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CP United States History
Unit 6 Test: The Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877)
1) Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction called for
A) denying the right to vote to ex-Confederates in the South
B) forbidding leaders of the Confederacy to be elected to Congress.
C) 10% of the voters in Southern states to swear an oath of loyalty to the U.S.
D) establishing military governments in the South.
2) Which of the following best describes the Southern economy after the Civil War?
A) Sharecropping finally came to an end in the South.
B) Cotton grew into the North and became the most valuable U.S. export
C) The Southern economy was dependent on tobacco and slave labor.
D) More railroads and textile factories were built in the South than before the war.
3) In the years after the Civil War, most freedmen ended up working as:
A) Farmers on land they owned
B) Wage laborers in the new textile mills
C) Itinerant day laborers in domestic and service jobs
D) Farmers under a sharecropper system
4) By 1863, most military planners knew that the South could not continue to fight forever because
A) Southern citizens were no longer supporting the Confederate cause
B) Southern industry was too weak to support the expense of waging war
C) large numbers of former slaves were joining the Union army
D) Southern leadership was too inexperienced to fight against Northern armies
5) What caused the first Southern states to secede from the Union?
A) The Dred Scott decision
B) John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry
C) The Wilmot Proviso
D) The Election of Abraham Lincoln
6) Who served as the President of the United States during the Civil War?
A) Rutherford B. Hayes
B) Ulysses S. Grant
C) Abraham Lincoln
D) Andrew Johnson
7) The 15th Amendment to the Constitution
A) granted citizenship to African-Americans.
B) abolished slavery.
C) guaranteed equal protection under the law for all citizens.
D) gave the right to vote to black males.
8) Which of the following is true about sharecropping?
A) Most black sharecroppers were able to buy their own land and avoid debts
B) The crop lien system was typically helpful to black sharecropping families
C) Most tenant farmers moved North after the Civil War
D) Most blacks mortgaged future harvests for money to buy tools and supplies
9) General Robert E. Lee's surrender to General Grant took place at
A) Gettysburg
B) Vicksburg
C) Appomattox
D) Antietam
10) What was Abraham Lincoln's main goal when the Civil War began?
A) to bring an end to the war
B) to abolish slavery
C) to punish the South
D) to preserve the Union
11) Which Civil War battle allowed the Union to split the Confederacy in half by seizing control of the
Mississippi River was:
A) Gettysburg
B) Vicksburg
C) The Battle of the Wilderness
D) Antietam
12) Which of the following actions would have been supported by Northern manufacturers and
opposed by Southern planters?
A) making improvements to the cotton gin
B) allowing slavery to expand into Missouri
C) creating a tariff to protect American goods
D) making improvements to the port of New Orleans
13) The Nullification Crisis of 1832-1833 between President Andrew Jackson and South Carolina
Senator John C. Calhoun concerned
A) Calhoun’s claim that states has the right to ignore federal laws
B) Jackson’s attempts to abolish slavery in the South
C) whether slavery would be allowed in western territories
D) the constitutionality of the second Bank of the United States
14) What was the purpose of the formation of the Ku Klux Klan after the Civil War?
A) to promote education and help build schools and colleges, like Morehouse in Atlanta
B) maintain Republican control of the Southern state governments
C) education former slaves about their opportunities to vote and serve in elected positions
D) to promote white supremacy and keep African-Americans in unequal positions in society
15) In which document does Lincoln describe the Civil War as a struggle to preserve a nation that was
dedicated to the idea that "all men are created equal" and that America was a government "of the
people, by the people and for the people"?
A) Emancipation Proclamation
B) Constitution
C) Gettysburg Address
D) Second Inaugural Address
16) Black Codes passed in a number of southern states after the Civil War were intended to:
A) Close public schools to the children of former slaves
B) Place limits on social and economic opportunities for former slaves
C) Enable Black citizens to vote in federal elections
D) Promote the return of former slaves to Africa
17) Which of the following was an advantage of the Confederacy at the start of the Civil War?
A) the possibility of an alliance with Britain or France
B) more railroads for transportation
C) a larger population for soldiers
D) greater industrial capacity
18) Who did the Radical Republicans believe should be in charge of Reconstruction?
