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CS 305 – Introduction to
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
A First-Order Logic Tutorial
This tutorial was created to help explain
first-order logic
The Basics
Constant symbols: B, X, Jane, Ralph
A specific object in the world
Predicate symbols: Parent(John, Jane),
Brother(Jack, Jill)
Refers to a relation in a model
Ex: John is Jane’s Parent
Ex: Jack is Jill’s brother
The Basics (continued)
Function Symbols: FatherOf(John),
An object is directly related to exactly one
other object
Ex: The object John is directly related to the
object John by the relationship FatherOf. That
object may be called Ralph.
Ex: The object Jill is directly related to another
object called Sparky by the relation PetOf.
The Basics (continued)
Terms: A, Jane, Ralph, FatherOf(John),
Atomic Sentences: Parent(John, Jane),
Brother(Jack, Jill)
Logical representation that refers to an particular
Predicate symbol followed parenthesized list of
Complex Sentences:
Constructed by using logical connectives
Connectives include: ,,,,
Examples of Sentences
Understanding how to construct basic
sentences is key to using FOL
Ex: YoungerThan(Joe, Jim)
Parent(Adam, Zoe)  Parent(Jane, Adam)
This sentence says “Joe is younger than Jim”
This sentence says “Adam is Zoe’s parent and
Jane is Adam’s Parent”
Ex: Cat(Morris)  Likes(Morris, catnip)
This sentence says “If Morris is a cat then he likes
Create your own sentences
Given the following English sentences,
create FOL sentences
Fido is Jack’s pet.
Jill owns a car.
Tweety is a yellow bird and is Bob’s pet.
Tom is a cat and Jerry is a bird.
Create your own sentences
English: Fido is Jack’s pet.
English: Jill owns a car.
FOL: Owns(Jill,car)
English: Tweety loves bird seed and he is
Bob’s pet.
FOL: Pet(Fido, Jack)
FOL: Loves(Tweety,bird seed)  Pet(Tweety,Bob)
English: Tom is a cat and Jerry is a bird.
FOL: Cat(Tom)  Bird(Jerry)
Representing Collections
How can you represent of an entire
collection of objects using FOL?
Refer to “All people…” or “There is a
Ex: How can one state “All dogs like bones”
using FOL?
Ex: How can one state “Someone likes liver”
using FOL?
Universal Quantifier: 
“For all….”
Ex: “All dogs like bones”
FOL: xDog(x)  Likes(x,bones)
This reads “For any object x, if x is a dog then x likes
Ex: “Anything with a beak and feathers is a bird”
FOL: xHasBeak(x)  HasFeathers(x)  Bird(x)
This reads “For any object x, if x has a beak and x has
feathers then x is a bird”
Existential Quantifier: 
“There exists….”
Ex: “There is someone who likes liver”
FOL: xLikes(x, liver)
This reads “There is an object x that likes liver”
Ex: “Mary owns a coat”
xOwns(Mary,x)  Coat(x)
Using Inference FOL (Proofs)
Recognize which rules you can use.
The primary rules you can use are the Inference
Rules on pages 211-212 (these rules apply to FOL
as well as propositional logic)
In order to apply these rules, you must also have
rules to handle (get rid of) quantifiers.
The rules to accomplish this are discussed on pages 272273
Simple Proof
Suppose we have the following
Anything that barks is a dog. Fido barks.
We wish to prove that Fido is a dog.
This fact is obvious to us but how can a
computer prove this?
See the next slide
Simple Proof (continued)
Step 1: State the facts you know in FOL
We know anything that barks is a dog.
State this fact in FOL:
a. xBarks(x)  Dog(x)
This says “If x barks then x is a dog”. We are given
this fact.
We know that Fido barks. State this fact in
B. Barks(Fido)
Simple Proof (continued)
Step 2: Remove all quantifiers
Apply the Universal Instantiation inference
rule to remove the universal quantifier ()
in sentence a
The result is:
c. Barks(Fido)  Dog(Fido)
Simple Proof (continued)
So far we have the following sentences:
A. xBarks(x)  Dog(x)
B. Barks(Fido)
C. Barks(Fido)  Dog(Fido)
Step 3: See what inference rules can be
Think about what we want to do: Eliminate the
implication in C, leaving the sentence “Dog(Fido)”
How can we so this? Use Modens Ponens
D. Dog(Fido)
Simple Proof (continued)
Our entire proof looks like:
A. xBarks(x)  Dog(x)
State a given fact
B. Barks(Fido)
State a given fact
C. Barks(Fido)  Dog(Fido)
Apply Universal Instantiation on C
D. Dog(Fido)
Apply Modus Ponens to B and C