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Biology Cumulative Final Exam Review Sheet
The following chapters will be covered: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 & Dissection
*Part I: 100 questions: multiple choice, matching & true or false.
*Part II: could include diagrams of microscope, cells, DNA/RNA, mitosis, meiosis, dissection, and about 10 short answer
questions. Topics will vary from specific questions to those that are opinions.
Below are objectives from each chapter/unit as well as a comprehensive list of terms.
The Science of Biology
1. Explain what the goal of science is.
2. Explain what a hypothesis is.
3. Describe how scientists test hypotheses.
4. Explain how a scientific theory develops.
5. Describe some characteristics of living things.
6. Explain how life can be studied at different levels.
7. Describe the measurement system most scientists use.
8. Explain how light microscopes and electron microscopes are similar and different.
9. Describe two common laboratory techniques.
10. Explain why it is important to work safely in biology.
Chemistry of Life
1. Identify the three subatomic particles found in atoms
2. Explain how all of the isotopes of an element are similar and how they are different.
3. Explain what chemical compounds are.
4. Describe the two main types of chemical bonds.
5. Explain why water molecules are polar.
6. Differentiate between solutions and suspensions.
7. Explain what acidic and basic solutions are.
8. Describe the functions of each group of organic compounds.
9. Explain how chemical reactions affect chemical bonds in compounds.
10. Describe how energy changes affect how easily a chemical reaction will occur.
11. Explain why enzymes are important to living things.
Cell Structure and Function
1. Explain what the cell theory is.
2. Describe how researchers explore the living cell.
3. Distinguish between eukaryotes and prokaryotes.
4. Describe the function of the cell nucleus.
5. Describe the function of major cell organelles.
6. Identify the main roles of the cytoskeleton.
7. Identify the main functions of the cell membrane and the cell wall.
8. Describe what happens during diffusion.
9. Explain the process of osmosis, facilitated diffusion, and active transport.
10. Describe cell specialization.
11. Identify the organization levels in multi-cellular organisms
1. Explain where plants get the energy they need to produce food.
2. Describe the role of ATP in cellular activities.
3. Explain what the experiments of van Helmont, Priestley, and Ingenhousz reveal about how plants grow.
4. State the overall equation for photosynthesis.
5. Describe the role of light and chlorophyll in photosynthesis.
6. Describe the structure and function of a chloroplast.
7. Describe what happens in the light-dependent reactions.
8. Explain what the Calvin cycle is.
9. Identify factors that affect the rate at which photosynthesis occurs.
Cellular Respiration
1. Explain what cellular respiration is.
2. Describe what happens during the process of glycolysis.
3. Name the two main types of fermentation.
4. Describe what happens during the Krebs cycle.
5. Explain how high-energy electrons are used by the electron transport chain.
6. Identify three pathways the body uses to release energy during exercise.
7. Compare photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
1. Summarize the relationship between genes and DNA.
2. Describe the overall structure of the DNA molecule.
3. Summarize the events of DNA replication.
4. Relate the DNA molecule to chromosome structure.
5. Tell how RNA differs from DNA.
6. Name the three main types of RNA.
7. Describe transcription and the editing of RNA.
8. Identify the genetic code.
9. Summarize translation.
10. Explain the relationship between genes and proteins.
11. Contrast gene mutations and chromosomal mutations.
12. Describe a typical gene.
13. Explain how most Eukaryotic genes are controlled.
14. Relate gene regulation to development.
Cell Growth, Division & Meiosis
1. Explain the problems that growth causes for cells.
2. Describe how cell division solves the problems of cell growth.
3. Name the main events of the cell cycle.
4. Describe what happens during the four phases of mitosis.
5. Identify a factor that can stop cells from growing.
6. Describe how the cell cycle is regulated.
7. Explain how cancer cells are different from other cells.
8. Contrast the chromosome number of body cells and gametes.
9. Summarize the events of meiosis.
10. Contrast meiosis and mitosis.
1. Explain how living things are organized for study.
2. Describe binomial nomenclature.
3. Explain Linnaeus’s system of classification.
4. Explain how evolutionary relationships are important in classification.
5. Identify the principle behind cladistic analysis.
6. Explain how we can compare very dissimilar organisms.
7. Name the six kingdoms of life as they are now identified.
8. Describe the three domain system of classification.
Introduction to Genetics
