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Behavioral Health Partial (BHP)
(2010 – June 2014)
Clinical Research conducted by the BHP team: Psychology Interns, Postdoctoral Psychology Fellows,
Research Assistant, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Clinical Team Managers, Community Residence
Counselors & Collaborators
16. Beard, C. & Björgvinsson, T. (in press). Beyond Generalized Anxiety Disorder:
Psychometric Properties of the GAD-7 in a Heterogeneous Sample. Journal of Anxiety
15. Kertz, S.J., Lee, J., & Björgvinsson, T. (in press). Psychometric Properties of Abbreviated
and Ultra-Brief Versions of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire. Psychological
14. Björgvinsson, T., Kertz, S.J., Bigda-Peyton, J., Rosmarin, D., Aderka, I., & Neuhaus, E. (in
press). Effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy for severe mood disorders in an acute
naturalistic setting: A benchmarking study. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
13. McHugh, R.K., Kertz, S.J., Hearon, B., Weiss, R., Baskin-Sommers, A., & Björgvinsson, T.
(2014). Distress Intolerance and Severe Psychopathology. Behavior Therapy, 42, 232240.
12. Kertz, S. J., McHugh, R., K., Lee, J., & Björgvinsson, T. (2014). Examining the latent
structure of worry and generalized anxiety in a clinical sample. Journal of Anxiety
Disorders, 28(1),8-15.
11. Rosmarin, D., Bigda-Peyton, J., Öngür, D., Pargament, K. I., & Björgvinsson, T. (2013).
Religious coping among psychotic patients: Relevance to suicidality and treatment
outcomes. Psychiatry Research, 210(1), 182-187.
10. Beard, C. & Björgvinsson, T. (2013). Commentary on Psychological Vulnerability: An
Integrative Approach. Journal of Integrative Psychotherapy, 23(3), 281-283.
9. Webb, C., Kertz, S., Bigda-Peyton, J., & Björgvinsson, T. (2013). The role of pretreatment
outcome expectancies and cognitive-behavioral skills in symptom improvement in an
acute psychiatric setting. Journal of Affective Disorders, 149, 375-382.
Behavioral Health Partial (BHP)
(2010 – June 2014)
8. Kertz, S.J, Bigda-Peyton, J., & Björgvinsson, T. (2013). Validity of the Generalized Anxiety
Disorder-7 Scale in an Acute Psychiatric Sample. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy,
20, 456-464.
7. Björgvinsson, T., Kertz, S.J, Bigda-Peyton, J., Aderka, I., & McCoy, K. (2013). Psychometric
properties of the Center for Epidemiological Studies of Depression-10 in an acute
psychiatric sample. Assessment, 20, 429-436.
6. Rosmarin, D.H., Bigda-Peyton, J.S., Kertz, S.J., Smith, N., Rauch, S.L., & Björgvinsson, T.
(2012). A test of faith in god and treatment: The relationship of belief in god to
psychiatric treatment outcomes. Journal of Affective Disorders, 146(3), 441-446.
5. Kertz, S.J., Bigda-Peyton, J.S., Rosmarin, D.H., & Björgvinsson, T. (2012). The Importance
of Worry across Diagnostic Presentations: Prevalence, Severity, and Associated
Symptoms in a Partial Hospital Setting. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26(1), 126-133.
4. Kuller, A., Libben, M.R., Rosmarin, D.H., & Björgvinsson, T. (2012). Does symptom type
moderate the relationship between insight and outcome in cognitive behavioral therapy
for psychosis? A preliminary investigation. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 41(4), 298309.
3. Rosmarin, D.H., Pirutinsky, S., Auerbach, R.P., Björgvinsson, T., Bigda-Peyton, J.,
Andersson, G., Pargament, K.I., & Krumrei, E.J. (2011). Incorporating spiritual beliefs
into a cognitive model of worry. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 67(7), 691-700.
2. Rosmarin, D.H., Auerbach, R.P., Bigda-Peyton, J.S., Björgvinsson, T., & Levendusky, P.G.
(2011). Integrating spirituality into cognitive behavioral therapy in an acute psychiatric
setting: A Pilot Study. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 25(4), 287-303.
1. Kuller, A., & Björgvinsson, T. (2010). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with a Paranoid
Schizophrenic Patient. Clinical Case Studies, 9(5), 311-327.
Manuscripts under review:
3. Cohen, M., Beard, C., & Björgvinsson, T. (revise and resubmit). Patient Characteristics and
Treatment Credibility and Expectancy.
