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Reading Quiz 05 - Chapter 10
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Started: Sep 26 at 10:14am
Quiz Instructions
Reading Quiz 05 - Chapter 10 of Understanding Our Universe
Question 1
1 pts
Match the word to its definition.
apparent magnitude
Question 2
[ Choose ]
[ Choose ]
[ Choose ]
[ Choose ]
0.5 pts
There are ___________ degrees in a circle.
Question 3
There are _____________ arc minutes in 1 degree.
0.5 pts
Question 4
0.5 pts
There are _________ arc seconds in 1 arc minute.
Question 5
0.5 pts
There are _________ arc seconds in a circle.
This chapter refers to a figure and two "Working It Out" exercises that are in Ch. 5: Working It Out 5.1. We have reproduced Fig. 5.4 here, and you may need to review
the information given in Ch. 5.
Question 6
Which law gives us the peak wavelength of a black body curve?
Spectrum Law
Kirchhoff's Law
Wien's Law
Stefan-Boltzmann Law
1 pts
Question 7
1 pts
When the temperature increases the peak wavelength decreases, meaning it is an ___?___ relationship.
Question 8
1 pts
The complete relationship for determining the luminosity of the star is: L = 4πR2σT4 , with pi and sigma being constants. Is the luminosity of a star more dependent
upon changes in its temperature or changes in its radius?
Upon its temperature.
Dependent upon temperature and radius equally.
Upon its radius.
Question 9
2 pts
Match the term or phrase to its definition:
ground state
excited state
emission line
absorption line
[ Choose ]
[ Choose ]
[ Choose ]
[ Choose ]
Question 10
1 pts
It is impossible for a stellar object to have both an extremely high temperature and a very low luminosity.
Question 11
1 pts
It is possible for a star to have both a surface temperature lower than that of the Sun and a luminosity 100,000 times that of the Sun.
Question 12
2 pts
Match term or phrase to its definition:
binary star
eclipsing binary
visual binary
spectroscopic binary
[ Choose ]
[ Choose ]
[ Choose ]
[ Choose ]
Question 13
1 pts
A Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) Diagram tells us a lot about stars. One of the answers given below, however, is NOT something that can be inferred either directly or
indirectly about the stars placed on an H-R diagram. Which answer is wrong?
Exact location in the Milky Way
suface temperature
Question 14
1 pts
"For stars of a similar composition, the mass of a main-sequence star alone determines all of its other characteristics." (p. 267) This means that if we use the
absorption lines in the spectrum of a star and identify it as a main-sequence star, then we can get its luminosity. We can then measure its apparent brightness and get
its distance. This method of determining distances is called spectroscopic parallax.
Question 15
Good question for an exam: Along the main sequence (MS), temperatures of the stars range from about 40,000 K to 3,000 K, a little over a factor of 10. But,
luminosities for MS stars range from 10E-4 to 10E+5, a factor of 1,000,000,000! What law explains this?
1 pts
Wien's Law
Stefan-Boltzmann Law
Kepler's 3rd Law
Newton's law of gravity
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