1. Describe how Mendel studied inheritance in peas.
2. Summarize Mendel’s conclusion about inheritance.
3. Explain the principle of dominance.
4. Describe what happens during segregation.
5. Describe how genetics use Punnett squares.
6. Explain the principle of independent assortment.
7. Describe other inheritance patterns.
8. Explain how Mendel’s principles apply to organisms.
9. Identify the structures that actually assort independently.
10. Explain how gene maps are produced.
Genetic Engineering
1. Explain the purpose of selective breeding.
2. Describe two techniques used in selective breeding.
3. Tell why breeders try to induce mutations.
4. Explain how scientists manipulate DNA.
5. Summarize what happens during transformation.
6. Explain how you can tell if a transformation experiment has been successful.
7. Describe the usefulness of some transgenic organisms to humans.
8. Summarize the main steps in cloning.
The Human Genome
1. Identify the types of human chromosomes in a karyotype.
2. Explain how sex is determined.
3. Explain how pedigrees are used to study human traits.
4. Describe examples of inheritance of human traits.
5. Explain how small changes in DNA cause genetic disorders.
6. Identify characteristics of human chromosomes.
7. Describe some sex-linked disorders and explain why they are more common in males than in females.
8. Explain the process of X-chromosome inactivation.
9. Summarize non-disjunction and the problems it causes.
10. Summarize methods of human DNA analysis.
11. State the goal of the Human Genome Project.
12. Describe how researchers are attempting to cure genetic disorders.
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
1. Describe the pattern Darwin observed among organisms of the Galapagos Islands.
2. State how Hutton and Lyell described geological change.
3. Identify how Lamarck thought species evolved.
4. Describe Malthus’ theory of population growth.
5. List events leading to Darwin’s publication of On the Origin of Species.
6. Describe how natural variation is used in artificial selection.
7. Explain how natural selection is related to species’ fitness.
8. Identify evidence Darwin used to present his case for evolution.
9. State Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection.
Evolution of Population
1. Explain what a gene pool is.
2. Identify the main sources of inheritable variation in a population.
3. State what determines how a phenotype is expressed.
4. Explain how natural selection affects single-gene and polygenic traits.
5. Describe genetic drift.
6. List the five conditions needed to maintain genetic equilibrium.
7. Identify the condition necessary for a new species to evolve.
8. Describe the process of speciation in the Galapagos finches.
The History of Life
1. Describe the fossil record.
2. State the information that relative dating and radioactive dating provide about fossils.
3. Identify the divisions of the geologic time scale.
4. Describe how conditions on early Earth were different than conditions today.
5. Explain what Miller and Urey’s experiments showed.
6. State the hypotheses that have been proposed for how life first arose on Earth.
7. Identify some of the main evolutionary steps in the early evolution of life.
8. Describe the key forms of life in the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras.
9. Identify important patterns of macroevolution.
The Biosphere
1. Identify the levels of organization that ecologists study.
2. Describe the methods used to study ecology.
3. Identify the source of energy for life processes.
4. Trace the flow of energy through living systems.
5. Evaluate the efficiency of energy transfer among organisms in an ecosystem.
6. Describe how matter cycles among the living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem.
7. Explain why nutrients are important in living systems.
8. Describe how the availability of nutrients affects the productivity of ecosystems.
Ecosystems and Communities
1. Identify the causes of climate.
2. Explain how Earth’s temperature range is maintained.
3. Identify Earth’s three main climate zones.
4. Explain how biotic and abiotic factors influence an ecosystem.
5. Identify the interactions that occur within communities.
6. Describe how ecosystems recover from a disturbance.
7. Explain what microclimates are.
8. Identify the characters of major land biomes.
9. Identify the factors that govern aquatic ecosystems.
10. Identify the two types of freshwater ecosystems.
11. Describe the characteristics of the marine zones.
1. List the characteristics used to describe a population
2. Identify factors that affect population size.
3. Differentiate between exponential and logistic growth.
4. Identify factors that limit population growth.
5. Differentiate between density-dependent and density-independent limiting factors.
6. Describe how the size of the human population has changed over time.
7. Explain why population growth rates differ in countries throughout the world.
1. Abiotic factor
