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The birth of Ecology
Arsistot / Buffon
Definition of Ecology
The etymological meaning of ecology:
The word ecology comes from the Greek - Oikos means (Home - Habitat) and
Logos (Science - Knowledge)
It is the study and observation of interactions between living things and their habitats. This
version is related to environmental science.
The word ecology was used for the first time in 1866 by biologist Ernst Haeckel. He defined
ecology as "the science of relationships of organisms with the surrounding world."
Professor Roger Dajoz in 1983, refines the definition of ecology. For him, "Ecology is the
science that studies the lives of living beings and all kinds of interactions between these living
beings on the one hand, between living beings and the environment on the other."
1 ◦ The lives of living beings
2 ◦ The interactions and relationships between living beings
3 ◦ The interactions between living things and their environment = ecosystems
Current definition Ecology
To the general public, ecology is linked to environmental concerns, the consequences, negative
and destructive, which are often,linked at human activities on the environment and the planet.
(Pollution, destruction of ecosystems, greenhouse warming the world, deforestation ...)
The basic principles of ecology.
Ecology, as we consider it today, is a new science, but the basic principles of ecology has
gradually evolved through the ages.
Aristotle (384-322 BC) say "Humans and non-humans lived in different moral realms, because
some were endowed with reason, and not another" (Scala naturae).
Theophrastus (371-287 BC), a pupil of Aristotle, showed his disagreement, making a
distinction between plants and animals. It is consecrate especially philosophy botany. He wrote
numerous book dealing with the morphology, terminology and classification of plants.
Pline L'Ancien (30-79) was a Roman knight, he write "Natural History". His work is
dominated by the idea of nature "sovereign, creative, and workers the creation" idea inspired by in
particular, the Stoic doctrine, criticizing everything that corrupts nature.
(Stoicism is the philosophy which advocates the practice of meditation exercises that lead to live in
harmony with nature and the reason for attaining wisdom and happiness, the ultimate goal of human
Les XVe et XVIIe centuries are important periods in the history of
the world
Long travels, at this time, leads to the discovery of other continents, other peoples,
other cultures, and their fauna and flora. The development of new networks of exchange, and
interconnections, first with the Americas in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, but also Asia
and Africa.
The Great Botanists
Leonhart Fuchs
Book : « Historia stirpium »
Physician and Botanist German
born at Membdingen in
January 17, 1504, died May 10,
1566 at Tübingen
Fuchs uses criteria to define
species, are based on the
general appearance of the
flowers, in the smell, color, size
leaves ...
Fuchsia, discovered on the
island of Santo Domingo in
1696, it was dedicated him in
1703 by Charles Plumier
Hieronymus Bock
Book : « New Kreütter Büch »
Botanist, born at Heidesbach in he classifies 800 species of
1498, died February 21, 1554 at plants according as they are
wild or cultivated, whether
trees, shrubs or herbs.
Jean Bauhin
he is born in Basel,
December 12, 1541,
death in Montbeliard,
October 26, 1612,
Andrea Cesalpino
Book « l'Historia universalis
plantarum »
In 1591, he published a "History of
rabies notable wolves" with remedies
to prevent rabies, which occurs after
the bite of wolves, dogs and other
animals raging in 1593, he drafted a
Treaty of animals assigns wings,
affecting by their prick or their
stinging bites, with the remedies.
Book : « De plantis libri XVI »
Physician, philosopher,
chemist and botanist
He was born June 6,
1519, in Arezzo, Tuscany
and died Feb. 23, 1603 in
This book is near seagrass He
described around 1500 species.
He invented the first method of
botany. He based his classification
on: the shape of the flower, the fruit,
and the number of seeds.
Pitton de Tournefort
Book :
« Éléments de botanique ou méthode
pour connaître les plantes »
He was born in Aix-enProvence, June 5, 1656,
died in Paris, December
28, 1708
Carl von Linné
Swedish naturalist
He was born May 23,
1707 at Råshult, and died
January 10, 1778, in
He is considered one of
the fathers of modern
In the field of botany, he made a
herbarium, and he described various
crops seen during his travels.
