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Grade 6 Life Posttest
Select the best answer to each question.
1. Eugene is studying the levels of structural organization of an animal’s body. Which level would describe a
dog’s eye?
A. organ
B. tissue
C. organism
D. organ system
2. The organization of the human body includes both nervous tissue and muscle tissue. What do both nervous
tissue and muscle tissue have in common?
A. Each tissue is found in only one organ in an organism.
B. They are both found in the same organ inside an organism.
C. Each tissue is made of groups of similar cells that work together.
D. They are organized into organ systems that help an organism live.
3. The diagram below shows the organization of some structures found in the human body.
Which level of organization in the human body does the diagram best represent?
A. cell
B. tissue
C. molecule
D. organ system
4. Kayla summarizes the cell theory to her class. She states that all organisms are made up of one or more cells.
Which pair of statements correctly completes her summary?
All cells come from existing cells, and all cells have the same parts.
All cells are the same size, and the cell is the basic unit of all organisms.
The cell is the basic unit of all organisms, and all cells have the same parts.
The cell is the basic unit of all organisms, and all cells come from existing cells.
5. Part of the cell theory states that the cell is the basic unit of all living things. Julio wanted to use an analogy to
explain this statement to his friend. What analogy should Julio use?
A. Books tell different stories.
B. Newspapers are printed every day.
C. Words can either be written or spoken.
D. The same letters are used to make all the words.
6. Look closely at the diagram below.
Which statement that is part of the cell theory is shown in this diagram?
A. Cells contain genetic material.
B. Cells come from existing cells.
C. Cells are surrounded by a cell membrane.
D. Cells are the basic units of all living things.
7. Cells exchange materials with the environment around them. What is the main reason for this?
to replace damaged and dying cells
to keep the cell membrane functioning
to release energy into the environment
to get rid of wastes and take in nutrients
8. Cells must maintain homeostasis to survive. To do this, cells use various processes. One process keeps the
right amount of water inside the cell. Which statement describes a cell that is maintaining homeostasis by
keeping its water concentration stable?
A. A cell is gaining more water than it loses.
B. A cell takes in the same amount of water as it loses.
C. A cell loses all its water to its surrounding environment.
D. A cell first takes in water gradually and then more rapidly.
9. Jose and Brianna worked together on a science fair project. They studied how cells responded to changes in
their environment. They measured the temperature of the cells as they changed the temperature of the cells’
environment. Jose and Brianna prepared a graph to show their results. The graph below shows four sets of
Jose and Brianna discovered that the cells maintained homeostasis even though the temperature changed.
Which line represents the graph that Jose and Brianna included in their report?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
____ 10. What is the main function of chloroplasts in a plant cell?
A. They produce proteins.
B. They store water and food.
C. They perform photosynthesis.
D. They protect cells from the surrounding environment.
____ 11. Jacob is studying cell organelles. He knows that light energy drives photosynthesis. Look closely at the
diagram below.
What conclusion can Jacob make when he compares the function of chloroplasts and mitochondria in plant
A. Chloroplasts and mitochondria work together inside a plant cell.
B. Chloroplasts and mitochondria work independently of one another.
C. Light energy also drives the chemical reactions inside mitochondria.
D. Light energy is responsible for providing all the energy that a plant cell needs.
____ 12. Many animals have skeletons that provide support so that they can remain upright. In contrast, plants cells
depend on a cellular structure for support. What structure provides support for a plant cell?
A. nucleus
B. cell wall
C. chloroplast
D. cell membrane
____ 13. Which statement correctly describes the interaction of two body systems?
A. The nervous system produces chemical messages that control the function of the
reproductive system.
B. The digestive system breaks down food into nutrients that are carried to cells by the
cardiovascular system.
C. The cardiovascular system takes oxygen to cells and removes carbon dioxide, which is
excreted by the urinary system.
D. The respiratory system obtains oxygen and delivers it to the muscular system, which
delivers oxygen to other body cells.
____ 14. Body systems rarely work independently of one another. For example, the muscular system works closely
with other body systems to maintain homeostasis. Muscle cells require a constant supply of oxygen so that the
muscles can contract. Which body systems are responsible for providing oxygen to the cells in this system?
A. digestive system and circulatory system
B. nervous system and respiratory system
C. muscular system and excretory system
D. respiratory system and circulatory system
____ 15. The diagram below shows four body systems.
Which number indicates the system that acts as the central command post by controlling the actions of the
other systems shown in this diagram?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
____ 16. The following picture shows three pathogens. The disease each pathogen causes appears below its picture.
Which treatment might be given to someone infected with either of the first two pathogens, but would not be
given to treat the third pathogen?
antiviral drugs
ultraviolet radiation
____ 17. Viruses are different than other infectious agents. How are viruses different from the others?
A. Viruses are not alive.
B. Viruses do not reproduce.
C. Viruses can easily infect the body.
D. Viruses are responsible for noninfectious diseases.
____ 18. The table below lists some diseases and their causes.
Athlete’s foot
Strep throat
Which is the only disease that can effectively be treated with an antibiotic?
