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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Pa; Z t e Asw, Ck,no, J uff"o / TERMS AND NAMES Western Powers Rule Southeast Asia BEFORE YOU READ Pacific Rim Southeast Asian mainland and islands along the rim of the Pacific 0cean King Mongkut King who helPed Siam mod ernize Emilio Aguinaldo Leader'of Filipino n ationhlists annexation Adding of territory ln the last section, you saw how the lndians reacted to imperialism. ln this section, you will read about imperialism in 0ueen Liliuokalani Last Hawaiian ruler of Hiwaii Southeast Asia. ES YOU REIID Use the web below to show the various lands controlled by each Western nation' 0) o '0) a. c O) 'C C 0) lJ -6 o, f o oo o Western Rivalries for Pacific Rim LandS ipages 326-327) Which Western Powers grabbed land ut Southeasf Asia? European nations also grabbed land in the Paciffc RimiSoutheast Asia and the islands on t1le edge of the Pacific Ocean. The lands of Southeast Asia were perfect for plantation agriculture' Sugar, coffee, cocoa, rubber, coconuts, bananas, and pineap- 'ples were important Products. The Dutch controlled Indonesia' Many of the Dutch who moved to Indonesia thought of their home. They set up a class system that kept the Dutch at the top' Wealthy and edu- Indonesia as cated Indonesians came next' Plantation workers were at the bottom' The Dutch to use one-fifth of their land for export crops' The Brjtish took tlie port of Singapore plus Malaysia and Burma (modern Myanmqr)' They used Singapore as a base for trade' It became one of the worlds busiest ports. The British encouraged the Chinese to nr-ove to Malaysia' The Malaysians have become a minority in their own Tendion between the Malap and the "orrriry. Chinese remains to this day' France grabbed Indochina (modern Laos, Cambodia, and Vletnam). The French ruled indochina directly and tried to push French culture on the Indochinese. The French did not Cnarrnn 11 " Tnn Acr or lurnmallsu 123 a major crop. U,5, AeqUircS PaCiflC trSlandS encourage indusiry. Rice became Althoug[ the Vietnamese grew more dce than lpages tZB-329\ before,"they ate less of it trecause so muchrice.was What did the {]nited stage sent out of the region' This problem set tJre Sf;i;; aCqUlfe? 'andS for '- Vietnamese resistance to French rule'of modefn In the late 1800s, the United States also began to C;1""*lism brought some features the spanish'Amerigan war in Iife to these regions' iut economic change benefir seek colonies' After so 1898, t]re United States took control of Puerto ed Europeans more than the local peop[. Even ,;"rr";u"i, health, and sanitatio' *"'" improvgd' Rico, Guam' and'the Philippine Islands' of Fihpino nationalists led by Emilio Aguinaldo ;;;";it f".pr" migrated to new ,"glo,s always fought'against the Americans for their fieedom" southeast Asia' The *#of cultures &9 n:l between The" u,,]t"d States de.feated the rebels b3t go so smoothly. Even today, So-me conflict 1. Whatmaiorproblemsdidcoionialismbring?, ;ftil;;;;;il. American businessmen grew weialthy from to sugar plantations in Hawaii' But they wanted *ik" .,r"." money. They also asked for the alnex- ,ation,oraddition,ofHawaiitotheUnitedStates. way they would get more money when,t}ey busisold suga. in the United States' The American had a great deal of power,in Hawaii' , ifr" ,"rr** Liliuokalani tried to In the' ls9ds' Queen nc Lrdanandal lndependencerlBain Siam Maintains control of her country for Hawaiian'people' (page 328) . ,1 The American businessmen overthrew her' They IIow did imperialism affect Siam'/ ;;i;;; ;"uu". r" 1BeB, it became a territory inde of the united states' one land-siarn (modern Thailand)-stayed lands 3. What happened in the Ptrilippines? f""a*1' .St*t:,:..t"*ounded by B 3}ilj5 ilre French and British' The French and Siamese not want the other to control Siam' The one kings played the French and British against *rroth", to remain free of both nations' Ki+g Mongkut and his son modernized Siam' government' They sto:rted schools and reformed the iir"y Jt" built railroads and telegraph lines and little shvery. These