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The guide to doing your best on the science test for Cha pter 7
You should:
1. Study your notes
2. Get a good night sleep
3. Make flashcards for vocab words
ast eroid versus comets:
• Both asteroid and comets orbit around the
• Asteroids are rocky while comets are
made of ice and dust
• Asteroids orbit the Sun mostly in the
asteroid belt while comets have a large
elliptical path that goes beyond Pluto.
You should know the definition of the
following: (Make Flashcards)
1. star
2. solar system
3. ellipse
4. planet
5. satellite
6. asteroid
7. comet
8. gravity
You should remember that:
1. The more mass an object has the more gravity that
it has
2. Gravity is what hold planets in their orbits
3. Planets orbit in an elliptical path
4. We live in the Milky Way galaxy
You should be able to explai n:
1. How does the Sun give off energy?
* Sun is very hot so hydrogen particles move at high
* When those hydrogen particles hot one another
they combine to form Helium (Fusion)
* Energy comes from the fusion of Hydrogen particles
into Helium
Planet Order: closest to farthest from Sun
1. Mercury
2. Venus
3. Earth
4. Mars
5. Jupiter
6. Saturn
7. Uranus
8. Neptune
My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles!
The S un
• Is a star
• Largest body in our solar
• Made mostly of
hydrogen and helium
• Sunspots change every
11 years
• The three layers of the
Sun’s atmosphere are
o Photosphere
o Chromosphere
o Corona
• Takes 8 minutes for light
from Sun to reach Earth
Gravity i n Space
• Gravity is force of
attraction between two
• Gravity keeps planets in
• Gravity pulls on the Moon
keeping it in orbit
The guide to doing your best on the science test for Cha pter 7
Facts about t he Planets:
1. Mercury
* No moons
* Closest to Sun
* Full of craters
5. Jupiter
* Biggest planet
* Has the most moons
* Moons named Ganymede, Europa, Io
2. Venus
* No moons
* Atmosphere is think swirling clouds
* One of brightest objects
6. Saturn
* Has bright rings of ice, dust, rock
* Outer planet
3. Earth
* One moon
* only planets with liquid water in surface
* takes 365 days to orbit around Sun
* Gas giant & Outer planet
* rotates on it’s side
* coldest planet
4. Mars
8. Neptune
* Two Moons
* Triton orbits in opposite direction
* is the most like Earth
* smallest gas giant
* Iorn Oxide gives reddish color
* methane gas in atmosphere