is the Father of Texas? Stephen F. Austin
11. What happened to Moses Austin before he could bring his colonists to Texas? He died
12. Who took over for Moses Austin? His son…Stephen F. Austin
13. What is the Old 300? The first 300 families to come to Texas
14. Who was the last filibuster in Texas? James Long
15. Who is the 2nd most important empresario in Texas who founded the town of Gonzales?
Green DeWitt
16. What does GTT stand for? Gone to Texas
Chapter 9
17. States' Rights' belief that states can make own laws and have own Constitution
18. Nationalist/Centralist believes in a strong National Government (like a dicatator)
19. Customs Duty tax on goods coming into or leaving Texas
20. What was the Fredonian Rebellion? Attempt to free Texas from Mexico
a. Who started it? Edwards Brothers and some Cherokees
b. Where did it take place? Nacogdoches/Old Stone Fort
c. What was the purpose of it? To free Nacogdoches from Mexico
21. What is the Teran report? Report written by a Mexican official who went to TX to find out
what was going on there
a. What did Teran say in his report? Mexico needed to get better control of Texas
22. What are 3 provisions of the Law of April 6, 1830?
A slavery was illegal in Mexico
B no more immigration to Texas from US
C customs duty
23. Battle of Velasco
a. What is the most significant thing about it? 1st time shots were fired between TX and
b. Who won? Texans
24. What did the delegates in the Conventions of 1832-33 do and why? Met together to form a list
of resolutions to present to Mexico…things that they wanted changed
25. What did Stephen F. Austin do that got him arrested? Wrote a letter to Texans telling them
to go ahead and write their own constitution to become an independent state in Mexico
Chapter 10
26. Annexation: becoming part of something else…Texas became part of the US
27. Who was the commander of the Alamo? William Barrett Travis
28. Why did Travis write his "Victory or Death" letter? To ask for help
29. How many days was the siege of the Alamo? 13
30. How long did the Battle of the Alamo last? 90
31. What was the last battle of the Texas Revolution? Battle of San Jacinto
32. What is Texas Independence Day? March 2, 1836
33. What are the Treaties of Velasco? Surrender of Santa Anna and agreement that TX was free
from Spain. Public treaty and SecretTreaty. Rio Grande became official boundary between TX and
34. Who was the first president of the Republic of Texas?
Sam Houston
Chapter 11
35. List 3 problems that the Republic Texas faced:
a. Mexico didn’t recognize Texas’ independence
b. Money/debt
c. Indians
36. Sam Houston thought the best solution to the Republic of Texas' problems was: annexation
37. What was the main reason Texas wasn't annexed for 10 years? slavery
38. Who was more supportive of the Native Americans? Sam Houston or Mirabeau Lamar
39. Why did the Indians resent the settlers? took their land
40. Who was the 2nd president of the Republic of Texas? Mirabeau Lamar
41. What is Mirabeau Lamar's nickname? Father of Education
42. What was the biggest problem that President Lamar faced besides the Indians? Debt
43. Texans went into a Mexican town called Mier (the Mier Expedition). Santa Anna ordered the
one out of 10 of the Texans put to death. How did he determine who would be put to death? Black
44. What year was Texas finally annexed? 1845
Chapter 12
45. Once Texas became a state in the US, the first they had to do was to write a
46. List 5 provisions of the Constitution of 1845
a. homes couldn’t’ be taken away to pay debt
b. ministers/priests couldn’t serve in legislature
c. settlers could bring slaves to TX
d. women could own land
e. established 3 Branches of Government
47. Who was the first governor of the State of Texas? James Pickney Henderson
48. After Texas was annexed, Mexico started causing problems again. What is the Treaty that
finally ended the US-Mexican problems? Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
49. What is Manifest Destiny? Idea/belief that US should expand from Atlantic to Pacific Oceans
50. What was the Mexican cession? Mexico transferred land to US
51. Free State: doesn’t believe in slavery
52. Abolitionist: person who wanted to abolish slavery
53. Who is the Great Compromiser? Henry Clay
54. What is the Compromise of 1850? Agreement to settle problems; proposed by Henry Clay and
Finished by Stephen A. Douglas
55. List 6 provisions of the Compromise of 1850:
a. California came into US as a free state
b. NM and Utah became US Territories
c, slave trade was abolished in DC
d. Fugitive Slave Law went into effect
e. Texas gave up land for 10 million
f. TX/NM Act went into effect
56. What is the Texas and New Mexico Act of 1850? Established present day borders of TX
Chapter 13
57. What is the Frontier Line? Imaginary line that divided where the settlers lived from where
the Indians roamed; present day I 35
58. Cash crop: crop sold for money
59. What was Texas' main cash crop? cotton
60. List 5 facts about Texas Governor Elisha M. Pease
a. one of Texas’ most successful governors
b. supported Permanent School Fund
c. cleared state debt
d. started hospitals for mentally ill
e. started schools for the deaf
61. List 4 reasons why people wanted to come to Texas
a. land
b. sense of adventure
c. political freedom
d. problems in their homeland (like the Irish potato famine)