Behavioral Health Partial (BHP)
(2010 – June 2014)
2. Iderka, I., Beard, C., Lee, J., Weiss, R., & Björgvinsson, T. (under review). The relationship
between depression and generalized anxiety during intensive pharmacological and
psychological treatment of MDD and GAD.
1. Weiss, R.B., Aderka, I.M., Lee, J., Beard, C., & Björgvinsson, T. (revise and resubmit). A
Comparison of three brief depression measures in an acute psychiatric population: The
CES-D-10, QIDS, and DASS.
Conference Symposia/Presentations:
18. Hearon, B., Beard, C, Lee, J., Otto, M.W., & Björgvinsson, Ph.D. (2014, November).
Comparison of Two Strategies for Promoting Exercise as an Augmentation to CBT in a
Partial Hospital Program. In K. Szuhany & X. Kredlow (Co-Chairs), M. W. Otto
(Discussant) in Adding Physical Activity to Your Clinical Practice: Models, Methods, and
Mechanisms. Symposium to be conducted at the 48th annual meeting of the Association
for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.
17. Hearon, B.A., Trueba, A.F., Beard, C., Lee, J., & Björgvinsson, T (2014, November).
Mechanism of Change in a Partial Hospitalization Program: Comparisons across CBT,
DBT, and ACT Mediators. In K. Dalrymple (Chair), Implementing and Testing EvidenceBased Practices in Routine Clinical Settings: Outcomes in Three Partial Hospital
Programs. Symposium to be conducted at the 48th annual meeting of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.
16. Lee, J., Hearon, B.A, Beard, C., & Björgvinsson, T. (2014, November). Examining the
Mediational Role of Experiential Avoidance in Alexithymia and Emotion Regulation. In
T. Björgvinsson (Chair), Alexithymia, emotion processing and regulation and
Psychological Symptomatology. Symposium to be conducted at the annual European
Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT) conference, The Hague,
15. Foti, D., Hajack, G., & Björgvinsson, T. (2013). Refining Melancholia: Blunted mood
reactivity to positive events is associated with impaired reward processing and poorer
treatment response. In K. Krinkmann (Chair), G. Siegle (Discussant) in Reward
processing dysfunction in depression: From anticipation, to consummation, to memory.
Paper presented at a symposium at the 53rd annual meeting of the Society for
Psychophysiological Research, Florence, Italy.
Behavioral Health Partial (BHP)
(2010 – June 2014)
14. Kertz, S., Beard, C., Lee, J., & Björgvinsson, T. (2013, November). Predictors of Worry and
Anxiety Reduction in Individuals with GAD and Other Diagnoses: Examining Changes
in Cognitive and Emotion Regulation Vulnerabilities. In M. Dugas (Chair) Beyond the
Horserace: What Are the Factors that Predict and Explain Treatment Response to CBT
for GAD? Symposium conducted at the 47th annual meeting of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Nashville, TN.
13. Beard, C., Weiss, R.B., Lee, J., Aderka, I. & Björgvinsson, T. (2013, November).Sudden
Gains in CBT for Depression in an Acute Naturalistic Treatment Sample: Prevalence,
Predictors, and Relationship to Outcome. In C. Beard (Chair), Sudden Gains in CBT:
New Findings and Updated Theory. Symposium conducted at the 47th annual meeting of
the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Nashville, TN.
12. Webb, C.A., Beard, C., Menninger, E., & Björgvinsson, T. (2013, November). The Role of
the Therapeutic Alliance in a Naturalistic Psychiatric Setting: A cause or consequence of
depressive symptom change? In C. Beard (Chair), Psychotherapy Integration Research in
Naturalistic Psychiatric Settings. Symposium conducted at the 47th annual meeting of
the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Nashville, TN.
11. Hearon, B.A., Beard, C., Kopeski, L., Lee, J., Smits, J.A.J., Otto, M.W., & Björgvinsson, T.
(2013, November). A Novel Strategy for Promoting Exercise in a Partial Hospital
Setting. In C. Beard (Chair), Psychotherapy Integration Research in Naturalistic
Psychiatric Settings. Symposium conducted at the 47th annual meeting of the Association
for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Nashville, TN.
10. Björgvinsson, T., Weiss, R.B., Lee, J., Barrick, E., & Beard, C. (2013, November). One
Model of Integration: Methods from a Partial Hospital Program. In C. Beard (Chair),
Psychotherapy Integration Research in Naturalistic Psychiatric Settings. Symposium
conducted at the 47th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, Nashville, TN.
