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Suez Canal University
Faculty of Science.
Introduction to petrology (GE 106 )
First semester exam 2012-2013
2nd level geology
I-Choose the correct answer:
(50 degrees)
a. should have formed under the same conditions.
b. should have formed in the same sequences.
c. should have formed at the same time.
d. should have the same structural trends and forces.
e. all of the above
a. convergent plate boundaries
b. divergent plate boundaries
c-transform faults
d. all of the above
e. non of the above.
3. Which of the following are common cements in sedimentary rocks?
a. calcite
c. iron oxide
d. all three of the above
e. none of the above
4. When a rock is attacked by water, wind, gravity or some other force and breaks up into
smaller pieces, this is an example of
a. chemical
b. solutional
c. biological
d. mechanical
e. proportional
a. clastic sedimentary
b. chemical sedimentary
c. igneous
d. metamorphic
e. organic sedimentary rock
6. In which of the following environm!ents might you expect limestone to form?
b. deep marine
c. lakes and streams
d. swamp
e. beach
7. What are the two most abundant
a. oxygen and nitrogen
b. nitrogen and iron
c. silicon and iron
d. oxygen and silicon
e. oxygen and iron
elements in the Earth's
8. If you were to take a journey to the center of the earth, you would find that:
a. both pressure and temperature increase as you go down
b. both pressure and temperature decrease as you do down
c. pressure increases but temperature decreases as you go down
d. temperature increases but pressure decreases as you go down
e. all of the above
9.The rock that results from the metamorphosis
a. hornfels
b. quartzite
c. gneiss
d. marble
e. all of the above
10. In which of the following environments
a. reef
b. deep marine
c. lakes and streams
d. swamp
e. beach
of relatively pure limestone is:
might you expect sandstone to form?
11. Breccia
a. is a type of intrusive igneous rock
b. is a type of extrusive igneous rock
c. is a gabbro in which all the quartz is replaced by olivine, pyroxene, and other minerals from Bowens
Reaction Series
d. is similar to sandstone but contains feldspar
e. is similar to a conglomerate but contains angular pieces
12.Which ofthe following may transport
a. water
b. wind
c. gravity
d. ice
e. all of the above
13. Which of the following is a mafic intrusive
a. obsidian
c. rhyolite
d. granite
e. basalt
prior to a sedimentary
igneous rock?
rock forming?
1~. What type of plate boundary is most directly associated withlmountain building?
a. transform fault
b. divergent margin
c. convergent margin
"d. spreading center
, e. basin and range
15. In the rock cycle, the process that changes igneous rock into sedimentary rock involves:
a. melting, solidification and sedimentation
b. heat and pressure induced changes
c. cooling and crystallization
d. melting, metamorphism and lithification
e. weathering, transportation and deposition
16.Pangaea is
a. a type of fold-belt mountain
b. a type of igneous rock associated with transform faults
c. the name of a supercontinent that once existed
d. the theory that explains why earthquakes and volcanoes occur around the Pacific
e. all of the above
17. The outer layer of the Earth, consisting of the crust and outermost mantle, is called the
outer core
inner core
18. Which of the following is true about ferromagnesian minerals:
a. they tend to have dark colors
b. they include pyroxenes and amphiboles
c. they contain iron or magnesium
d. they have higher specific gravity than quartz or feldspar
e. all of the above
19. Metamorphic rocks form through all of the following processes EXCEPT:
a. compacting under high pressure
b. melting and recrystallizing
c. chemically changing under the influence of ion-containing fluids
d. chemically changing under the influence of heat
e. chemically and structurally changing as the result of a meteor impact
20. Which low-grade metamorphic rock, composed of extremely fine-sized mica and other
mineral grains, typically exhibits well-developed rock cleavage?
a. schist
b. hornfels
c. slate
d. gneiss
e. quartzite
21.Ecologite facies rocks are formed
a. around intruding igneous rocks such as batholiths
b. within shallower parts of subduction zones
c. under the deepest parts of subduction zones, well below the roots of mountains
d. within transform faults as a result of heat produced by friction
e. where a meteor impacts the earth
22. The type of metamorphi~m that results entirely from the heat of magma and from hot
circulating fluids is:
a. contact metamorphism
b. regional metamorphism
c. dynamothermal metamOl1>hism
d. shock metamOl~hism
e. non of the aboNe
23. What is the largest of all intrusive igneous bodies?
a. dike
-b. sill
c. lappolith
d. pluton
e. batholith
24. The difference between mudstone, sandstone and conglomerate is mostly
a. mineral composition
b. grain size
c. density
d. hardness
e. fissility
25. Crystals in pegmatites are large because
a. crystallization occurred at very high temperatures
b. there was lots of water or other fluid present at the time of crystallization
c. crystallization occurred at very low temperatures
d. pegmatites are very silica poor
e. pegmatites form in veins
26. Regional metamorphism generally occurs
a. when a rock is near or touching a pluton
b. along a fault zone
c. at the site of a meteor impact
d. in mountain belts during mountain building
27. Which of the following is a foliated rock composed of alternating bands of light and dark
silicate minerals?
a. schist
b. hornfels
c. gneiss
d. quartzite
e. slate
28. Which of the following mineral groups is most abundant in the Earth's crust:
a. nitrate
b. oxide
c. carbonate
d. shale
e. silicate
29. Which of the following rocks is composed primarily of clay?
a. shale
b. granite
c. sandstone
d. limestone
e. dolomite
30. Which of the following rock is NOT (in general) a t~pe of detrital sedimentary
a. conglomerate
b. breccia
c. limestone
d. sandstone
e. mudstone
31. The term "metamorphic
grade" refers/to:
a. the intensity or metamorphic conditions on the parent rock
b. the angle or slope of a body of metamorphic rocks
c. the economic value of the minerals found in a metamorphic rock
d. the number of distinct mineral zones, or aureoles, found in a body of metamorphic rock
32. The term "foliation" in metamorphic rocks refers to:
a. the inclusion of fossilized plant remains in rocks
b. a quantitative measure of the degree of metamorphism
c. folding of the rock by lateral pressure
d. a consistent orientation of the mineral grains
33. Bowen's reaction series shows:
a. which minerals crystallize fIrst as a magma cools from a liquid to a solid
b. which rocks will develop an aphanitic texture and which will form a phaneritic texture
c. why quartz, potassium feldspars, and muscovite form as mafic minerals, while olivine and pyroxene
form as felsic minerals
d. which magmas will form extrusive igneous rocks and which will form intrusive igneous rocks
34. The geothermal gradient describes how:
a. pressure increases with depth within the Earth
b. temperature increases with depth within the Earth
c. magma becomes more mafic with depth within the Earth
d. water content increases with depth within the Earth
35. The type of metamorphism that results entirely from the heat of magma and from hot
circulating fJ.uids is:
a. contact metamorphism
b. regional metamorphism
c. dynamothermal metamorphism
d. shock metamorphism
36. If a metamorphic
a. quartzite
b. shale or mudstone
c. sandstone
rock contains lots of quartz, what was it before it was metamorphosed?
37. Blueschist facies rocks are formed:
a. around intruding igneous rocks such as batholiths
b. under the deepest parts of subduction zones, well below the roots of mountains
c. within transform faults as a result of heat produced by friction
d. within shallower parts of subduction zones
38. Mechanical weathering can:
a. change the internal composition of minerals.
b. transport rock and mineral fragments to different locations
c. convert particular minerals into more stable forms
d. change the size and shape of rock structures
39. Which respons~ has rocks in the correct order from (left to right) low-grade a~d fine grain
size to high-grade and coarse grain size?
a. slate=>phyllite\,>schist
b. SCht=>slate';":)Phyllite
40. In which of the following places is the crust of the Earth very thin, so the mantle is right near
the surface?
a. in the centers of old continents
b. along transform faults
c. in subduction zones
d. at hot spots
e. at mid ocean ridges
41. Which of the following are near the bottom (low temperature end) of Bowens Reaction
a. olivine
b- ca- plagioclase
d- hornblende
42. A well-sorted sediment might consist of:
a. small grains of a variety of sizes (diameters).
b.large grains all of approximately the same size (diameter).
c. grains of moderate but different dimensions (diameters).
d. predominantly round grains.
e. predominantly smooth grains.
43. The dimensions of the metamorphic aureoles around an igneous intrusion depend on:
a. the size of the intrusive body.
b. the amount of aqueous fluids
c the tectonic setting ..
d. a and b
44- Intermediate igneous rocks characterizing:
a- Volcanic arcs
b- ocean basins
c- continental cratons
d-trasform faults
45- the two end member of plagioclase group is
a- oligoclase and bytownite.
b- anorthite and albite.
c- Quartz and orthoclase
d-Andesine and oligoclase
46- Red Sea is a
a- convergent plate boundary
b- divergent plate boundary.
c- transform fault plate boundary.
