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Biology 12
Provincial Exam Questions
Unit: Cell Biology, Cell compounds and Biological Molecules
(B2, B3, B4)
2010 Jan
1. Hydrogen bonds form between
A. oxygen atoms.
B. hydrogen atoms.
C. water molecules.
D. glucose molecules.
2. Which of the following illustrates a polysaccharide?
3. Which of the following is a lipid?
A. lipase
B. glycerol
C. glycogen
D. testosterone
5. Which of the following correctly identifies DNA bases X, Y and Z?
Biology 12
2010 Sample
Same as 2009 sample
2009 Sample
4. Which of the following diagrams represents glucose?
5. Why do neutral fats not dissolve in water?
A. Water is non-polar.
B. Water is polar and neutral fats are non-polar.
C. Neutral fats are polar and form hydrogen bonds with water.
D. Neutral fats break down into ions when combined with water.
2009 June
6. Which of the following is a monomer of polysaccharides?
Biology 12
A. glycine
B. glucose
C. adenine
D. glycogen
7. Which of the following is not a function of a protein?
A. storing genetic information
B. catalyzing cellular reactions
C. sending chemical messages
D. transporting glucose into a cell
8. A polymer formed from this molecule
A. stores fat in the body.
B. acts as a chemical messenger.
C. provides rigidity to plant cells.
D. moves ions across the cell membrane.
Biology 12
9. Which molecule is a component of the fluid part of the cell membrane?
A. W
B. X
C. Y
D. Z
Biology 12
10. X indicates
A. ribose.
B. thymine.
C. phosphate.
D. deoxyribose.
11. If a DNA molecule contains 8% adenine and 42% guanine, it also contains
A. 8% uracil and 42% cytosine.
B. 42% uracil and 8% cytosine.
C. 8% thymine and 42% cytosine.
D. 42% thymine and 8% cytosine.
2008 Aug
Biology 12
6. The quaternary structure of a protein is
A. a helix.
B. a pleated sheet.
C. joined polypeptides.
D. a linear sequence of amino acids.
7. Which of the following is not a characteristic of DNA?
A. The strands form a double helix.
B. The adenine bonds with thymine.
C. The strands are held together by ionic bonds.
D. The backbone consists of sugar and phosphate.
8. Which of the following is a correct representation of the percentage of bases
in a DNA molecule?
Biology 12
9. Which of the following could be a component of molecule X?
B. uracil
C. ribose
D. adenine
2007 Aug
5. Which of the following molecules, when added to water, will produce a solution with
the lowest pH?
A. cellulose
B. neutral fat
C. nucleic acid
D. monosaccharide
Biology 12
6. At time T, a small amount of dilute acid is added to a solution buffered to pH 5.0.
Which line on the graph illustrates the change in pH of the solution following the
addition of the weak acid?
A. W
B. X
C. Y
D. Z
7. Which of the following equations illustrates a synthesis reaction?
A. acid+base→salt+water
B. ATP→ADP+P+energy
C. protein+water →amino acids
D. glucose+glucose→maltose+water
8. Which of the following molecules insulates the body from heat loss?
Biology 12
9. The graph shows the relative number of atoms in a molecule.
Which of the following molecules reflects the data shown by the graph?
C. ribose
D. hemoglobin
10. Which of the following molecules is stored in the liver and broken down when the body
needs energy?
A. starch
B. maltose
C. cellulose
D. glycogen
11. What type of molecule is hemoglobin?
Biology 12
A. a steroid
B. a protein
C. a nucleic acid
D. a carbohydrate
12. X and Y could represent which of the following?
A. adenine and uracil
B. guanine and cytosine
C. cytosine and adenine
D. thymine and thymine
13. Which of the following is a difference between RNA and DNA?
A. the number of strands
B. the presence of adenine
C. the presence of guanine
D. the presence of a five-carbon sugar
2006 Aug
6. Hydrogen bonding accounts for which of the following properties of water?
A. its neutral pH
B. it acts as a reactant in hydrolysis
C. its increased density when frozen
D. its capacity to store large amounts of heat
Biology 12
8. What is a function of a polymer that is made up of the molecule above?
A. to increase metabolic rate
B. to increase blood pressure
C. to store genetic information
D. to store the energy produced in respiration
9. Which type of molecule catalyzes metabolic reactions?
10. Which molecule is produced in the chloroplast during photosynthesis?
Biology 12
11. Which molecule cannot be digested by humans?
Biology 12
12. What type of chemical bond is indicated by X?
A. ionic
B. peptide
C. covalent
D. hydrogen
13. DNA is a molecule of which of the following?
A. ribose
B. nucleotides
C. amino acids
D. nucleic acids
14. Which of the following are characteristics of a DNA molecule?
A. single helix, ribose, guanine
B. double helix, ribose, adenine
C. single helix, deoxyribose, uracil
D. double helix, deoxyribose, thymine
2005 Aug
6. What type of molecule is adenosine triphosphate (ATP)?
A. a fat
B. a steroid
C. a protein
D. a nucleotide
8. Which molecular property allows water to act as a solvent?
A. the lack of ionic bonds within the molecule
B. the ability to donate electrons between its atoms
Biology 12
C. the unequal sharing of electrons between its atoms
D. the presence of covalent bonds within the molecule
9. Equal quantities of four different acids were placed in separate test tubes. OH− was
until the pH in each test tube was 3.0. The graph shows the amount of OH− added to each
test tube.
Which of the four acids had the highest initial pH?
A. W
B. X
C. Y
D. Z
10. Which of the following molecules is a monomer of lipids?
A. glycerol
B. glycogen
C. amino acid
D. cholesterol
11. Which of the following is a formula for a carbohydrate?
5 10 5
12. Which of the following molecules functions as a hormone?
Biology 12
13. Which of the following is not found in this molecule?
A. uracil
B. nitrogen
C. phosphate
D. deoxyribose