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Fifth Grade Reading Street ( )
2014 Edition - Unit 3.1 The Fabulous Perpetual Motion Machine
Genre: Drama
Vocabulary Words:
1. applauds – shows approval by clapping hands, shouting, and so on
2. browsing – looking here and there
3. fabulous – wonderful; exciting
4. inspecting – looking over carefully; examine
5. project - a special assignment planned and carried out by a student or group of
Amazing Words:
1. experiment – a procedure to test something
2. theory – an explanation based on observation and reasoning
3. suggested – proposed an idea
4. device – an invention made to do a certain job
5. vehicle – a device for carrying people or things
6. enterprise – an important, difficult, or dangerous plan to be tried
7. design – a sketch, drawing, or plan that serves as a pattern from which to work
8. improvement – the act of improving or making something better
9. innovation – new idea or new way of doing something
10. entrepreneur – someone who organizes and manages a business
Comprehension: Sequence, Summarize
Fluency: Expression
Writing: Word Choice, Play
Grammar: Past, Present, and Future Tense
Vocabulary: Multiple-Meaning Words, Context Clues
Spelling: Words with Schwa
Listening and Speaking: Play Review
Spelling Words:
1. jewel
2. kingdom
3. gasoline
4. factory
5. garage
6. tropical
7. pajamas
8. estimate
9. tomorrow
10. humidity
11. Chicago
12. bulletin
13. carnival
14. illustrate
15. elegant
16. census
17. terrific
18. celebrate
19. operate
20. celery
21. rehearsal
22. salamander
23. prominent
24. significant
25. parakeet
Fifth Grade Reading Street ( )
2014 Edition - Unit 3.2 Leonardo’s Horse
Genre: Biography
Vocabulary Words:
achieved – accomplished; did
architect – person who designs buildings
bronze – a dark yellow-brown alloy of copper and tin
cannon – a big gun, especially one mounted on a base or wheels
depressed - gloomy; sad
fashioned – made, shaped
midst – in the middle of
philosopher - person who attempts to understand the basic nature of knowledge and reality
rival – person or group which tries do better than another
Amazing Words:
1. canvas – strong cloth with a coarse weave made of cotton, flax, or hemp used for painting
2. charcoal – a black, brittle form of carbon used for drawing made by partly burning wood in the absence of
easel – a stand for holding a picture
gallery – a place where artwork is displayed for the public to view
marble – a hard rock formed from limestone by heart and pressure
sculpture – a work of art made by carving, modeling, or casting
projector – a device used to project an image on a screen
medium – a material or technique that an artist uses
muse – to think in a dreamy way
10. inspire – to fill others with thoughts of hope
Comprehension: Main Idea and Details, Visualize
Fluency: Rate
Writing: Focus/Ideas, Persuasive Speech
Grammar: Principal Parts of Regular Verbs
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots, Word Structure
Spelling: Compound Words
Media Literacy: Newscast
Spelling Words:
1. waterproof
2. teaspoon
3. grasshopper
4. homesick
5. barefoot
6. courthouse
7. earthquake
8. rowboat
9. scrapbook
10. countryside
11. lightweight
12. fishhook
13. spotlight
14. blindfold
15. whirlpool
16. tablespoon
17. greenhouse
18. postcard
19. hummingbird
20. thumbtack
21. sledgehammer
22. brokenhearted
23. chalkboard
24. straightforward
25. granddaughter
Fifth Grade Reading Street ( )
2014 Edition - Unit 3.3 Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins
Genre: Biography
Vocabulary Words:
1. erected – put up; built
2. foundations – parts on which the other parts rest for support; bases
3. mold – a hollow shape in which anything is formed, cast, or solidified
4. occasion – a special event
5. proportion – a proper relation among parts
6. tidied – put in order; made neat
7. workshop – space or building where work is done
Amazing Words:
1. fossils – the hardened remains of things that lived in a former age
2. paleontologists – scientists who study fossils
3. sandstone- a sedimentary rock made mostly of sand
4. uncanny – to have powers of abilities beyond what seems normal
5. remains – what is left over
6. model – a small copy of something