changes happened with :n oq) 0, o o a E o) ""ila social turmoil. = 2. E o How did Siam conlront imperialism? = =o) = o o' 124 Cnesrnn11 Sscflox5 TERMS AND NAMES China Responds to Pressure from the West 0pium War War between Britain and China over the opium trade extraterritorial rights Rights of foreign residents to follow the laws of their own government'ratherthan those ofthe host country TaipinU Rebellion Rebellion against the 0ing Dynasty BETORE VOU READ sphere of influence Area in which a foreign nation controls trade and ln the last section, you read about lmperialism in Asia. ln this section, you will see how China dealt with foreign influence. investment 0pen Door P.olicy Policy proposed by the United States giving all nations equal opportdnities to trade in China AS YOU READ Use - the chlrt'beloW to take notes on events that occurrpd rn Lnrna. China Resists Foreign lnfluence {pages 335-336} Was China able to resist foreign influence? In the late 1700s, China had a strong farming economy based on growing rice. Other croPs, such as peanuts, helped to feed its large population. The Chinese made silk, cotton, and ceramics. Mines produced salt, un, silver, and iron. China needed. nothing frorn the outside world. China limited its trade with European powers' A11 goods shipped to China had to come through one port. Britain bought so much Chinese tea that it was eager to find something that the Chinese Boxer Bebellion Rebellion aimed at ending foreign influence in'China would want in large quantities. In the early 1800s, the British began shipping opium, a dangerous drug, to China. The opium came mostly from India. The Chinese tried to make the British stop. As a result of the Opium War that followed, the British took possession of Hong Kong. Later, the United States and European nations won extraterritorial rights and the right to trade in five ports. The Chinese.resented these treaties but could not stop thern. 1. Cneprnn What happened as a resull of the 0pium War? 12 TnANSFoRMATIoNs Anouuo rlrr GLosB 127 lnternal PrOblerns InereES€ (page What problems did Chna face? 337) populaChina had intemal problems as well' The light Uo, hud grown q,rickly' When rains w-ere too govor too h"u"y, *i[lot t starved' The Chinese solve its ernment *"s *""k and too colrupt to problems. His A leader arose who hoped to save China' Taipinq name was Hong Xiuquan, and he led the joinedpeasants n"b"lliorr. tvto"re than one million The rebels won control of large parts of il;;t*y. to pu;i tile souih. The government needed 14 years ;; tiri, ."beilion. The fighting destroyed much died' farmland. At least 20 million people 2, What was the TaiPing Bebellion? a colony or group of colonies, China was domi'nat' ed by foreign powers' 3. How did lbreigners begin to gain control over Ghina? Chinese Nationalism Gnrws (pages 338-339) Wiat actiorts resulted from gfoWtttg natjonalism? Humiliated by their loss of power, many Chinese wanted strong reforrns' In 1898, ' the young in Emperor Guangrq, Cixi's nephew, tried to put place broader reforms. ' Crnrurratiaes didn't like this' The retired E*;;";; irli rrr* arrested and she took'tack of the government' China had lost China Wrestles wlth Reform {pages 337-338) official attstude toward reform? What wAS the In &e late 1800s, a number of young emperors' It ruled China' But they ruled in name only' Y.ut. Cixi who controlled the country' She civil service' sopported a few reforms in education' *"-n*pr*rs and the military' In the late 1800s, each of the European Powers in China' A and Japan won a sphere of influence rr#J of inflrrenJ* is a region in which a foreign nation controls trade and investment' The United States opposed these spheres of Door influence. Americans urged an Open access la Policy, in which all powers had equal poimarkets. The-Europeans agreed' This not as it icy did not help China, howeve.r' Although Chi";* a chance "onirol for reform. formed - Srime Chinese peasants and workers &e Society of Harmonious Fists, known as' the g*"*. Theywanted to get rid of all Wesfrn rnfl1had acceptence. That included any Chinese who At the