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 Salivary glands: where saliva is produced to help break down food within the
 Esophagus: a muscular tube that carries food to the stomach
 Stomach: churns the food and produces acid that helps in digestion
 Small intestine: nutrients pass through the walls into the bloodstream
 Pancreas: releases enzymes into the small intestine to aid in digestion
 Liver: where bile is made in order to aid in digestion
 Gall bladder: where bile is stored
 Saliva: a liquid in the mouth that helps to break down food for digestion
 Large intestine: absorbs the remaining water in the undigested food
 Villi: located in the small intestine, helps absorb nutrients from food
Heart: the muscle in your body that pumps and circulates blood throughout your
Atrium: the upper chamber of the heart
Ventricle: the lower chamber of the heart
Septum: the thin muscular wall that divides the heart into a right and left side
Aorta: the largest artery in the body
Arteries: vessels that transport blood away from the heart
Capillaries: extremely thin vessels where oxygen and nutrients in the blood are
exchanged for carbon dioxide and wastes
Veins: vessels that transport blood towards the heart
Pulmonary arteries: carries oxygen-poor blood to the lungs where carbon dioxide
is exchanged for oxygen
Pulmonary veins: carries oxygen-rich blood from the lungs into the left atrium of
the heart
Bacteria: germs that are foreign to the body
White blood cell: cells in our body that help us to stay healthy and fight germs
Macrophage: a type of white blood cell that is the first to spot the germ
Lymph node: located throughout the body and house white blood cells
Spleen: houses white blood cells
T-cells: a white blood cell that attacks the germ
B-cells: a white blood cell that produce antibodies
Antibody: coat germs to prevent them from harming the body ant to make them
easier to kill
Skin: first line of defense against germs
Cerebrum: part of the brain that controls our thinking, emotions, sensations,
memory and movement
Cerebellum: part of the brain that coordinates movement and balance
Brain stem: receives and relays information from the face, eyes, nose and tongue,
keeps our heart beating and controls our breathing
Spinal cord: made up of millions of nerves, it receives and relays information
from all areas of the body
Neurons: millions of cells that make up nerves
Nerves: send messages throughout the body
Axon: the long trunk of a nerve
Dendrites: the smaller branches of a nerve
Synapses: small spaces between the axons and dendrites
Oxygen: the air we breathe
Diaphragm: large breathing muscle that separates the heart and lungs from the
abdominal cavity, contracts and draws air into the nose and mouth
Trachea: the tube where air travels down to the bronchial tubes, also called “wind
Bronchial tubes: air enters into on of the two tubes that carry air into the lungs
Bronchioles: smaller tubes that branch from the bronchial tubes
Alveoli: tiny air sacs that are located at the end of the bronchioles
Carbon dioxide: we breathe out this chemical
Lung: where the exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen takes place
 Skeleton: made up of several different types of bones, provides us with structural
 Bones: tough tissue that make up our skeleton to help provide us with support
 Joints: where bones come together
 Ligaments: bands of strong tissue that connect bone to bone
 Cartilage: covers bone ends to help the joint move smoothly, protects bones from
wear and tear
 Muscles: fibrous bands that help us move and some of our organs function
 Tendons: tough fibrous bands that attach muscle to bone
 Skeletal muscle: provide power needed to move
 Cardiac muscle: found in heart, provide power to pump blood throughout body
 Smooth muscle: found in the walls of the body’s internal organs, performs many
involuntary actions like forcing food through the intestinal tract