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Websites for Propaganda and War Research
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Propaganda Techniques
This web site discusses various techniques that are used by propagandists and gives you examples to test
your skills at detecting propaganda.
Propaganda Critic
This introduction will explain how propaganda is used and why. Additional descriptions of common
propaganda techniques are provided here for your understanding.
Student Life
Student Resources
Summer School
Elements of Progaganda
This Web site discusses war, propaganda, and the media. Wars are fought on a battleground, but people
at home experience conflict in their minds by means of propaganda.
Progaganda Media
"Propaganda Media" is based upon "Psychological Operations Field Manual No.33-1" published in
August 1979 by Department of the Army Headquarters in Washington DC; and "Psychological
Operations (PSYOP) Media Subcourse PO-0816" by The Army Institute for Professional
Development, published in 1983." The Propaganda Media information is distributed into several
categories: Interpersonal Communication; Audio Visual Media; Audio Media; Visual Media; and
German Posters-- Wartime Propaganda
This Web site provides posters demonstrating political propaganda. You may view and/or download
these posters in order to see a large view by selecting one poster at a time. An English translation of the
text is given for better understanding. This site does not endorse any political viewpoint, however these
posters present a strong totalitarian viewpoint which can be considered offensive. They are provided for
educational purposes.
Propaganda-- Virtual Lesson
Propaganda is everywhere. How do you recognize it? Here is a virtual lesson on the subject of
propaganda. It looks at the way that art, film, and language is often distorted to sell objects and ideas.
Propaganda Posters-- United States
After entering World War I in April, 1917, the United States began producing propaganda posters. In
fact, despite America's late entry into the war, it created more posters than any other single nation. At
this web site, browse through forty-two pages of posters from this era.
World War I-- The Drift Towards War
Propaganda was used before the war, during the war, and during peacetime. Here you can read about
how propaganda is used to influence the public.
Propaganda Postcards of the Great War
This web-site has been established to provide a tool to students, researchers and postcard collectors
with an interest in the period of World War One in general or "Great War" propaganda in particular.
Five main areas of allow you to learn all about the various ways that people can
change other people's minds. You can search through each of the five areas on your own or you can use
the table of contents to navigate your way through information on disciplines, techniques, principles,
explanations, and even theories.
Pros and Cons for the War on Iraq
The sites here cover the war against Iraq from all angles. By looking at the information from both pro
and anti-war viewpoints, you will be able to make a better informed decision about what you personally
thing about the war.
This site presents in a simple, nonpartisan pro-con format, responses to the core question, "Should the
U.S. have attached Iraq?"
The Philosophy of War
Examining war begins with very general questions such as What is War? How can it be defined? Is it
right to wage war? etc.
The Philosophy of War from American Chronicle
Another debate to view
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