A. athlete’s foot
B. malaria
C. mononucleosis
D. strep throat
____ 19. Which of the following statements correctly identifies the general characteristics of organisms in a domain?
A. Domain Eukarya includes single-celled organisms that lack nuclei.
B. Domain Bacteria includes multicellular organisms that make their own food.
C. Domain Archaea includes single-celled organisms that can be found in hot springs and
thermal vents.
D. Domain Protista includes single-celled and simple multicellular organisms that have
plantlike or animal-like characteristics.
____ 20. Fish, snails, zebras, and fruit flies are all organisms, and they look very different from each other. All
organisms can be classified into six kingdoms: Eubacteria, Archaea, Protist, Fungus, Plant, and Animal.
Although the organisms listed above look very different, they are all members of the same kingdom. Which
kingdom do they belong to, and what is a characteristic shared by all organisms in this kingdom?
A. Animal; All animals are multicellular.
B. Eubacteria; All eubacteria have eukaryotic cells.
C. Animal; All animals live in a marine environment.
D. Protist; All protists can move around in their environment.
____ 21. Which statement explains why scientists classify organisms into groups based on shared characteristics?
A. Classification helps scientists understand how the parts of a cell work together.
B. Classification helps scientists understand the chemical reactions that are necessary for
organisms to live.
C. Classification helps scientists understand the relationships between different species.
D. Classification helps scientists understand how ecosystems can be organized into levels of
Grade 6 Life Posttest
Answer Section
1. ANS: A
• A is correct because an eye is an organ. An organ is less specialized than an organism or an organ system.
• B is incorrect because an eye is an organ. An organ is more specialized than tissue.
• C is incorrect because an eye is an organ. An organ is less specialized than an organism.
• D is incorrect because an eye is an organ. An organ is less specialized than an organ system.
STA: SC.6.L.14.1
2. ANS: C
A is incorrect because nervous tissue is found in the brain and other parts of the nervous system, and muscle
tissue is found in organs, such as the heart, intestines, and muscular organs all over the body.
B is incorrect because each of the two tissues is found in different organs and in different organ systems.
C is correct because a tissue is composed of cells that have a similar structure and do similar things in their
D is incorrect because tissues make up the organs, which in turn make up organ systems.
STA: SC.6.L.14.1
3. ANS: D
A is incorrect because cells make up the tissues that then form the bones shown in the diagram.
B is incorrect because tissues are part of what makes up an organ in an organ system.
C is incorrect because the molecules are part of the organization of the human body that is found inside cells.
D is correct because the skeleton is organ system made up of bones.
STA: SC.6.L.14.1
4. ANS: D
A is incorrect because different types of cells have different parts.
B is incorrect because not all cells are the same size. For example, prokaryotic cells are typically smaller than
eukaryotic cells.
C is incorrect because different types of cells have different parts.
D is correct because the cell theory states that the cell is the basic unit of life and that all cells come from
existing cells.
STA: SC.6.L.14.2
5. ANS: D
A is incorrect because this analogy does not show how a book is made from a basic unit, such as a page or
B is incorrect because this analogy does not show how a newspaper is made from a basic unit, such as a
printed page or a story.
C is incorrect because this analogy does not show that words are made from basic units or letters.
D is correct because letters are the building blocks of all words.
STA: SC.6.L.14.2
6. ANS: B
A is incorrect because although cells contain genetic material, it is not one of the three parts of cell theory.
B is correct because this illustration shows two new cells coming from an existing cell.
C is incorrect because the cell membrane is not one of the three parts of cell theory.
D is incorrect because this diagram shows only a one-celled organism dividing.
STA: SC.6.L.14.2
7. ANS: D
A is incorrect because replacing damaged and dying cells is the main reason for cell division, not material
B is incorrect because although the cell membrane facilitates material exchange, cells don’t exchange
materials to keep the cell membrane functioning.
C is incorrect because cells do not exchange materials to release energy into their environments. Cells store
energy for their own use.
D is correct because cells exchange materials with the environments around them so they can get rid of wastes
and take in nutrients.
STA: SC.6.L.14.3
8. ANS: B
A is incorrect because the cell will swell from the excess water and could burst.
B is correct because the cell is maintaining its internal water concentration.
C is incorrect because the cell would shrink as it loses water.
D is incorrect because the cell would continuously get larger, would lose its homeostasis as it takes water in
faster, and would possibly die.
