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Course Name: Integrated Science
Grading Period
First Nine Weeks
Course Number: 802
The Nature of Science
a. What is Science?
b. Science vs. Technology
Problem Solving Strategies
a. Scientific Method
a. Metric System
b. Metric Conversions
Classification of Matter
a. Periodic Table
b. Model of the Atom
c. Element Symbols
Composition of Matter
Properties of Matter
Quarterly Curriculum Assessment #1
Length of Course: Year
The student will be able to…
Solve problems using the scientific method
Identify careers and job descriptions in
Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Science
Calculate problems finding length, mass, area,
volume, density, weight and temperature in
metric units
Convert between metric units
Determine states of matter and chemical and
physical properties by using atomic structure
Use the Periodic Table and recognize mass
and atomic numbers - how they relate to
atomic structure and properties
Distinguish between substances and mixtures
Compare and contrast solutions, colloids and
Identify how smog (colloid) forms
Distinguish between physical and chemical
changes and properties
Explain the Law of Conservation of Mass
List names and symbols of common elements
Describe how electrons are arranged
Describe the properties and examples of:
. alkali metals
. alkaline earth metals
. transition elements
. halogens
. noble gases.
Grading Period
Second Nine Weeks
a. Properties
b. Identification of Minerals
2. Rocks
a. Rock Cycle
b. Rock Types
3. Earth’s Changing Surface
a. Weathering and Erosion
b. Soil
c. Groundwater
d. Geologic Time
4. Plate Tectonics
a. Continental Drift
b. Seafloor Spreading
5. Earthquakes
a. Seismic Waves
b. Magnitude
6. Volcanoes
a. Types of Volcanoes
7. Energy Sources
a. Fossil Fuels
b. Nuclear Energy
8. Motion
a. Speed
b. Acceleration
c. Velocity
d. Force
e. Newton’s Laws of Motion
f. Momentum
9. Transfer of Energy
a. Kinetic Energy
b. Potential Energy
10. Simple Machines
a. Types of Simple Machines
11. Quarterly Curriculum Assessment # 2
The student will be able to…
List the physical and chemical properties used
in identifying minerals
List the 5 characteristics all minerals share
Understand that, using their chemical
formulas, minerals can be classified into the 7
mineral groups
Follow a rocks physical existence throughout
the rock cycle
Recognize common Pennsylvania examples of
Igneous, Metamorphic, and Sedimentary rocks
Distinguish between renewable and nonrenewable energy sources
Compare the 3 Horizons as part of the Soil
List the 4 major erosion agents
List specific Earth processes that are the major
erosion agents
Identify the three plate boundaries
Identify the three types of faults
Compare and contrast the three types of
seismic waves
Identify specific places in the world which are
affected by geologic processes
List ways humans are affected by the geologic
Identify layers of the Earth
Describe how convection currents can cause
plate tectonics
Define magnitude and Richter Scale
Describe Newton’s Laws of Motion
Work problems solving for velocity,
acceleration, momentum, and Force
Describe how using Simple Machines will
make work easier
Describe the difference between Potential and
Kinetic Energy
Identify the seven simple machines
Problem solving using appropriate simple
Grading Period
Third Nine Weeks
Work and Machines
a. Work
b. Power
c. Efficiency
d. Mechanical Advantage
2. Earth- Moon- Sun System
a. Earth in Space
b. Time and Seasons
c. Moon Phases
d. Structure of the Moon
e. Lunar and Solar Eclipses
3. Solar Systems
a. Planets (inner and Outer)
4. PSSA Formula Practice
a. Scientific Notation
b. Temperature Conversions
c. Metric Measurement Conversions
d. English Measurement Conversions
e. Area, Surface Area, Perimeter, and Volume
5. Quarterly Curriculum Assessment # 3
The student will be able to…
Calculate various work problems
Compare and contrast natural and artificial
Compare and contrast rotation and revolution
of Earth
Explain how Earth’s revolution and tilt cause
Diagram the phases of the Moon
Compare/contrast the conditions that lunar and
solar eclipses
Identify physical features of the Moon
Contrast geocentric and heliocentric models of
the solar system
Identify important characteristics of each
Contrast inner and outer planets
Differentiate among comet, meteoroids and
Summarize current issues:
-Mars Exploration
-Discovery of new planets.
Grading Period
Fourth Nine Weeks
Stars and Constellations
a. H-R Diagram
b. Layers of the Sun
c. Types of Galaxies
d. Big Bang Theory
e. Expansion of the Universe
Earth’s Atmosphere
a. Layers of the Atmosphere
b. Ozone Layer
c. Coriolis Effect
d. Wind Systems
e. Energy from the Sun
a. Water Cycle
b. Precipitation
c. Humidity
d. Cloud Type
e. Fronts
f. Pressure Systems
g. Station Models
h. Severe Weather
i. Global Warming
Air Pollution
Water Pollution
Weatherbug On-line Interactive Lessons
PSSA Science Assessment
The student will be able to…
Compare and contrast absolute and apparent
Identify common winter and spring
Describe how parallax is used to determine
star distances
Classify stars by temperature and brightness
(HR diagram)
Explain the evolution of stars throughout their
life cycle
Describe the layers of the sun
List the three main types of galaxies
Explain how the Big Bang Theory
demonstrates observed Doppler shifts
Name common gases in Earth’s atmosphere
Explain causes of air pressure
List layers of Earth’s atmosphere
Describe how CFC’s damage ozone
Contrast radiation, conduction, and convection
Locate the positions of doldrums, trade winds,
prevailing westerlies and polar easterlies
Diagram the water cycle
Compare/contrast rain, snow, sleet, hail
Measure the relative humidity using
Identify cumulus, stratus, cirrus, and
nimbostratus clouds
Identify the 4 types of fronts and the weather
associated with each
Contrast the development of thunderstorms,
tornadoes, and hurricanes
Interpret weather maps and station models
Contrast tropical, temperate, and polar
Debate the issue of global warming
Describe the evolution of fossil fuels (coal,
petroleum, and natural gas)
Describe the characteristics of nonrenewable
energy resources
Compare and Contrast solar, wind, water,
synfuel and biomass energy resources