62. Where did most of the immigrants to Texas come from? Germany
63. What were the 2 Wedges of Separation?
a. slavery
b. states’ rights
64. Secede: withdraw formally; separate
65. List 6 facts about slaves
a. no property rights
b. no legal rights of marriage and family
c. no way to gain freedom
d. slave families could be sold or separated
e. could not vote
f. poorest white people had more rights than slaves
66. What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854? Allowed Kansas and Nebraska to decide if they
wanted to be slave states or not
Chapter 14
67. What was the goal of the Republican Party that was formed in 1854? Stop western spread of
68. Who won the election of 1860? Abraham Lincoln
69. What did the southern states threaten to do if a Republican was elected president in 1850?
70. What was the first state to secede from the Union? North Carolina
71. What was the name of the new country that was formed when 11 states seceded from the
Union? The Confederate States of America or the Confederacy
72. Who was the first elected governor of the Confederate State of Texas? Francis R. Lubbock
73. When did the Civil War begin? April 1861
74. Why was Texas called the Storehouse of the Confederacy? Supplied/stored all of the food
and weapons for the Confederacy
75. Name 4 battles that were fought in Texas during the Civil War
a. Battle of Galveston
b. Battle of Sabine Pass
c. Battle of Dove Creek
d. Battle of Palmito Ranch
76. What is significant about the Battle of Palmito Ranch? Last land battle of Civil War; fought
after Civil War was officially over
77. Who was president of the Confederacy? Jefferson Davis
78. Who was president of the Union? Abraham Lincoln
79. Who was the Confederate general? Robert E Lee
80. Who was the Union general? Ulysses S. Grant
81. When did the Civil War end? 1865
Chapter 15
82. What is Reconstruction? Rebuilding the South; what the South had to do to get back into the
83. What is the Emancipation Proclamation? President Lincoln declared that all slaves were freed
in Confederate States
84. What is Juneteenth? June 19; day slaves were freed in Texas
85. 13th Amendment: abolished slavery
86. 14th Amendment: African Americans got civil/equal rights
87. 15th Amendment: African American men got right to vote
88. What were the Black Codes? Laws that said what African Americans could/could not do
89. Veto: say no; president/governor refuses to sign legislation signed by Congress
90. What was the Ku Klux Klan? Secret society to terrorize blacks and restore the south like it
used to be
91. Who was governor of Texas when Texas was admitted back into the Union? Edmund J Davis
Chapter 16
92. Who is Cynthia Ann Parker? White girl who was kidnapped by the Comanches; Quanah Parker’s
93. Who was chief of the Comanches? Quanah Parker
94. Who was the Kiowa chief? Satanta
95. Buffalo Hunters people who hunted buffalo for their hides
96. Buffalo Soldiers: African Americans who fought in the Civil War and against the Indians
97. What happened at the Red River War (2nd Battle of Adobe Walls and Battle at Palo Duro
Canyon)? Indians were attacked; their homes/supplies destroyed; horses stolen…the war that
finally forced the Indians to reservations
Chapter 17
98. List 3 famous cattle trails
a. Chisholm Trail
b. Western or Dodge City
c. Goodnight-Loving Trail
Also, Sedalia or Shawnee Trail
99. List 4 large ranches in Texas
a. King Ranch
b. JA Ranch
c. Matador Ranch
d. XIT Ranch
100. Who invented barbed wire? Joseph Glidden
Chapter 18 and Chapter 19
No questions
Chapter 20
101. Petroleum: oil
102. Reserve: oil/gas in ground but hasn’t been drilled yet
103. Patillo Higgins drilled Spindletop well in Beaumont
104. Spindletop: 1st big oil discovery in TX
105. Wildcatter: person who moves around and drills for oil even if they don’t’ know if oil was there
or not
106. Columbus "Dad" Joiner: discovered first big oil field in east Texas = East Texas Oil Field
107 East Texas Oil Field: very large oil field discovered in 1930s; still drilling in East TX today
108. Amon G. Carter Texas oilman who left money for museum: Amon G Carter Museum
109. What makes the rules and regulations for the oil industry in Texas?
Texas Oil and Gas Commission