47. Slaty cleavage is
a. a pervasive, parallel foliation (layering) of fme-grained platy minerals (chlorite) in
a direction perpendicular to the direction oflnaximum stress.
b. the layering in a rock in which baJ)5lsor ledses of granular minerals alternate with
bands or lenses in which platy or/elongate minerals predominate.
c.-the layering in a coarse grained, ~rystalline rock due to the parallel arrangement of
platy mineral grains
d. all the above.
48. Sedimentary structures such as graded bedding, cross-bedding, and ripple marks occur:
before both deposition and lithification
during or after deposition but before lithification
after lithification
during any of the above stages
during diagenesis
49. A phaneritic texture is most likely to develop in:
a. volcanic rocks
b. extrusive rocks
c. intrusive rocks
d. volcanic glass
e. partially melted rocks
50. A carbonate rock formed of Oolites + Fossils + Spar matrix in increasing order is called
a. oobio sparite
b. bio spar micrite
c. Peloobiomicrite.
d. bio spar micrite
11-Mark by ( -V ) or ( x ):
(15 degrees)
2- When minerals begin to crystallize from acid magma, olivine is the
early formed mineral. ( )
4. The texture terminology we use for metamorphic rocks is used to describe rocks that may have
totally different parents, or may be metamorphosed under totally different conditions. ( )
5. Index minerals in a metamorphic rock refer to a particular temperature/pressure
condition ( ).
6. Schistosity is the layering in a fme grained, crystalline rock due to the parallel arrangement of platy
mineral grains.
( )
8-Mud- cracks, ripple marks and graded beds are terms used to describe sedimentary environments.
( )
9- The three attractors, that all sedimentary processes are working to reach are quartz sandstone, iron
oxides, and limestone.
11. Stress ~fers to forces that might cause a rock to deform; strain refers to th~ actual deformation
itself. (
12. Mo~tain
building is most often associated with a divergent plate boun<\ary. (
The 'ptimary difference between oceanic and continental crustf
miner~l tomposition.
14. The primary difference between a delta and an alluvial fan is that alluvial fans are erosional
features, whereas deltas are depositional features.
15. Ecologite characterize shallow levels metamorphism near subduction zones while blueshcists are
formed by deep mantle metamorphism. (
III Each of the following is either a mineral, an element, a sedimentary rock, an
igneous rock, or a metamorphic rock. Circle the correct description:( 5 degrees)
1. arkose
2. granite
3. calcium
4. oxygen
5. sandstone
6. basalt
7. gneiss
8. marble
9. silicon
10. gypsum
4. Briefly describe the textural differences between slate, schist, and gneiss. Which represents the
highest grade of metamorphism?
5. Distinguish between contact and regional metamorphism.
metamorphic rock?
Which creates the largest volumes of
IV- Match the following words with the answers; put answer in "(
1. (
2. (
) calcite rich and nonfoliate~.
) examples of sedimentary structures.
3. (
4. (
5. (
) foliated and composed o(more than 50% easily seen platy minerals.
) often composed of alternating bands of light and dark silicate minerals.
) Hard, nonfoli~d, a result of contact metamorphism.
6. (
) a fan-shaped deposit of sediment formed when a stream's slope is abruptly reduced.
7. (
) Parts of the Earth are solid, and parts are molten. Where in the Earth is most of the
molten material found?
9. (
10 (
) What type of plate boundary is associated with the Himalayas?
) A mineral made only of oxygen and silicon.
I. An igneous texture in which large mineral grains called
crystalline groundmass is called a
are suspended in a fmely
2. Basalt and gabbro are compositional equivalents which means that they are made up of the same
but have different
3. When magma cools rapidly, the rate of crystal growth
7. The largest intrusive bodies are called
square kilometers of surface area.
~, and the resulting rock is
and, by definition, they must have at least
8. Sedimentary rocks become metamorphic rocks by the process known as
became igneous rocks by
9---------------is. the increase of temperature with depth.
10-----------------, -------------
and active hot fluids are the main agents of metamorphism
Examination committee
Dr. Samia Kamal Ibrahim
Dr. Ibrahim Hussein Khalifa
Dr. Mohamed Mostafa EI Omla
L K~9\\~<l.\o\cJ.
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