7. extinct – died out or no longer exist
8. illustration – a picture, diagram, or map used to explain or decorate something
9. replica – an accurate copy of an object
10. archaic – something from an earlier time, out-of-date, or ancient
Comprehension: Fact and Opinion, Predict and Set Purpose
Fluency: Appropriate Phrasing
Writing: Word Choice, Advertising Brochure
Grammar: Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs
Vocabulary: Homonyms, Context Clues
Spelling: Words with Consonant Sounds /j/, /ks/, /sk/, /s/
Listening and Speaking: Introduction
Spelling Words:
1. excuse
2. scene
3. muscle
4. explore
5. pledge
6. journal
7. science
8. schedule
9. gigantic
10. scheme
11. Japan
12. excellent
13. exclaim
14. fascinate
15. ginger
16. scholar
17. scent
18. dodge
19. smudge
20. schooner
21. extraordinary
22. reminisce
23. acknowledge
24. prejudice
25. allergic
Fifth Grade Reading Street ( )
2014 Edition - Unit 3.4 Mahalia Jackson
Genre: Expository Texts
Vocabulary Words:
1. appreciate – think highly of; value; enjoy
2. barber – person whose business is cutting hair and shaving or trimming beards
3. choir – a group of singers who sing together, often in a church service
4. released – published, performed, shown, sold
5. religious – devote to the belief, study, and worship of God or gods
6. slavery- custom of holding people as property of others
7. teenager – person between 13 and 19 years old
Amazing Words:
1. steady – regular, even
2. jam session – a gathering at which jazz musicians play music and improvise
3. beat – a unit of time or accent in music
4. fiddle – another word for violin
5. symphony – a complex piece of music with parts for many musicians to play
6. digital music – recorded in an electronic format for later listening
7. melody – tune
8. harmonize – to sing or play different tunes that sound good together
9. tempo – the speed at which music is played
10. movement – one division of a symphony, sonata, or other long selection
Comprehension: Main Idea and Details, Text Structure
Fluency: Rate
Writing: Word Choice, Description
Grammar: Troublesome Verbs
Vocabulary: Antonyms, Context Clues
Spelling: One Consonant or Two
Listening and Speaking: Give Directions
Spelling Words:
1. address
2. collar
3. mirror
4. recess
5. committee
6. collect
7. Mississippi
8. immediate
9. command
10. appreciate
11. announce
12. possess
13. Tennessee
14. gallop
15. opponent
16. barricade
17. broccoli
18. accomplish
19. allowance
20. zucchini
21. silhouette
22. millionaire
23. dilemma
24. embarrassment
25. compassionate
Fifth Grade Reading Street ( )
2014 Edition - Unit 3.5 Special Effects in Film and Television
Vocabulary Words:
1. background – the part of a picture or scene toward the back
2. landscape – a view of scenery on land
3. miniature – reduced image or likeness; done on a small scale
4. prehistoric – belonging to periods before histories were written
5. reassembled - brought or put together again
More Words to Know:
1. illusion – something that appears to be different from what it actually is
2. digital effects – pictures and sounds created by a computer
3. props – pieces of furniture or small articles used in staging a play
4. gruesome – scary or gross
5. realistic – lifelike or like the real thing
6. three-dimensional – having three dimensions: height, depth, and width
7. image – a likeness or copy
8. re-create – to create something over again
9. simulation – act of putting on an imitation or false appearance
10. graphics – pictures of diagrams made by a computer
Comprehension: Graphic Sources
Fluency: Accuracy
Writing: Organization, Expository Text
Grammar: Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases
Vocabulary: Affixes: Prefixes pre-, reSpelling: Prefixes pre-, reListening and Speaking: Advertisement
Genre: Expository Texts
Spelling Words:
1. uncover
2. defrost
3. uncomfortable
4. discourage
5. disadvantage
6. unfortunate
7. unfamiliar
8. disability
9. discomfort
10. deodorant
11. unemployed
12. deflate
13. disbelief
14. unpredictable
15. disapprove
16. disappoint
17. unpleasant
18. dehydrated
19. disqualify
20. undecided
21. unnecessary
22. disobedient
23. dehumidifier
24. disinfectant
25. disenchanted