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Behavioral Ecology
Behavioral Ecology
Introduction to behavior
1. Appreciate that the behavior of animals is related to the environmental
context. Explain the role of natural selection in the development of behavior
patterns; behavior is fine-tuned by microevolutionary processes in the same
way as structure and physiology.
2. Contrast the dependence (or otherwise) of innate and learned behavior on the
environmental context
3. Describe, using species of birds or non-human mammals, specific examples of
each of the following types of behavior.
a. Migration
b. Grooming
c. Courtship
d. Communication
e. Mate selection
4. Explain the need for quantitative data in studies of behavior. Suggest how
these data could be obtained.
Innate Behavior
5. Distinguish innate behavior from learned behavior. With respect to innate
behavior, explain the terms stereotyped, fixed action pattern, and sign
6. Explain the role of orientation behaviors in the survival of an organism.
Distinguish between migration and orientation behavior, and other innate
Taxes and Kineses
7. Define the terms: taxis and kinesis, distinguish clearly between them.
Distinguish between positive and negative responses.
8. Explain, using named examples, the adaptive value of taxes and kineses.
Typical examples of taxes include the response of Euglena toward light,
flatworms toward food, and blowfly larvae away from light. Typical examples
of kineses include the response of woodlice to humidity and body lice to
Behavioral Ecology
Migration and Dispersal
9. Clearly define the term migration. Distinguish between a true migration and
a dispersal. Identify examples of animals exhibiting each of these behaviors.
10. Identify the broad environmental cues important for migratory and dispersal
behaviors. Identify how and why they might be different.
11. Explain what is meant by navigation. Describe how migratory birds navigate
and identify the internal and external stimuli that trigger the migration.
12. Explain an example of migratory behavior, e.g., Arctic tern, swallow, white
stork, blue whale. Identify the adaptive value of the behavior and the
environmental curs involved in each case.
Learned Behavior
13. Recall the difference between innate and learned behaviors. Name examples
of learned behaviors, identifying their adaptive role in each case.
14. Explain what is meant by habituation and distinguish it clearly from sensory
adaptation. Understand the basic characteristics of habituation and its
adaptive value.
15. Define the term: imprinting, identifying its basic characteristics (including
the critical period) and its adaptive value. Outline Lorenz’s experiments on
imprinting in geese. Include reference to the role of sign stimulus, speciesspecific behavior, and innate releasing mechanisms in the imprinting
16. Explain what is meant by classical conditioning, and outline the work of
Pavlov that illustrates this. Include reference to the following in your
explanations: unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned
response and conditioned response. Discuss, using appropriate examples, how
this form of learning improves the chances of survival.
17. Explain what is meant by operant conditioning and distinguish it from
classical conditioning. Outline the work of Skinner that investigated this type
of learning. Include reference to the following in your explanations: operant
response, reinforcement, and reward.
Sociality and Communication
18. Describe the benefits and problems associated with social behavior.
Appreciate that most social behaviors are innate but may be modified by
experience (learning).
Behavioral Ecology
19. Identify some important social behaviors, identifying the role of the behavior
in each case. List examples of social animals and describe the behavior
20. Describe the types of auditory, visual, and olfactory signals used by animals
to communicate. Distinguish between types of displays and their purposes.
Describe the role of communication in reproduction and in maintaining social
Social Organization
21. Outline the benefits to survival of group behavior. Distinguish between true
social organization and large, rather loose groupings or aggregations (such as
occurs in flocks or schools).
22. Explain what is meant by altruistic behavior. Discuss the role of altruistic
behavior (altruism) in social organizations, using two examples.
23. In general terms, describe the survival value of group cooperative behavior in:
detection and defense against danger, food acquisition, and reproduction.
24. Describe social organization of honey bee colonies as an example of sociality
in insects. Include reference to the caste system and methods of
communication. Appreciate why a social insect colony is sometimes referred
to as a super-organism.
25. Describe various organizations within groups where cooperative defense
reduces the chance of predation (e.g., baboon troops, musk oxen herds).
Explain how bird breeding colonies may reduce predation, and identify the
disadvantages of large scale nesting sites.
26. Describe an example of a species that exhibits cooperative hunting behavior,
identifying the advantages to the individual and to the group. If appropriate,
include reference to the role of communication and social position in the
Reproductive Behavior
27. Discuss examples of breeding behavior. Explain how these behaviors achieve
suspension of the aggressive behaviors that normally accompany resource
28. Identify the role of courtship behaviors in breeding. Describe courtship in a
named example, e.g., mallard duck, peacock, grebes. Include reference to the
following: male display, stereotyped fixed action patterns, duration of display.
Discuss whether the behaviors are learned or innate.
Behavioral Ecology
29. Using a named example, explain the basis of mate selection. Include
reference to the aspects of male behavior important to female choice and
what they indicate about male suitability. Recognize the role of territories,
male displays, or combat in the process.
30. Explain what is meant by parental care and appreciate how it is different
from altruism. Account for the variability observed in the degree of parental
care in different species. Describe the nature of parental care in named
examples to show this variation.
31. Describe examples of sign stimulus used by offspring to elicit parental care
behaviors in the adults.
Aggressive Behaviors
32. Distinguish between aggression and agonistic behavior. Identify examples of
agonistic behavior in the following behaviors: sexual, parental, parentoffspring, territorial, competitive, sibling, and dominance behavior.
33. Identify the purpose of hierarchies in social animals and describe an example
of a hierarchical social structure. In your examples, describe behaviors used
to maintain rand and consolidate relationships in the hierarchy (e.g.,
grooming, displays, appeasement behavior, vocalizations, or ceremonies that
may be aggressive or submissive). Appreciate the role of auditory or visual
signals in the recognition of individuals and maintenance of social position.
34. Distinguish between territory and home range. Describe the benefits and
disadvantages of territories and explain how territorial behavior may change
seasonally. Describe the types of auditory, visual, and olfactory signals used
to mark and maintain territories.