9. Kertz, S. J., Lee, J., & Björgvinsson, T. (2013, April). Linking Cognitive Avoidance and
Worry with the Emotion Regulation Theory of GAD. In C. Beard (Chair), Predictors and
Mediators of Anxiety Reduction across Different Interventions and Settings. Symposium
conducted at the 33rd annual meeting of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America.
La Jolla, CA.
8. Weiss, R. B., Lee, J., Cohen, M., Beard, C., & Björgvinsson, T. (2013, April). Predictors of
Treatment Response Among Diagnostic Subgroups in Brief, Intensive Cognitive
Behavioral Health Partial (BHP)
(2010 – June 2014)
Behavioral Therapy for Acute Anxiety. In C. Beard (Chair), Predictors and Mediators of
Anxiety Reduction across Different Interventions and Settings. Symposium conducted at
the 33rd annual meeting of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America. La Jolla, CA.
7. Kertz, S.J., McHugh, R.K., Bigda-Peyton, J, & Björgvinsson, T. (2012, November).
Examining subtypes of GAD in R.K. McHugh (Chair), Advances in the Diagnosis and
Treatment of GAD. Symposium conducted at the 46th annual meeting of the Association
for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, MD.
6. Kertz, S.J., Björnsson, A.S., McCoy, K.C., Lee, J., & Björgvinsson, T. (2012). Predictors of
treatment response in brief, intensive cognitive behavioral therapy for acute anxiety. In
G. Panayioutou (Chair), Anxiety disorders in the real world. Symposium conducted at the
annual European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT)
conference, Geneva, Switzerland.
5. Björgvinsson, T., Kertz, S., Rosmarin, D., & Bigda-Peyton, J. (2011, November). Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy in an Era of Managed Care: Examining Treatment Outcome and
Mechanisms of Change in the Context of a Partial Hospital Program. In M. Hughes
(Chair), Is CBT Really Just for Outpatients? Examining Treatment Outcomes in Acute
Psychiatric Settings. Symposium conducted at the 45th annual convention of the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Canada.
4. Björgvinsson, T., Rosmarin, D., Kertz, S., & Bigda-Peyton, J. (2011, August). A Protocol for
Evaluating Anxiety Treatment Outcomes in a Naturalistic Setting: Development,
Challenges, and Preliminary Findings. In G. Panayiotou (Chair), Profiles of Anxiety:
Demographics, Individual Difference Factors, Quality of Life Impact and Treatment
Outcomes around the World. Symposium conducted at the 41st annual meeting of the
European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Reykjavik, Iceland.
3. Björgvinsson, T., Bigda-Peyton, J., Rosmarin, D., & Kertz, S., (2011, March). A Protocol for
Evaluating Anxiety Treatment Outcomes in a Naturalistic Setting: Development,
Challenges, and Preliminary Findings. In C.T. Wetterneck, & T. Björgvinsson,
(Moderators), Treatment Interference of OCD and other anxiety disorders: The role of
personality traits, family accommodations, and symptom subtypes. Symposium
conducted at the 31st annual meeting of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America,
New Orleans, LA.
2. Björgvinsson, T., Bigda-Peyton, J., Rosmarin, D., & Auerbach, R. (2010, November).
Examining Treatment Efficacy in the Naturalistic Context of Partial Hospital Program.
Behavioral Health Partial (BHP)
(2010 – June 2014)
In C. Sharp (Chair), Evidence Based Practice and Practice Based Evidence in Hospital
Settings: Methods, challenges and findings. Symposium conducted at the 44th annual
meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco, CA.
1. Auerbach, R., Rosmarin, D., Wang, J., & Björgvinsson, T. (2010, June). Examining Treatment
Outcomes in the Context of a Partial Hospital Program: Understanding the Challenges
Associated with Conducting Naturalistic Research. Panel presentation at the 6th annual
meeting of the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Boston, MA.
Poster Presentations:
32. Garner, L., Stein, A., Beard, C., & Björgvinsson, T. (2014, November) Assessing Treatment
Fidelity in a Naturalistic Treatment Setting. Poster to be presented at the 48th Annual
Convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.
31. Lee, J., Hearon, B., Beard, C., & Björgvinsson, T. (2014, November) Experiential Avoidance
as a Mediator of Alexithymia and Emotion Regulation. Poster to be presented at the 48th
Annual Convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,
Philadelphia, PA.