"The method followed is based on the
structure of the flowers, and fruits. it
can not deviate without throwing in
strange embarrassment ... ". - JP de
Tournefort -
Book : « Systema Naturæ » (systems
of Nature) "Species plantarum"
(species of plants)
He described approximately 8,000
different plants.
Linné developed his system of
binomial nomenclature. a
combination of two Latin names: a
generic name and a specific epithet.
In the early eighteenth century, approximately 20 000 plant species were known,
against 40,000 in the early nineteenth century and almost 400,000 today.
The great Zoologist
Ulisse Aldrovandi
Eminent scientist Italian
He is born september
11,1522 in Bologna, and
died may 4, 1605 in the
same city
Conrad Gessner
( Konrad von Gesner )
Swiss naturalist
He was born March 26,
1516 in Zurich and died
December 13, 1565 in
Pierre Belon
Book :
1) Ornithologiae, hoc est de avibus
historiae libri XII. (De avibus),
Bologne, 1599.
2) Ornithologiae, tomus alter, Bologne,
3)Ornithologiae, tomus tertius ac
postremus, Bologne, 1603.
The work of Aldrovandi is a veritable
encyclopedia of natural history,
he produced fourteen volumes, folio
Between 1551 and 1554, he organized
several expeditions to collect plants for
his herbarium.
His herbarium was thus composed of
more than 7000 samples qu'Aldrovandi
used during teaching.
Ulysses Aldrovandi bequeathed his
collections naturalists at the University
of Bologna, enabling the creation of a
museum of natural history, one of the
first in Europe
Book : « Historia animalium »
It is, one the most important book of
zoology that was never published.
Gessner is the first to have the design,
"genre" and "Family" in zoology and
botany. he was the first to classify
plants according to the organs of
fructification, fertile idea which later
transformed the botany.
Book : « L'histoire naturelle des estranges
poissons marins, avec la vraie peincture et
description du daulphin, et de plusieurs
autres de son espèce » in 1551
Naturalist and traveler
he was born around 1517,
near Le Mans, died in 1564 The term fish includes all the marine
animals of the whale sea lion, the
crustacean anemone through the
hippopotamus or otter.
Pierre Belon describes, for the first
time in Europe, many animals that were
unknown. It describes about 110
species of fish.
Board comparing the skeleton of a human and a bird. Extracted from "Histoire des
oyseaux" by Pierre Belon
Pierre Belon is also interested in
botany, and in particular to the
acclimatization of exotic plants.
He introduction in France of the
Judas tree, the cork oak, the pistachio, cedar,
jujube, holm oak, juniper and east, and the
myrtle. In his descriptions of botany, no
doubt influenced by his knowledge
apothecary, he pays great attention to the
therapeutic properties of plants.
John Ray
(John Wray)
English naturalist
He was born in November
29, 1627, in Essex, and
died in January 17, 1705.
nicknamed the father of
British Natural History
John Latham
Physician, Naturalist and
He was born June 27, 1740
in Eltham, in Kent, and
died February 4, 1837.
Mathurin Jacques
French physicist and
zoologist, member of the
Academy of Sciences.
He was born April 30,
1723,at Fontenay-leComte died June 23, 1806,
near Versailles at Croissy
Book : Methodus plantarum nova
d'Historia plantarum (1686)
Methodus emendata (1703).
He starts to be interested in plants .
He separates the monocots and the
dicotyledons, and probably, inspired
by Theophrastus,the gymnosperms
and the angiosperms.
he differentiates plants without
flowers (such as ferns) of flowering
Ray publishes "Ornithologia libri",
one of the founding works of
modern ornithology.
He has written books on marine
reptiles, insects and other animals.
