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Electrical Circuits, part 1 Objectives
1. Explain how a circuit’s (-) and (+) poles make an electric current move.
2. Describe what a circuit’s Voltage, Amps, and Resistance are.
3. Explain the relationship between Resistance, Voltage and Amps.
Electrical Current and Circuits.
--Recall that Electricity is a ___________________________.
--Electricity’s electrons always travel from the _______ to the _______.
--The path the electrons in electricity move through is called a circuit.
--Electrons will only travel through a circuit as Electricity if…
1. There is a (-) side {start} and a (+) side {finish line} to the circuit.
—The ____________________________, AND __________ the electrons out. The _________________
the opposite- charged electrons through the circuit’s path.
2. If there is__________________________ in the circuit’s ___________—Electrons have trouble crossing
empty spaces.
--Electrical Current, like other energy waves can be measured by its __________, and its _______________.
--Voltage _______________________, or potential energy of an electric current. When Voltage is _________, then
--Voltage is _____________ as the ________________ ends of a circuit get “_______________.”
For example, rubbing your socks/feet on a fuzzy carpet can make you shock people.
1. The __________________on the carpet, the _____________________ you gather in your body, and
______________________ you become.
2. Your Voltage will ______________ as you _______________________, allowing you to make a more
_________________________ against someone.
--Amps describe _______________________________ (like frequency of a wave)
--Higher voltages will _______________________ (faster) __________
--Some electrical devices will only work if the current’s speed (amps) ______________________________.
Too Low = it ______________________ at all
Too Fast = it will ________________ the device
--Electrons in a circuit also have to deal with Resistance.
--Resistance measures ___________________________ the _________________________ in a circuit.
--If the resistance is too high, _______________________________.
--Resistance can also be used in ___________ to __________________ of electrical current from a high Voltage source.
Voltage, Amps and Resistance relationship
--A common analogy for showing the relation between Voltage, Amps and Resistance is a water pipe.
A. The ________________ in the pipe is like the _____________—it can make the water flow __________________.
B. The __________________________ is like the _______________
1. the _____________ it is, the _______ it is for the water to flow out. (wider pipe = lower electrical resistance)
2. The ____________, the harder it will be for the water to flow out. (tiny pipe = higher electrical resistance)
C. _________________________ is like the _________ of electrical current. The higher the pressure (____________)
and the wider the pipe (______________) the ___________ the water ____________________ of the pipe (amps)
Review Questions
1. Why is it so important for a circuit to have a (-) AND a (+) pole in it?
2. Why would a broken wire stop the movement of an electrical current?
3. name these measurements of electrical current.
A. describes how quickly the current moves through the circuit.
B. describes the rate the current is slowed down in the circuit.
C. describe how much potential power is in the circuit.
4. If the Voltage is Decreased, what should happen to the amp rate of the electrical current?
5. Why would a thicker electrical wire allow electricity to move more freely than a thinner wire?