A) the legislative branch of the federal government
B) the newly elected governments of former Confederate states
C) the executive branch of the federal government
D) the judicial branch of the federal government
19) Food, clothing, and education were provided to former slaves by the
A) Thirteenth Amendment
B) Congressional Reconstruction Acts
C) Freedman's Bureau
D) Ku Klux Klan
20) Which of the following describes the South during the Jim Crow era (1877-1954)?
A) Grandfather clauses were created that helped African Americans vote for the first time
B) The Supreme Court protected blacks by ending "separate but equal" segregation
C) Law were passed that segregated whites and blacks in schools, hospitals, and restaurants
D) African Americans became important political leaders in the South
21) Which of the following territories was NOT acquired as part of "Manifest Destiny" in the 1840s?
A) California
B) Oregon
C) Kansas
D) Texas
22) Which of the following colony is correctly matched with its description?
A) New France -- strict royal control, conquistadors, inter-married with Indians
B) New Spain -- diverse, trade with Indians, Governor Peter Stuyvesant
C) New Netherland -- Catholics, fur trade, friendly relationships with Indians
D) Virginia-- Jamestown, tobacco, House of Burgesses
23) The Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) had a major impact on the lives of African
Americans because it ruled that
A) separate but equal public facilities were legal
B) voting was a right guaranteed by the Constitution
C) military occupation of the South was unconstitutional
D) segregation was illegal in educational institutions
24) Which of the following was an important impact of the Emancipation Proclamation?
A) It made the ending slavery a Northern goal of the war.
B) It started Radical Reconstruction.
C) All slaves in America were immediately free from slavery.
D) It convinced Britain and France to enter the war as a Union ally.
25) Why is the Battle of Gettysburg considered a turning point in the Civil War?
A) It convinced the Confederacy to surrender.
B) It divided the Confederacy.
C) The Confederate army took control of important Northern cities.
D) The Union began winning key battles in the Civil War.
26) Which of the following made "all persons born or naturalized in the United States" citizens of the
nation and made discrimination against blacks illegal?
A) Black Codes
B) Fifteenth Amendment
C) Thirteenth Amendment
D) Fourteenth Amendment
27) The key event that guaranteed Lincoln’s re-election in 1864 was:
A) The capture of New Orleans by Admiral Farragut
B) The fall of Atlanta to General Sherman
C) The defeat at Bull Run (Manassas) to Robert E. Lee
D) The defeat of Lee’s army by General Meade at Gettysburg
28) Which of the following choices shows the events in the correct sequence?
A) Election of Lincoln --> Fort Sumter --> secession by South Carolina --> Bull Run
B) Secession by South Carolina --> election of Lincoln --> Bull Run --> Fort Sumter
C) Election of Lincoln --> secession by South Carolina --> Fort Sumter --> Bull Run
D) Fort Sumter --> secession by South Carolina --> Bull Run --> election of Lincoln
29) How did the Erie Canal in 1825 impact New York City?
A) New York City became a major economic and financial center.
B) New York City gained control of western agricultural production.
C) New York City lost financial and political influence to the city of Albany.
D) New York City ceased to be a major point of European immigration.
30) Which of the following was NOT a requirement of former Confederate states under the
Congressional Reconstruction Plan (Radical Republican plan)?
A) The South would be divided into five military districts headed by Union generals.
B) Southern plantations would be divided and land given to the families of former slaves.
C) Southern states had to ratify the 14th Amendment to be readmitted to the Union.
D) African Americans should be allowed to vote in state and federal elections.
31) Which of the following is a CORRECT statement?
A) The Battle of Gettysburg was a major turning point of the Civil War.
B) Fighting at Antietam marked the beginning of the Civil War.
C) General "Stonewall" Jackson was a Union general.
D) The Emancipation Proclamation was issued after the Battle of Atlanta.
32) Literacy tests and poll taxes were often used to
A) promote equal educational opportunities for minority persons
B) provide job training for freedmen
C) enforce constitutional amendments added after the Civil War
D) limit voter participation by African Americans
33) Which best describes the Southern military strategy during the Civil War?
A) use an "offensive defense" to protect the South from Northern invasion
B) an "Anaconda Plan" that would cut off Northern trade and attack the Union capital
C) end the war quickly by attacking Northern territory and avoid having to fight in the South
D) take control of the Mississippi River and divide the Union into two halves
34) In the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, popular sovereignty was proposed as a way to
A) overturn previous Supreme Court decisions on slavery
B) allow settlers in new territories to vote on the issue of slavery
C) deny southern states the legal right to own slaves
D) allow northern states the power to ban slavery
35) Which was a major part of the Union's "Anaconda Plan" during the Civil War?