2. Acid
3. Activation Energy
4. Adaptation
5. Adaptive radiation
6. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
7. Adhesion
8. Aerobic
9. Allele
10. Amino Acid
11. Anaerobic
12. Anaphase
13. Anticodon
14. Artificial selection
15. Asexual Reproduction
16. Atom
17. ATP Synthesis
18. Autosome
19. Autotroph
20. Bacteriophage
21. Base
22. Base pairing
23. Behavioral isolation
24. Binomial nomenclature
25. Biology
26. Biomass
27. Biome
28. Biosphere
29. Biotic factor
30. Buffer
31. Calorie
32. Calvin cycle
33. Cancer
34. Carbohydrate
35. Carolus Linneaus
36. Carrying capacity
37. Catalyst
38. Cell
39. Cell Culture
40. Cell cycle
41. Cell Division
43. Cellular Respiration
44. Centriole
45. Centromere
46. Chemical Reaction
47. Chlorophyll
48. Chromatid
49. Chromatin
50. Chromosome mutation
51. Class
52. Climate
53. Clone
54. Co evolution
55. Codominance
56. Codon
57. Cohesion
58. Commensalism
59. Common descent
60. Community
61. Compound
62. Compound Light Microscope
63. Controlled Experiment
64. Convergent evolution
65. Covalent Bond
66. Cross pollination
67. Crossing-over
68. Cyclin
69. Cytokinesis
70. cytology
71. Data
72. Density-dependent limiting factor
73. Density-independent limiting factor
74. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
76. Differentiation
77. Dihybrid cross
78. Diploid
79. Directional selection
80. Disruptive selection
81. Division
82. DNA Fingerprinting
83. DNA polymerase
84. Domain
85. Dominant
86. Dorsal
87. Ecological pyramid
88. Ecological succession
89. Ecology
90. Ecosystem
91. Electron
92. Electron Microscope
93. Electron transport chain
94. Element
95. Embryology
96. Emigration
97. Enzyme
98. Eukaryotic
99. Evolution
100. Exon
101. Exponential growth
102. Extinct
103. Family
104. Fermentation
105. Fertilization
106. Fitness
107. Food chain
108. Food web
109. Fossil
110. Fossil record
111. Founder effect
112. Frameshift Mutation
113. Gamete
114. Gel Electrophoresis
115. Gene
116. Gene Map
117. Gene mutation
118. Gene pool
119. Genetic drift
120. Genetic Engineering
121. Genetic Equilibrium
122. Genetic Marker
123. Genetics
124. Genome
125. Genotype
126. Genus
127. Geographic isolation
128. Geological time scale
129. Global warming
130. Glycolysis
131. Gradualism
132. Greenhouse effect
133. Habitat
134. Half-life
135. Hardy-Weinberg principle
136. Heredity
137. Heterotroph
138. Heterozygous
139. Hierarchy
140. Histone
141. Homeostasis
142. Homologous
143. Homologous structure
144. Homozygous
145. Hox Gene
146. Hybrid
147. Hybridization
148. Hypothesis
149. Immigration
150. Inbreeding
151. Incomplete Dominance
152. Independent Assortment
155. Interphase
156. Intron
157. Ion
158. Ionic Bond
159. Isotope
160. Karyotype
161. Kingdom
162. Krebs cycle
163. Light-Dependent Reactions
164. Limiting factor
165. Lipid
166. Logistic growth
167. Macroevolution
168. Manipulated Experiment
170. Meiosis
171. Mendel
172. Messenger RNA
173. Metabolism
174. Metaphase
175. Metric System
176. Microscope
177. Mitosis
178. Mixture
179. Molecule
180. Monohybrid cross
181. Monomer
182. Monosaccharide
183. Motile
184. Multicellular
185. Multiple Alleles
186. Mutation
187. Mutualism
188. NAD/H
189. NADP/H
190. Natural selection
191. Niche
192. Non-disjunction
193. Nucleic Acid
194. Nucleotide
195. Nucleus
196. Observation
197. Operator
198. Operon
199. Order
200. Ozone layer
201. Parasite
202. Parasitism
203. Pathogenic
204. Pedigree
205. pH Scale
206. Phenotype
207. Photosynthesis
208. Photosystem
209. Phylogeny
210. Phylum
211. Pigment
212. Pioneer species
213. Plasmid
214. Point Mutation
215. Polygenic
216. Polygenic traits
217. Polymer
218. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
219. Polyploidy
220. Polysaccharide
221. Population
222. Population density
223. Predation
224. Predator-prey relationship
225. Primary succession
226. Probability
227. Product
228. Prokaryotic
229. Promoter
230. Prophase
231. Protein
232. Punctuated equilibrium
233. Punnett square
234. Radioactive dating
235. Reactant
236. Recessive
237. Recombinant DNA
238. Relative dating
239. Replication
240. Reproductive isolation
241. Responding Variable
242. Restriction Enzyme
243. Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)
244. Ribosomal RNA
245. RNA Polymerase
246. Secondary succession
247. Segregation
248. Selective Breeding
249. Self pollination
250. Sessile
251. Sex Chromosome
252. Sex-linked Gene
253. Sexual Reproduction
254. Solute
255. Solution
256. Solvent
257. Speciation
258. Species
259. Spindle
260. Stabilizing selection
261. Stimulus
262. Stroma
264. Substrate
265. Survival of the fittest
266. Suspension
267. Symbiosis
268. Symmetry
269. Taxon
270. Taxonomic key
271. Taxonomy
272. Telophase
273. Temporal isolation
274. Tetrad
275. Theory
276. Thylakoid
277. Trait
278. Transcription
279. Transfer RNA
280. Transformation
281. Transgenic
282. Translation
283. Trophic level
284. True-Breeding
285. Unicellular
286. Van Der Waals Forces
287. Vascular
288. Ventral
289. Vestigial organ
290. Weather