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Earthquakes, Mountains, Volcanoes
Name: ________________
Choose the term that best fits in the blank.
1. Earthquakes are natural phenomena caused deep underground. There, rocks
are put under stress until at some point the rocks break. Where they break is
called the ______________. From there waves of energy shake the ground.
A. epicenter
B. focus
C. trailer
D. fault
2. Different forms of stress occur on rocks. This stress is based on the
directions that the rock moves. Usually occurring at convergent boundaries,
_______________ will cause rock to be crushed under enormous pressure.
A. sheer
B. slip-strike
C. compression
D. tension
3. Lava erupting onto the surface will cause great changes to the land
formations surrounding the point of eruption. Extremely hot rock will burn
down forests, or can pile so high that _____________ mountains are formed.
A. folded
B. fault block
C. transform
D. volcanic
4. Millions of years ago the Earth was quite different than it is, today. The
continents were all together and formed one large continent, called __________.
The tectonic plates moved to their current position over millions of years.
A. Pangea
B. Indian
C. Jurassic
D. Arabian
5. One type of mountain forms when two plates squeeze against each other.
Under incredible pressure, layers of the Earth rise high into the air. These type
of mountains are called _____________; the Appalachians are this type.
A. strike-slip
B. folded
C. fault-block
D. volcanic
6. Scientists look below the surface of Earth to understand the process of
mountain-building. They believe that liquid matter in the mantle is convecting,
this causes some plates to move apart creating a ____________ boundary.
A. transform
B. compression
C. divergent
D. convergent
7. At transform boundaries, tectonic plates slide past each other causing
earthquakes along fault lines. One of the most famous faults in the U.S. is in
California. The ___________ fault is the source of many small and large quakes.
A. San Antonio
B. Santa Cruz
C. San Jose
D. San Andreas
8. Despite the early arrival of P-waves during an earthquake, there is no reliable
system to predict when and where an earthquake will occur. Injury and death is
a real concern especially when ______________ happens during an earthquake.
A. the collapse of buildings
B. a landslide
C. a power failure
D. melting
9. Fault-block mountains are created when stresses on Earth’s surface cause
faults to open up. The collapse of the surface rock between two faults can be
created when __________ stress is applied to rock at a divergent boundary.
A. sheer
B. tension
C. compression
D. reverse
10. As scientists set out to investigate a problem they do some research and
then determine a course of action. After establishing the procedure of their
experiment, they write a __________ which they later compare to their data.
A. problem
B. materials
C. hypothesis
D. constants
11. The Richter Scale is a way for scientists to share the strength of an
earthquake with other scientists. The seismic activity will be the strongest at
the _____________ or the spot directly above the focus on the surface.
A. fault
B. focus
C. trailer
D. epicenter
12. When lava flows out of the volcano’s ___________ often the surface of the
Earth is greatly affected. The flow will cool and leave behind a large formation of
igneous rock. This is how many volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean are formed.
A. vent
B. magma
C. convection
D. ash cloud
Match the type of rock to the process of how the rock is formed
13. metamorphic rock
A. melting of solid rock
14. igneous rock
B. heat and pressure
15. sedimentary rock
C. cooling of melted rock
16. magma
D. compaction and cementation