STA: SC.6.L.14.3
9. ANS: C
A is incorrect because this line shows that the cells’ temperature increased over time, which would not be
B is incorrect because this line shows that the temperature in the cells gradually became greater over time,
which indicates the cells were not maintaining homeostasis.
C is correct because this line shows that the cells maintained homeostasis by keeping a constant temperature
inside the cells.
D is incorrect because this line shows that the temperature of the cells decreased as time passed. which would
be an indication of the cells not maintaining homeostasis.
STA: SC.6.L.14.3
10. ANS: C
A is incorrect because chloroplasts perform photosynthesis; ribosomes produce proteins.
B is incorrect because chloroplasts perform photosynthesis; vacuoles store water and food.
C is correct because the main function of the chloroplasts is to perform photosynthesis.
D is incorrect because the chloroplasts perform photosynthesis; the cell wall surrounds and protects plant
STA: SC.6.L.14.4
11. ANS: A
A is correct because the arrows indicate the relationship between these two processes.
B is incorrect because the arrows show that chloroplasts provide the materials for mitochondria to use and
vice versa.
C is incorrect because this diagram shows that light energy only affects photosynthesis.
D is incorrect because mitochondria carry out cellular respiration to provide energy to a plant cell.
STA: SC.6.L.14.4
12. ANS: B
A is incorrect because the nucleus contains hereditary information and directs the activities within the cell.
B is correct because plant cell walls contain material that helps make the cell wall rigid.
C is incorrect because the chloroplast is where photosynthesis happens.
D is incorrect because the cell membrane is where materials enter and leave a cell.
STA: SC.6.L.14.4
13. ANS: B
• A is incorrect because the endocrine system produces hormones that control the activity of the other body
• B is correct because the digestive system delivers nutrients to the cardiovascular system. The blood then
carries these nutrients to all body cells.
• C is incorrect because the respiratory system, not the urinary system, excretes carbon dioxide.
• D is incorrect because the cardiovascular system, not the muscular system, delivers oxygen.
STA: SC.6.L.14.5
14. ANS: D
A is incorrect because the digestive system supplies nutrients, not oxygen.
B is incorrect because the nervous system does not play a direct role in getting oxygen to the cells.
C is incorrect because the function of the excretory system is to eliminate wastes.
D is correct because the respiratory system brings oxygen into the lungs where it is then distributed to the
cells by the circulatory system.
STA: SC.6.L.14.5
15. ANS: C
A is incorrect because 1 shows the circulatory system which sends nutrients, blood, and oxygen around the
B is incorrect because 2 shows the digestive system which breaks down food so the body can use it.
C is correct because 3 shows the nervous system which coordinates the functions of the other body systems.
D is incorrect because 4 shows the respiratory system which takes in oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide.
STA: SC.6.L.14.5
16. ANS: A
• A is correct because antibiotics treat bacterial infections. Tuberculosis and strep throat are caused by
• B is incorrect because antiseptics are cleaners.
• C is incorrect because antiviral drugs treat viral infections, such as the common cold.
• D is incorrect because ultraviolet radiation is a mutagen.
STA: SC.6.L.14.6
17. ANS: A
A is correct because viruses are not made up cells and can only reproduce by infecting cells.
B is incorrect because viruses can reproduce rapidly after infecting a cell.
C is incorrect because all pathogens can easily infect the body.
D is incorrect because viruses, like all pathogens, cause infectious diseases.
STA: SC.6.L.14.6
18. ANS: D
A is incorrect because an antibiotic is effective only against bacteria.
B is incorrect because parasites are not affected by antibiotics.
C is incorrect because an antibiotic does not work against a viral pathogen.
D is correct because an antibiotic is designed to kill bacteria.
STA: SC.6.L.14.6
19. ANS: C
A is incorrect because organisms in Domain Eukarya have nucleated cells.
B is incorrect because organisms in Domain Bacteria are single-celled, not multicellular.
C is correct. Members of Domain Archaea can live in very harsh environments.
D is incorrect because Protista is one of the four kingdoms of Domain Eukarya.
STA: SC.6.L.15.1
20. ANS: A
A is correct because these organisms are animals, and all animals are multicellular.
B is incorrect because these organisms are not eubacteria, and although these organisms have eukaryotic cells,
eubacteria do not have eukaryotic cells.
C is incorrect because although these organisms are animals, not all animals live in a marine environment.
D is incorrect because these organisms are not protists, and although these organisms can move around the
environment, not all protists can move around the environment.
STA: SC.6.L.15.1
21. ANS: C
A is incorrect because the classification of organisms does not address questions about how cells function.
B is incorrect because the classification of organisms does not address questions about the chemistry of life.
C is correct because classifying organisms allows scientists to make sense and order of the differences
between species.
D is incorrect because the classification of organisms does not address questions about ecosystems and the
STA: SC.6.L.15.1