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What Does it Take to Make an Object Move?
- Objects with more mass are harder to set in motion.
- A push or pull that acts on an object is a force.
An Objects Natural Motion?
- The mass of an object makes it resist being set in motion.
- The tendency of an object to resist change of motion is called inertia.
- Galileo was the scientist that began to understand how inertia affects
the movement of objects.
Is Force Needed to Maintain Motion?
- Friction acts against moving objects and opposes the movement.
- If friction is taken away, no force is needed to maintain motion at a
steady rate.
- Newton’s First Law of Motion – Objects at rest remain at rest and
objects traveling at a steady rate in a straight line continue that way
until a force acts on them.
Where is it?
- You are moving if you are changing position. Position is the location
of an object.
What Speed Is
- The speed of an object is how fast its position is changed with time at
any moment.
What is Velocity?
- The speed of a moving object taken together with its direction of
travel gives the velocity for the object.
- Two things can have the same speed but different velocities if they
are moving in different directions.
What is Acceleration?
- A change in velocity is called acceleration.
- A special case of acceleration (deceleration) occurs when a force
causes the speed of an object to decrease.
What Keeps Things Moving in a Circle?
- A force must act upon an object for it to move in a circle and resist
moving in a straight line.