30. Stein, A., Beard, C., Hearon, B., & Björgvinsson, T. (2014, November) Beyond Borderline
Personality Disorder: Psychometric Properties of the DBT-WCCL In a Heterogeneous
Sample. Poster to be presented at the 48th Annual Convention of the Association of
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.
29. Stein, A., Lee, J., Hearon, B., Montana, R., Kopeski, L., Beard, C., & Björgvinsson, T.
(2014, November). Predictors of treatment non-response in an intensive CBT partial
hospital. Poster to be presented at the 48th Annual Convention of the Association of
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.
28. Stein, A., Lee, J., Hearon, B., Montana, R., Kopeski, L., Björgvinsson, T., & Beard, C.
(2014, January). Predictors of Treatment Non-response in an Intensive CBT Partial
Hospital. Poster presented at the 5th annual meeting of McLean Research Day, Belmont,
27. Garner, L., Stein, A., Beard, C. & Björgvinsson, T. (2014, January). Assessing Treatment
Fidelity in a Naturalistic Treatment Setting. Poster presented at the 5th annual meeting of
McLean Hospital Research Day, Belmont, MA.
Behavioral Health Partial (BHP)
(2010 – June 2014)
26. Reidler, E., Woodward, E. N., Perkins, S., Reed, L. I., McCoy, K., & Björgvinsson, T. (2013,
November). Differences in depressive symptoms between individuals diagnosed with and
without borderline personality disorder in a partial hospital setting. Poster presented at
the 47th Annual Convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,
Nashville, TN.
25. Foti, D., Gironde, S., Lee, J., Hajcak, G., & Björgvinsson, T. (2013, November). Impaired
mood reactivity to positive events as a core feature of melancholic depression: Links with
neurobiological dysfunction and treatment response. Poster presented at the 47th Annual
Convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Nashville, TN.
24. Cohen, M., Beard, C., Lee, J., Weiss, R.B., & Björgvinsson, T. (2013, November). Patient
Characteristics and Treatment expectancy. Poster presented at the 47th Annual
Convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Nashville, TN.
23. Lee, J., Weiss, R.B., Cohen, M., Aderka, I., Beard, C., & Björgvinsson, T. (2013, April).
Prevalence and predictors of sudden gains in a psychiatrically acute naturalistic
treatment sample. Poster presented at the 33rd annual meeting of the Anxiety Disorders
Association of America, La Jolla, CA.
22. Beard, C., Cohen, M., Lee, J., Weiss, R.B., & Björgvinsson, T. (2013, April). Patient
Characteristics and Treatment expectancy. Poster presented at the 33rd annual meeting of
the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, La Jolla, CA.
21. Lee., J., Weiss, R.B., Beard, C., & Björgvinsson, T. (2013, January). Predictors of Treatment
Response among Diagnostic Subgroups in Brief, Intensive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
for Acute Anxiety. Poster presented at 4th annual meeting of McLean Hospital Research
Day, Belmont, MA.
20. Cohen, M., Beard, C., Lee, J., Weiss, R.B., & Björgvinsson, T. (2013, January). Patient
Characteristics and Treatment expectancy. Poster presented at 4th annual meeting of
McLean Hospital Research Day, Belmont, MA.
19. Björgvinsson, T., Cohen, M., Lee, J., Weiss, R.B., & Beard, C. (2013, January). Naturalistic
Treatment Outcome Research in a Partial Hospital Program: Methodology,
Implementation, and Integration with Clinical Care. Poster presented at 4th annual
meeting of McLean Hospital Research Day, Belmont, MA.
Behavioral Health Partial (BHP)
(2010 – June 2014)
18. Rosmarin, D., Bigda-Peyton, J., Kertz, S., Smith, N., & Björgvinsson, T. (2012, January).
Faith in Treatment and God: Spiritual belief is associated with perceived treatment
credibility/expectancy and better psychiatric treatment outcomes. Poster presented at 3rd
annual meeting of McLean Hospital Research Day, Belmont, MA.
17. Kertz, S., Bigda-Peyton, J., Rosmarin, D., & Björgvinsson, T. (2012, January). Worry and
Generalized Anxiety Disorder in a Partial Hospital Setting: Prevalence, Associated
Distress, and Influence on Treatment Outcome. Poster presented at 3rd annual meeting of
McLean Hospital Research Day, Belmont, MA.
16. Björgvinsson, T., Kertz, S., Rosmarin, D., Kopeski, L., Bigda-Peyton, J., & Menninger, E.
(2012, January). Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Severe Mood
Disorders. Poster presented at 3rd annual meeting of McLean Hospital Research Day,
Belmont, MA.
