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How the energy of an object relates to its:
● Speed (Week 1)
How energy can be transferred through:
● Sound (Week 2)
● Light (Week 3)
● Heat (Week 4)
● Electrical currents (Week 5)
Week 1
Energy and Speed
● ENERGY: the strength and vitality
required for sustained physical activity
● SPEED: the rate at which an object moves
All energy can be divided into two groups:
potential energy and kinetic energy.
What is Potential Energy?
● Potential Energy - energy caused by an
object’s position or shape
● This is energy that is stored and is waiting
to be used up later.
What is Kinetic Energy?
● Kinetic Energy - the energy of motion;
depends on speed and mass
● This is active energy and object has due
to its motion.
Acceleration and Velocity
● Acceleration:the rate at which velocity
(speed) changes
● Velocity: an object’s speed in a specific
How can we change the
velocity of an object?
We can...
● Change the Slope: the
steepness, incline, or grade
of a straight line
● Use Force: A push or pull
that causes an object to
move, stop, or change
Force and Work
● A force can do work when acting on a body
or object.
● Work: when a force causes an object to
react in the direction of the force
● Friction affects velocity and acceleration.
● Friction: a force that acts against or stops
motion when an object rubs against another
● All objects have inertia.
● Inertia: the tendency of an object
to remain unchanged until that
state is changed by an external