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This information sheet is directed
 is particularly important for
at helping you to make sound
people with unpredictable
nutritional choices to put you on
conditions like MS.
the path to wellness. Nutrition is
Diet is a lifestyle factor that
an enormous topic and this
impacts on any illness and taking
information sheet assumes a basic
control of your diet is a major step
knowledge of healthy eating.
in achieving wellness. Eating your
Refresh your knowledge by
way to wellness through healthy
looking at the Australian Guide to
food might be the best advice that
Healthy Eating listed in the
you receive.
A balanced diet
There is considerable debate about
diet for people with MS. The link
between diet and MS is not proven,
but it is generally accepted that people
with MS are well advised to follow a
balanced healthy diet.
It is important that your diet is
assessed by a dietician so that a
balanced diet that suits your
physical and lifestyle needs can
be achieved.
A healthy well-balanced diet
 helps to alleviate fatigue,
maintain strength and supports
healthy bladder and bowel
 provides adequate energy,
nutrients and dietary fibre to
promote good health
A balanced diet will supply your body
with the nutrients you need to be as
active and healthy as possible. To
achieve this you should:
 include items from all 5 food groups
– carbohydrates, fruit and
vegetables, dairy products, meat or
fish and fat.
 eat a healthy breakfast every day to
give your body energy for the day
 grill, steam, bake or poach food
instead of frying and trim meat of
any visible fat before cooking.
 eat smaller amounts of meat. Try
‘meatfree Mondays’.
 use a non stick frypan to cook
without oil or butter.
 optimise nutritional value by eating
fresh food wherever possible, cook
The importance of fat
vegetables very lightly or eat them
Fat is important because it contains
concentrated energy. The healthiest
focus on wholegrain breads,
choices are monounsaturated and
pasta, rice and other whole grain
polyunsaturated fats. Look for foods
products instead of white, refined
with very little or no saturated fats and
and highly processed products so
avoid transfats – both increase
that you get the benefit of the
cholesterol levels. All fats are higher
whole grain that is packed with
in calories. Many low fat products are
essential vitamins, minerals and
higher in sugar and not lower in
fibre. Whole grains are more
filling which helps if you want to
Monunstaurated fats are found in
manage your weight.
olive and canola oils, most nuts and
avoid processed foods because
they are high in trans fats, sugar
Polyunsaturated fats are found in
and salt.
plant based oils eg safflower,
learn how to read food labels so
sunflower and sesame oils.
that you can tell the difference
Polyunsaturated fats have been the
between a healthy product and a
focus of the majority of studies into
convenient one. The ingredients
diet and MS. Polyunsaturated fats are
and nutritional values of an
further divided into 2 important forms:
enormous database of foods are
omega 3 essential fatty acids and
listed at
omega 6 essential fatty acids. It is
have regular blood tests to check
important to achieve a balance
that your diet is providing
between these two groups, so that
essential nutrients.
containing both types should be
choose Australian food products
included in your diet.
over imported and South
 Omega 3 essential fatty acids are
Australian and local whenever
present in oily fish such as salmon
you can. Your food is more likely
and mackerel, green leafy
to be fresh and supports your
vegetables and linseed oil.
 The main omega 6 essential fatty
local farmers.
choose healthy fats – olive oil,
acid is linoleic acid, found in the oils
vegetable oil, avocado and nuts.
of seeds and nuts, such as
sunflower or safflower oils. The
main benefit for MS has been found
with omega 6 essential fatty acids.
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Saturated fats are found in meat,
managing your intake of dietary fat
animal fats, coconut and palm oil and
might improve the condition of
dairy products such as butter and
people with MS.
cheese. Take away/packaged foods
generally are high in saturated fat.
Swank and the Best Bet diet
Research has shown a link between
A number of studies have established
a high intake of saturated fat and an
a direct relationship between the risk
increased risk of heart disease and
of MS and saturated fat.
certain cancers, so a healthy choice
Professor Roy Swank's research on
is to reduce your intake of saturated
144 patients over a 34-year period
fat by choosing low fat milk, cheese
was published in The Lancet (1990).
and yogurt.
The study showed that those who
Trans fats are found in hard
followed the diet had not shown any
vegetable fats eg margarine and
significant deterioration of their
foods made from them such as
condition over a 34-year period, while
biscuits, cakes, pies, sweets, snack
those that did not follow the diet did
foods and chips.
significantly deteriorate over the same
Check food labels for low fat foods
period. 45 of the bad dieters had died
and fat types.
by 34 years of MS-related causes. In
summary the diet restricts daily fat and
MS Diet
meat intake and increases omega 3
There is no conclusive evidence that
intake. More information is at
any particular diet is wholly beneficial
to people with MS however there are
vitamins, minerals and essential fatty
acids that can help the nervous
Omega 3 and omega 6 essential
Vitamin B12, found in red meat,
oily fish and dairy
proteins escaping from a leaky gut that
then causes the immune system to
fatty acids
Dr Ashton Embry based on the
hypothesis that MS is caused by food
system. These are:
The Best Bet diet was developed by
malfunction. His diet is a strict
exclusion diet, excluding dairy and
gluten in the main.
Antioxidants such as Vitamins A,
C and E and those in fresh fruit
and vegetables.
