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8th Grade Health Unit Test 1 ‐ Human Anatomy Review Sheet Name: ____________ Test Date:__________ 1. Skeleton: The Body’s Framework a. Muscles – Allows movement b. Organs – group of cells and tissues working together to perform a job c. How many bones make up the human body? 206 d. What is the largest bone in the body? Femur 2. Skull – A box for the brain a. Cranium – Round part of the skull that surrounds the brain b. What is the purpose of the skull? Protect the brain c. What are the large soft spots called on an infant’s skull? Fontanels Spine How many vertebrae are there? 33 __7___ Cervical ___12__ Thoracic ___5__ Lumber __5__ Fused Sacral ___4__ Coccyx What are the functions of the Atlas – Supports the head Axis – Allows you to nod and shake your head What does the spine protect? Spinal Cord 3. Inside Bones a. What are bones made of? Minerals and Collagen b. Minerals – Makes bones hard c. Collagen – Makes bones slightly elastic d. Bone Marrow – Create new blood for the rest of the body e. What is osteoporosis? Bones become brittle and more likely to break due to loss of calcium Muscles f. Joints – A place where two bones meet, or where bone and cartilage meet g. Ligaments – Connects bone to bone h. Tendons – Muscles connect to bones i.
Cardiac – Involuntary muscle found only in the heart j.
Smooth – Involuntary muscle found in the digestive system, blood vessels, bladder, and airways. k. Skeletal – Striated muscle that attaches to the skeleton. The Brain Cerebrum – Largest part of the brain where thinking takes place Hypothalamus – Regulates body temperature, heart rate, hunger, and thirst, and with the pituitary gland, regulates growth and sexual development Brainstem – Regulates basic life functions such as heart beat, breathing, swallowing, and waste elimination Cerebellum – Governs balance, muscle movement, and posture Pituitary Gland – Regulates growth Heart/Pumping Blood Circulatory System – Network of vessels that carries blood up and down the body Veins carry blood __towards______ the heart Arteries carry blood ___away____ from the heart Aorta – Largest artery that carries blood to the body from the heart Red Blood Cells‐ Carries oxygen from lungs to cells White Blood cells‐ Fight off infection Platelets‐ Creates blood clots and stop bleeding Main organ of the circulatory system – Heart, Blood and Blood vessels Lungs – Sponge‐like respiratory organs Respiratory System – Bodies breathing system Diaphragm – Muscle that moves up and down to help lungs pull air into and push air out of the body Alveoli – Tiny air sacs within the lungs Larynx – The part of the respiratory system that helps us speak known as the voice box Bronchi – The two branches of the windpipe that pull air in and out of the lungs Liver – Largest organ inside the body, which produces bile and filters toxins out of nutrient rich blood Small Intestine – Major site of digestion and absorbs nutrients from food Large Intestine (colon) – Receives waste from small intestine absorbs water and solidifies stool Esophagus – Transports food from mouth into stomach Stomach – Acts as a reservoir for the food we eat and secretes acid and enzymes to liquefy food Pathway of digestion‐ Mouth‐ stomach‐small intestine‐large intestine‐rectum‐