Ray is one of the founders of
zoology and botany modern
Book : « General Synopsis of
Birds »
He busied himself at the same time,
ornithology and anatomy compares
and form a beautiful collection of
birds, he described many new
species imported from Australia
Book : « Ornithologie »
He tries, despite the lack of
information on the behavior of
birds,to describe as accurately as
possible, species, where Linnaeus
merely a brief presentation. Brisson
sets 115 genera, grouped in 26
August Johann Rösel von Rosenhof
He is an artist and a German naturalist, born March 30, 1705 at Augustenburg near Arnstadt and
died March 27, 1759 in Nuremberg
Book :
"Monatlich herausgegebene
the four parties succeeded in 1746, 1749, 1755
"Historia naturalis ranarum nostratium"
(1758), on the Lizard,
To distinguish insects from other animals, Rösel
useful four criteria that seem a little surprising
- Insects have no legs, and not bones, unlike
other animals;
- The insects, in place of the mouth, or a sort
of sting, or a sort of suction cup, and if they
have a mouth thereof, is not inserted
dorsoventrally but rather transversely ;
- Insects do not have eyelids;
- Insects, breathe through small holes.
Michel Adanson
French botanist and
naturalist of Scottish
he is born April 7, 1727
in Aix-en-Provence and
died August 3, 1806 in
Book : "Méthode nouvelle pour
apprendre à connaître les familles des
plantes" "Histoire naturelle du
Sénégal. Coquillages".
He described a considerable number
of new animals and plants. Its
botanical collections including more
than a thousand harvests, as well as
more than 300 perennials that
acclimatera in the Jardin du Roi.
He will report, also 33 species of
birds, which are described by
Mathurin Jacques Brisson
with the method containing the
division of birds, "orders", "sections",
"genre", "species" and varieties.
René-Antoine Ferchault Book : He wrote many books, among
them "History of Ants"
de Réaumur
"History of Wasps"
French physicist and
The study of plants
He was born February
He gave detailed descriptions of the
28, 1683, La Rochelle
"flowers" and "seeds" of several
and died 17 October 1757 species of marine algae
in the field of
The study of aquatic invertebrates
Bermondière, SaintHe made known, the means by which
the starfish, sea nettles, lots of shells
and other molluscs or zoophytes,
perform their progressive movement
for locomotion by translation mode.
Among the works of Reaumur, we
must mention the papers published in
1749 on the artificial incubation of
eggs of birds
Abraham Trembley
Genevan naturalist.
He was born September
3, 1710 - died May 12,
Book : "Mémoires pour servir à
l'histoire d'un genre de polypes d'eau
douce à bras en forme de cornes"
He is the first to clarify the breeding
of animals by budding, grafting
permanent of animal tissues. He
discovers that the protozoa multiply
by division and describes some
physical characteristics of protoplasm
Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon
" If animals did not exist, would we not even more incomprehensible to ourselves? "
Naturalist, Mathematician, Biologist, Cosmologist, Philosopher and Writer French.
He was born at Montbard September 7, 1707, and died in Paris at 0 h 40, April 16, 1781.
" Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, avec la
description du Cabinet du Roy "
It is in this book, it is note the similarities between
humans and monkeys .
L’Histoire naturelle is an encyclopedia is divided
into 36 volumes .
Buffon is a thinker who has embraced all aspects of
natural history
"Natural history" followed by "Theory of the Earth,
General History of animals and natural history of
- Twelve volumes on quadrupeds (1753 to 1767);
- nine volumes on birds (1770 to 1783);
- five volumes on minerals (1783 to 1788),
- seven volumes of supplements (1774 to 1789), the
Epochs of Nature (from 1778).
The legacy of Buffon.
The new ideas he has introduced into the science by the new laws he established, Buffon was the
forerunner of the greatest scholars of the beginning of the nineteenth century.
XIX century, they are all branches of zoology which will be studied with an ardor and
sagacity unheard together will be based paleontology, embryology, teratology, etc.. With Cuvier,
Lamarck, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Audubon, Darwin, Haeckel, Huxley, Milne-Edwards, and many