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Name ________________________________________________________________________________________ Period _______
Ancient Rome Study Guide
Directions: Match up the definitions in each group with its corresponding word.
A. Etruscans
D. Romulus and Remus
B Sulla
E. Orator
C. Checks and Balances
F. Pompey
_____ 1. A person who is a good public speaker
_____ 2. Methods of balancing power; important so that one branch of the government did not become too powerful
_____ 3. Two of the first heroes from Ancient Rome; one killed the other and built the city of Rome
_____ 4. He was an ally of Julius Caesar until he attempted to take over Rome while Caesar conquered Gaul
_____ 5. Named himself dictator; this event changed the Roman Republic forever
_____ 6. Group who influenced Roman society; built first temples, first sewer; influenced Roman alphabet and numbers
A. Senate
D. Law of the Twelve Tables
B. Magistrates
E. Forum
C. Dictator
F. Corruption
_____ 7. Branch of Roman Tripartite Government; The most powerful elected officials; Consuls were in this branch
_____ 8. The center of life in ancient Rome
_____ 9. Protected the rights of the people of Rome; first set of laws to be written down in ancient Rome
_____ 10. Decaying of people’s values
_____ 11. Someone who rules with absolute power
_____ 12. Made up of wealthy and powerful citizens; became the most powerful branch of the tripartite government
A. Octavian
D. Church of Hagia Sophia
B. Spartacus
E. Plebeians
C. Patricians
F. Veto
_____ 13. Rome’s common people
_____ 14. Rome’s wealthy people
_____ 15.A gladiator who became a slave and then led thousands of people in a revolt against Rome
_____ 16. Latin for “I forbid”
_____ 17. He became sole ruler who Marc Antony died; also known as Augustus
_____ 18. The name of the Church built during the reign of Justinian
A. Princeps
D. Julius Caesar
B. Latin
E. Cincinnatus
C. Constantinople
F. Republic
_____ 19. This was the official language of the Roman Empire
_____ 20. A government where people elect leaders for them
_____ 21. Came to power in 458BCE; probably the most famous Roman dictator for giving up his power
_____ 22. Latin for “First Citizen”
_____ 23. The capital of the Eastern (Byzantine) Roman Empire
_____ 24. A powerful general that became a dictator, but was later assassinated by a group of Senators, also wrote many
passages about himself so people would remember his great accomplishments
A. Constantine
D. Augustus Caesar
B. Hannibal
E. Attila
C. Cicero
F. Trade network
_____ 25. The Roman Emperor who made Christianity the official religion in 312
_____ 26. This was extremely important because food needed to be brought in from other parts of the Mediterranean Sea
_____ 27. Famous leader of the Huns
_____ 28. This Carthaginian general who fought Rome in the Punic Wars; his goal was to destroy Rome
_____ 29. Emperor who was a philosopher and orator; wanted to give more power to the Senate
_____ 30. The first emperor of Rome; the Senate gave him a title that meant “revered one”
Directions: Answer the following questions:
- Why did many nearby countries declare war on Rome during the early Roman Republic?
- Describe the army and how it was divided during the Early Republic.
- How did Marc Antony and Octavian respond when Julius Caesar was killed? Why did there two men become enemies?
- Why did Roman emperors start giving up land the Roman army had conquered?
- What event marked the end of the Western Roman Empire? List as many reasons as you can as to why the Western
Roman Empire fell:
Things to remember:
- Where Rome is in the Ancient World (Use your Ancient Civilizations Map!)
- Geographical features, cities, conquered provinces (countries) around Rome (Know your Roman Empire Map)