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Physics Year Long Plan
General skills
Objectives (Students will be able to…)
Extensions (Students will be able to…)
identify sources of error in data/experiments
select an appropriate coordinate
system for a problem (frame of
identify important given, inferred and unknown
quantities in problems
identify the correct formula/concept to apply
to a problem
communicate solutions
read, summarize, and analyze scientific articles
independently research information relevant to
a problem
draw/sketch a diagram for a problem
use a standard coordinate system to solve
1.1 Conversions
1.2 Graphing
5 days
convert metric units and time
plot data and label appropriately
complete any conversion given the
conversion factor
perform dimensional analysis
find and interpret the area under a
find and interpret the slop of a graph
1.3 Scientific Notation
1.4 Scientific Method
convert to and from scientific notation
identify dependent, independent, and control
design and appropriate experiment
develop a testable hypothesis
use the EDP to identify a problem and
design a solution
Vocabulary (understand
the meaning of)
1D motion
calculate distance and displacement
Distance/displacem describe the difference between distance and
graph position vs. time
calculate average speed and velocity
determine average speed/velocity from a
position vs. time graph
2.2 Speed/Velocity
describe the meaning of sign for velocity
describe the difference between speed and
graph velocity vs. time
calculate average acceleration
determine the average acceleration from a
15 days
2.3 Acceleration
velocity vs. time graph
describe the meaning of sign for acceleration
2.4 Kinematic Equations
use the kinematic equations to solve for any
unknown quantity in a 1D kinematic problem
2.5 Free-fall
identify when an object is in free-fall
determine the acceleration of an object in freefall
use the kinematic equations to solve free-fall
draw/sketch a position and velocity vs. time
graph for an object in free-fall
compare objects in free-fall
distance, displacement,
velocity, speed,
acceleration, position,
time, slope, vector,
scalar, units
2D Motion
3.1 Vectors
10 days
add parallel and perpendicular vectors
add parallel and perpendicular vectors
resolve vectors into components
calculate the magnitude and direction of a
vector given its components
describe projectile motion as parabolic
3.2 Projectile Motion
identify the horizontal and vertical acceleration
of a projectile
solve horizontal projectile problems
solve projectile at an angle problems when
vertical displacement is zero
solve for maximum height/displacement at
maximum height for any projectile
add non-perpendicular vectors
vector, scalar, magnitude,
components, horizontal,
solve for time and range when vertical
vertical, angle, projectile,
displacement is not zero
describe and apply Newton's 3 laws
define the relationship between mass and
create a free body diagram for a given situation
12 days
4.1 Newton's Laws
calculate net force
use 2nd law to calculate net force and
calculate the force of gravity acting on an
distinguish between mass and weight
identify action-reaction pairs, including normal
identify when and object is in equilibrium to
determine the forces acting on it.
solve 2D force problems, including
inclined planes
force, inertia, Newton,
friction, action/reaction,
normal, weight, mass, net
force, Free Body Diagram,
static, kinetic, tension,
equilibrium, coefficient of
UCM and
define uniform circular motion
5.1 UCM
7 days
describe the direction of velocity of,
acceleration of, and force acting on an object in
calculate the velocity of, acceleration of, and
force acting on and object in UCM
determine the force providing the centripetal
describe the relationship between speed,
radius, and force or acceleration
evaluate UCM when multiple forces
are acting along the radius (i.e. gravity
in a vertical circle)
centripetal, radius,
tangential velocity, linear
velocity, g force, universal
use the universal gravitation equation to
determine the force between two objects
5.2 Gravitation
describe the relationship between force, mass,
and distance between two objects
apply Newton's 3rd law to gravitational force
Work and Power
6.1 Work
6 days
describe the difference between "physics
work" and every day work
describe the relationship between force,
displacement and the angle at which the force
is applied
use the work equation to calculate work done
on an object
use the different equations to determine
power, force, work, time, average velocity
6.2 Power
work, net work, power,
Watt, Joule,
Perpendicular, Parallel
6 days
Watt, Joule,
Perpendicular, Parallel
6.2 Power
describe (qualitatively) the effect of changing
work, power, and time on the other variables
identify the type of energy present in a given
15 days
7.1 Energy
Solve for energy
transformation/conversion when
friction is present
energy, kinetic energy,
elastic potential energy,
gravitational potential
energy, mechanical
energy, conservation of
energy, spring constant,
heat, thermal energy,
calculate potential energy, kinetic energy, and
mechanical energy
relate work and energy and use the Work-KE
theorem to solve problems
determine how the amount of energy is
affected by a change in speed or height, or
stretch/compression (qualitatively)
solve various problems involving all forms of
energy using the law of conservation of energy
describe the effect of friction on mechanical
determine the spring constant of a spring using
Hooke's Laws
calculate the momentum of an object
9 days
8.1 Momentum
calculate the impulse and relate impulse and
change in momentum
calculate a specific velocity using
impulse/change in momentum
identify whether a collision is elastic or inelastic
use conservation of momentum to solve
collision problems
calculate the total momentum of a
calculate the change in kinetic energy
in a collision
momentum, impulse,
elastic collision, inelastic
collision, conservation of
momentum, system