ed Western culture o, ti'" Christi'an religion' Boxers ,on of afr" Boxer Rebellion in early 1900' ,orrotrrd"d Beijings European section' After **ny *""kr, th"y wer* dtiuett out by a multi'na' tional armY. But Cixi nnally began to pllow major reforms,bJly' In 1908, the court said ihat "u*" "hrrrg"would become a constituti'onol rutn'arclty by Chin"a J q) e q) o d) o o) 4. What was the Boxer Rebellion? = d =0) = 6U) oo o 128 Crlerren 12 Sr'snox 1 TERMS AND NAMES 'Treaty ol Kanagawa Treaty between the United States and Japan opening trade between the two nations Jrprn, Moderniilas Meiji era Period of rule by Emperor Mutsuhito from 1867 to 1912 BEFORE YOU READ Busso-Japanese War War between Russia and Japan fought in 1904 ln the last section, you read about foreign influence in China. annexation Adding of territory ln this section, you will learn about the steps taken by Japan to modernize. AS YOU REAI' Use the chart below to take notes on how Japan's power increased at home and abroad oc) o o Japan Ends lts lsolation ! How did isolation end o o o) {paged 340-342) in Japan? tr'rom the early 1600s to the mid-l800s, Japan trad- d c ed wlth China and the Dutch and had diplomatic o contact with Korea, But beyond that, Japari was largely isolated. British, French, Russian, and American officials tried to convince the Japanese to open up. But the Japanese repeatedly refused. That situation changed in 1853 when American steamships with cannons entered Japanese waters. The r-rext year, Japan and the United States signed the Treaty of Kanagawa. It agreed to open ]apan 'E) E = o o @ ]apan made similar deals with European nations Many Japanese were upset with the shogun, the = = J to trade with America. Soqn afterwards, military dictator, who had agreed to these new treaties. The Emperor Mutsuhito got th'eir support and managed to overthrow the shogun. For the first time in centuries, the emperor ruled Japan dir,ectly. He reigned tor 45 years, from 1867 to 1912. This period is called the Meiji era. The' name Meiii. means "enlightened ruIe." The emperor wanted to modernize Japan. He sent government officials to Europe and the United. States. Frpm what they saw, they shaped a new Japan. They modeled the government after Cneprnn 12 TBANsFoRN{Airous AnouND THE Gross 129 the strong central goverument of Germany. They patterned the army after Germany's and the nary after Britaini. They adapted the American qystem of schooling for all children. The emperor also supported changes to Japant economy.,The country mined coal and built railroads and factories. In just a few years, Japan's economy was as modern as any in tle world. 1. , What steps did Mutsuhlto iake to modernize Japan? China out of Korea and gained Taiwan and some qther islands 4s new colonies. In 1904, Japan and Rrissia , fqught the. RusseJapanese War over China's Manchurian territory. Japan sulprised the world by defeating a larger power that was sr,,pposed to be stronger, The next year, Japan atta'cked Korea. In 1905, Jup* made Korea a protectorate. Japanese of{icials took more and more power away from the Korean government. The Koiean hng was unable to get help for his government from other countries. By l9tr0, Japan achieved annexbtion of i', ..r I The Japanese were harsh rrriers. They shut down Korean newspapers. They allowed only Japanese history and language to be taught. They took land ,from Korean farmers and gave it to .lapanese lmperialism Grows ]apanqse only. KoreanS were not allowed to start new businesses. Koreans resented these actions. They began a nation'alist movement and protested (pages 342-343) against Japanese rule. Hor^r did Japan influence n 2. increase its Asia? tlow did Japan expand its empire to Korea? j. F By 1890, Japan had the'strongest rnilitary in Asia. It asked foreigners to give up their special rights in J?p*. The European nations agreed. ]apan felt equal to the Western nations. ]apan became more imperialistic as its power grew. When China broke an agreement not to send armies into Korea, Japan went to war. It drove ; 0) o a P o Eg) = (.) :o 3 6o) 5 ooo @ 130 CgaYren'l2 SssfloN 2