15. Tang, J., Smith, N., DeAmicis, A., McCue, A., Bigda-Peyton, J., Rosmarin, D., &
Björgvinsson, T. (2011, November). The Effectiveness of CBT Treatment in a Partial
Hospital Setting Among Multicultural Patients. Poster presented at the 45th annual
meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Canada.
14. DeAmicis, A., Bigda-Peyton, J., Rosmarin, D., McCue, A., Tang, J., & Björgvinsson, T.
(2011, November). Symptom Presentation and Treatment Outcomes in Student and Nonstudent Patients in a Partial Hospital Setting. Poster presented at the 45th annual meeting
of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Canada.
13. Kertz, S., Bigda-Peyton, J., Rosmarin, D., & Björgvinsson, T. (2011, November). Worry and
Generalized Anxiety Disorder in a Partial Hospital Setting: Prevalence, Associated
Distress, and Influence on Treatment Outcome. Poster presented at the 45th annual
meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Canada.
12. Bigda-Peyton, J., Rosmarin, D., Kertz S., & Björgvinsson, T. (2011, November). Cognitive,
Behavioral, or Both? Mechanisms of Change in an Acute, Depressed Sample. Poster
presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, Toronto, Canada.
11. Pinder-Amaker, S., Bell, C., & Björgvinsson, T. (2011, November). The Behavioral Health
College Focus: Outcomes and Implications for Future Treatment. Poster presented at the
45th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto,
Behavioral Health Partial (BHP)
(2010 – June 2014)
10. McCue, A., Bigda-Peyton, J., Tang, J., DeAmicis, A., Rosmarin, D., & Björgvinsson, T.
(2011, November). Gender Differences in Treatment Response for Patients with
Borderline Personality Disorder in a CBT-Based Partial Hospital Program. Poster
presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, Toronto, Canada.
9. Libben, M., Kuller, A., Goines, J., & Björgvinsson, T. (2011, November). Cognitive
behavioral therapy for psychotic symptoms: What role does insight play? Poster
presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, Toronto, Canada.
8. Krompinger, J., Bigda-Peyton, J., Rosmarin D., & Björgvinsson, T. (2011, November). The
importance of emotion regulation to symptom severity: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
skill acquisition in an acute psychiatric setting. Poster presented at the 45th annual
meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Canada.
7. Bigda-Peyton, J., Kertz, S., Rosmarin, D., & Björgvinsson, T. (2011, March). Does worry
mitigate or enhance the effect of CBT on depressive symptoms? Poster presented at the
31st annual meeting of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, New Orleans, LA.
6. Krompinger, J., Bigda-Peyton, J., Rosmarin D., & Björgvinsson, T. (2011, January).
Dispositional emotion regulation is related to symptom severity and predicts CBT skill
acquisition in an acute psychiatric setting. Poster presented at 2nd annual meeting of
McLean Hospital Research Day, Belmont, MA.
5. Goines, J., Libben, M., Kuller, A., & Björgvinsson, T. (2011, January). The Relationship
Between CBT Skills and Insight Among Psychotic Patients. Poster presented at 2nd annual
meeting of McLean Hospital Research Day, Belmont, MA.
4. Björgvinsson, T., Schrock, M., Goines, J., Rosmarin, D., Kopeski, L., Auerbach, R., & BigdaPeyton, J. (2011, January). Examining Treatment Outcomes in the Context of a Partial
Hospital Program: Preliminary Data on the Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
for Affective Disorders. Poster presented at 2nd annual meeting of McLean Hospital
Research Day, Belmont, MA.
3. Rosmarin, D., Bigda-Peyton, J., Auerbach, R., Björgvinsson, T., & Levendusky, P. (2011,
January). Integrating Spirituality into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in an Acute
Behavioral Health Partial (BHP)
(2010 – June 2014)
Psychiatric Setting: A Pilot Study. Poster presented at 2nd annual meeting of McLean
Hospital Research Day, Belmont, MA.
2. Bigda-Peyton, J., Kertz, S., Rosmarin, D., & Björgvinsson, T. (2011, January). Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy for Depressive Symptoms: The moderating role of worry. Poster
presented at 2nd annual meeting of McLean Hospital Research Day, Belmont, MA.
1. Cohane, G., Meade, A., & Björgvinsson, T. (2010, May). Mindfulness, Meditation, and GAD:
Models, Research, and Future Directions. Poster presented at the 22nd annual meeting of
the Association of Applied Psychological Sciences, Boston, MA.