Vegetarian/vegan diets
There is debate over the value of
There is evidence that dietary fat
plays a part in the development and
progression of MS and that
eliminating all meat from your diet or
eliminating all animal products and
becoming vegan. Ultimately it is a
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personal choice. Vegetarians and
Vitamins and supplements
vegans need to plan their diet carefully
Vitamins and minerals have vital
to ensure that they cover all the
functions and complex relationships
essential nutrients, especially Vitamin
with each other, eg you can get iron
D, B12 and fish oil.
from plant sources so long as Vitamin
Eating out
C is also present at the time of
Meals at restaurants and family and
friends can be more challenging.
A decision to take supplements is a
Don’t hesitate to specify your dietary
personal one. The balance of opinion
requirements and specify how a
suggests that at the least people with
meal is cooked– eg ask for food to
MS should take 20g daily Omega3
be steamed instead of fried. If it’s
fatty acid supplements, Vitamin D
easier, take your own meal to
supplements of 5000IU daily, a B
group supplement and B12
supplements daily at 25 – 30 mcgs.
Water and other liquids
High doses of Vitamin B12 were once
Fluid intake is essential to prevent
thought to help with MS but today it is
dehydration. Too little fluid can
recognized that this will do little more
increase the risk of urinary infections,
than produce expensive urine. Avoid
fatigue and constipation and thus
supplements that claim to boost
worsen MS symptoms. You should
immune function because this can be
aim for 1.5lt of fluid (water, tea,
a problem in MS which partly results
coffee, milk, fruit juice) a day.
because of a misdirected immune
Caffeine fortified drinks such as
attack on myelin within the central
coffee, tea, cola and Red Bull are
nervous system. Do not exceed the
best in moderation as caffeine can
recommended daily of any vitamins
irritate the bladder. Alcohol should
and supplements.
be consumed in moderation and
Weight management
some think that alcohol should not be
a part of the diet of a person with
Weight loss can occur with reduced
MS. In addition alcohol is a high
appetite and will decrease your
source of calories. Alcohol should
resistance to infection. If you do not
not be taken with certain
consume enough calories then you will
medications, including
not have the energy to get through the
day and you will not be able to
maintain muscle strength.
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Weight gain can be a consequence
concentrated urine can encourage
of fatigue and mobility restrictions.
infection and low liquid intake can
Being overweight is a contributing
also cause constipation.
factor to numerous other medical
Swallowing difficulties or dysphagia
conditions and in itself can make it
can exist for some people with MS and
more difficult to get around. Weight
may be fatigue related or a result of
gain may not be directly linked to
poor co-ordination. Try to take smaller
your MS so seek a dietician’s advice.
mouthfuls, mash or mince foods and
Aim for a healthy BMI
choose soft foods. Seek detailed
advice from therapists at the Society.
ass for good health.
Constipation, weight gain and urinary
tract infections often occur for people
Symptoms and diet
with MS who have mobility
Buying and preparing food can be
limitations. If this is the case for you
more difficult if you are affected by
then ensure that your diet has a good
fatigue. Prepare meals ahead and
proportion of bulky low fat high fibre
freeze meals for days when you are
foods eg bananas, fruit, whole grains
too tired to cook, ask for help
and fluids.
preparing foods and use energy
Tremor can affect your nutritional
saving utensils and gadgets such as
needs or your approach to eating.
choppers, blenders and
Constant tremor uses up calories so
dishwashers. Microwaves can be a
you may need to eat more to avoid
healthier way of cooking, time
weight loss or worsening fatigue.
saving, easier to keep clean and they
Severe spasticity and postural
don’t heat up the kitchen. Utilise
difficulties can also lead to poor diet
food home delivery services for
and in severe cases, malnutrition.
prepared meals (choose healthy
Seek advice on adaptive aids from
ones – many are high in fat) and
staff at the Society.
food items. Buy precut and frozen
Visual problems such as double
vegetables and trimmed meat if you
vision or blurring can make food
are too tired to cut and chop.
preparation more hazardous and time
Many people with bladder issues
consuming. Adaptive aids can reduce
reduce their intake of fluid to limit
the issues.
their trips to the toilet, but this is not
advised. Low amounts of
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If you are interested in more information
The Society has more information sheets included in the Healthy Living Series as
well as a Managing MS and Symptoms series. Please see the website for more
Wahlqvist M (ed) Food and Nutrition Food and Health systems in Australia and
New Zealand 3rd edition 2011
Dept of Health and Ageing the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating 2008
Nutrition Australia
The Healthy living Pyramid
Go for 2&5
Direct MS
Best Bet Diet
Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF)
MS In Focus Issue 5 2005 Healthy Living
Overcoming MS - Dr George Jelinek’s website
The Food Coach
Dietician Association of Australia
MS Active Source
MS Diet and nutrition
Multiple Sclerosis Society (Canada)
Healthy Eating: A Guide for people with MS
MS Trust (UK)
Diet Fact Sheet
Multiple Sclerosis Society (UK)
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National Multiple Sclerosis Society (US)
Momentum Fall 09 Healthy Living Diet the skinny on the Swank MS Diet
Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre (MSRC)
INFO43 CS Healthy Living – Diet
Last Updated 28 March 2011
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