A) Help the Confederacy gain control of the Mississippi River
B) Draft freed slaves to fight for the Union
C) Blockade Southern ports to limit trade
D) Use a defensive strategy to drag out the war as long as possible
36) Which word best describes Abraham Lincoln's and Andrew Johnson's plans for Reconstruction?
A) lenient
B) balanced
C) neutral
D) aggressive
37) “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by
their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are established among Men, deriving their just
powers from the consent of the governed.”
--Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence, 1776
Thomas Jefferson was restating the ideas expressed in the Two Treatises on Government by the
British Enlightenment philosopher:
A) Sir Isaac Newton
B) Thomas Hobbes
C) David Hume
D) John Locke
38) What role did Jefferson Davis play during the Civil War?
A) He was the Union general that led the Army of the Potomac.
B) He was the Confederate general responsible for the win at Manassas.
C) He was President of the Confederate States of America.
D) He led Radical Reconstruction after the war.
39) What was the stated goal of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation?
A) to free all slaves in the United States
B) to free slaves in the border states that remained loyal to the Union
C) to free slaves behind Confederate lines
D) to enlist slaves in the Union army
40) Which amendment to the Constitution officially ended slavery?
A) Thirteenth Amendment
B) Fourteenth Amendment
C) Fifteenth Amendment
D) Sixteenth Amendment
41) Which of the following is true of Reconstruction?
A) The South saw most of its textile mills move into the North
B) In the years immediately after the Civil War, the Democratic Party controlled the national and
Southern state governments
C) The 13th amendment granted African Americans citizenship and protection from racial
D) Black politicians were elected to state and national office for the first time
42) What was the result of the impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson?
A) He avoided conviction by the Senate by one vote.
B) He was founded to be overwhelmingly innocent by the Senate.
C) He was convicted and sent to prison.
D) He avoided conviction but was removed from office.
43) What was the main reason for President Andrew Johnson's impeachment?
A) There was massive corruption within his presidential administration.
B) It was a power struggle between the federal and state governments.
C) Congress did not like his foreign policy.
D) Congress did not like how he was resisting their plan for Reconstruction.
44) Because of the passage of the Stamp Act in 1765, many colonists believed that
A) they should appeal to the French for help against the British government
B) they should only abide by laws enacted by their own representatives
C) Native Americans should follow the same laws as the colonists
D) the British government was starting to use mercantilism for the first time
45) Which action showed that President Andrew Johnson did not support rights for former slaves?
A) He allowed many high-ranking Confederates to vote without swearing allegiance to the USA
B) He vetoed the Freedmen's Bureau Act and opposed the Fourteenth Amendment
C) He strictly enforced the use of federal soldiers to reconstruct the South
D) He supported a Reconstruction plan similar to President Lincoln's plan
46) Which battle helped keep Britain and France from supporting the Confederacy in the Civil War?
A) Fort Sumter
B) Antietam
C) Shiloh
D) Gettysburg
47) Which of the following is most true of Grant and Sherman's strategy during the Civil War?
A) Use total war to target civilian centers, transportation, and resources in the South
B) Be cautious in battles against Robert E. Lee in order to spare the lives of Union soldiers
C) Use Native Americans and freed African slaves as soldiers to fight the Confederate military
D) Ignore Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation so that the South would surrender quickly
48) Why did Reconstruction come to an end in 1877?
A) Most of the politically active black people had left the south for Northern cities.
B) The freed slaves had been successfully integrated into Southern society.
C) The treaty ending the Civil War set a time limit of 10 years.
D) Hayes promised to remove troops from the South if he won the 1876 presidential election.
49) Which of the following was a belief held by John Brown in 1859?
A) Slavery should be abolished by violent means, if necessary.
B) Individual states should decide whether to permit slavery.
C) The South should work to diversify its economic base.
D) Abolitionists should be attacked.
50) Which of the following was a goal of the federal government during Reconstruction?
A) To make the South surrender so the Civil War would come to an end
B) Build a transcontinental railroad to connect markets in the East and West
C) Bring all eleven Southern states back into the Union after the Civil War
D) Keep newly emancipated slaves in an inferior position to Southern whites