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Curriculum Map: Biodiversity
Course: Biology II/Lab Sub-topic: Biology
Grade(s): 10 to 12
Biodiversity lays a foundation for the basic understanding of our world’s living
organisms. Throughout this course students will appreciate fundamental scientific processes and
principles, as well as understand the characteristics of life and the relationships shared between all
organisms. The core emphasis of Biodiversity is to study the diversity of life on Earth as students
explore the living kingdoms in a progression from simple to complex. Students will examine the
realm of living organisms beginning with the most primitive bacteria, proceeding through protists,
fungi, plants, and the variety of invertebrate and vertebrate animals, culminating with the study of
chordates. This is to be a lab-oriented class involving both microscopic examinations and gross
anatomy. Dissections of various specimens in a variety of phyla will be an integral portion of this
Biology by Miler & Levine, iPad, Workbooks,
Curriculum Map Kelly Olenic Author(s):
Date of Last
Revision to the May 1, 2015
Unit: Classifications
Timeline: 3 Weeks
In this chapter, students will read about the Linnean system of classification and how the meaning
and methods of biological classification have changed with the advent of evolutionary theory and
modern molecular methods of comparison. Students will also read about changes to the fivekingdom system, including the six-kingdom and three-domain systems. Unit Big Ideas: 1. Linnaean Classification System
2. Cladograms
3. Dichotomous Key
4. DNA in Classification
Unit Concepts:
Unit Essential
1. How are living things organized for study?
2. How do scientists use binomial nomenclature and systematics to organize organisms?
3. What is Linnaeus's system of classification?
4. Why are evolutionary relationships important in classification?
5. How are cladograms used to identify evolutionary relationships?
6. How can we compare dissimilar organisms?
7. What are the tools necessary for identifying unknown organisms (dichotomous keys, field
8. What are the six kingdoms of life as they are currently identified and describe changes to
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the classification system from the time of Linnaeus to now?
9. What are the three domain system of classification?
Unit Academic
Vocabulary &
Definitions :
1. Archaea: domain consisting of unicellular prokaryotes that have cell walls that do not contain
peptidolglycan; corresponds to the kingdom Archeabacteria.
2. Bacteria: domain of unicellular prokaryotes that have cell walls containing peptidogylcan;
corresponds to the kingdom eubacteria.
3. Binomial nomenclature: classification system in which each species is assigned a two-part
scientific name.
4. Clade: evolutionary branch of a cladogram that includes a single ancestor and all its
5. Cladogram: diagram depicting patterns of shared characteristics among species.
6. Class: in classification, a group of closely related orders.
7. Derived character​: trait that appears in recent parts of a lineage, but not in it older members.
8.Domain: larger, more inclusive taxonomic category than a kingdom.
9. Eukarya: domain consisting of all organisms that have a nucleus; includes protists, plants, fungi,
and animals.
10. Family: in classification, group of similar genera.
11. Genus: group of closely related species; the first part of the scientific name in binomial
12. Kingdom: largest and most inclusive group in Linnaean classification.
13. Monophyletic group: group that consists of a single ancestral species and all its descendants and
excludes any organisms that are not descended from that common ancestor.
14. Order: in classification, a group of closely related families.
15. Phylogeny: the evolutionary history of a lineage.
16. Phylum: in classification,a group of closely related classes.
17. Systematics: study of the diversity of life and the evolutionary relationships between organisms.
18. Taxon: group or level or organization into which organisms are classified.
STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013)
3.1.B.C2 (Reinforced)
Describe the theory suggesting that life on Earth arose as a single, primitive
prokaryote about 4 billion years ago and that for the next 2 billion years, a
huge diversity of singlecelled organisms evolved.
3.1.B.C3 (Reinforced)
CONSTANCY AND CHANGE - Compare and contrast various theories of
evolution. Interpret data from fossil records, anatomy and physiology, and
DNA studies relevant to the theory of evolution. PATTERNS - Discuss the
implications of a universal genetic code for evolution.
Topic: Linnaean Classification System Core Lesson
Describe the goals of binomial nomenclature and systematics. Identify the taxa in the classification system
devised by Linnaeus.
Topic: Cladograms Core Lesson
Explain the difference between evolutionary classification and Linnaean classification. Describe how to make
and interpret a cladogram. Page 2 of 15
Topic: Dichotomous Keys Core Lesson
Describe the goals of systematics and the classification system.
Topic: DNA in Classification Core Lesson
Explain the use of DNA sequences in classification.
Topic: The Six Kingdoms Core Lesson
Name the six kingdoms of life as they are currently identified. Description:
Unit: History of Life
Timeline: 2 Weeks
In this chapter, students will read about the major periods and events in the history of life on Earth.
Students will also read about the use of fossil stratigraphy and radioactive dating to establish the
chronology of the fossil record and major patterns of macroevolution. Unit Big Ideas: 1. The Fossil Record
2. Patterns and Processes of Evolution
3. Earth's Early History
Unit Concepts:
Unit Essential
1. What information can fossils reveal about ancient life?
2. What is the difference between relative dating and radiometric dating?
3. What are the divisions of the geologic time scale?
4. How have environmental processes and living things shaped life on Earth?
5. What are the processes that influenced survival or extinction of a species or clade?
6. What is gradualism and punctuated equilibrium?
7. What are two important patterns in macroevolution?
8. How are the evolutionary characteristics of co-evolving organisms?
9. What are some of the hypotheses about early Earth and the origin of life?
10. What is the endosymbiotic theory?
11. What is the significance of sexual reproduction in evolution?
Unit Academic
Vocabulary &
Definitions :
1. adaptive radiation: process by which a single species or a small group of species evolves into
several different forms that live in different ways.
2. background extinction: extinction caused by slow and steady process of natural selection.
3. coevolution: process by which two species evolve in response to changes in each other over time.
4. convergent evolution: process by which unrelated organisms independently evolve similarities
when adapting to similar environments.
5. endosymbiotic theory: theory that proposes that eukaryotic cells formed from a symbiotic
relationship among several different prokaryotic cells.
6. era: major division of geologic time; usually divided into two or more periods.
7. extinct: term used to refer to a species that has died out and has no living members.
8. geologic time scale: timeline used to represent Earth's history.
9. half-life: length of time required for half of the radioactive atoms in a sample to decay.
10. index fossil: distinctive fossil that is used to compare the relative ages of fossils.
11. macroevolution: changes in anatomy, phylogeny, ecology, and behavior that take place in clades
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larger that a single species.
12. mass extinction: event during which many species become extinct during a relatively short
period of time.
13. paleontologist: scientist who studies fossils.
14. period: division of geologic time into which eras are subdivided.
15. plate tectonics: geologic processes, such as continental drift, volcanoes, and earthquakes,
resulting from plate movement.
16. punctuated equilibrium: pattern of evolution in which long stable periods are interrupted by
brief periods of more rapid change. 17. radiometric dating: method for determining the age of a sample from the amount of a
radioactive isotope to the nonradioactive isotope of the same element in a sample.
18. relative dating: method of determining the age of a fossil by comparing its placement with that
of fossils in other rock layers.
STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013)
3.1.B.A1 (Advanced)
Describe the common characteristics of life. Compare and contrast the cellular structures and degrees of complexity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
Explain that some structures in eukaryotic cells developed from early
prokaryotic cells (e.g., mitochondria, chloroplasts)
3.1.B.C2 (Advanced)
Describe the theory suggesting that life on Earth arose as a single, primitive
prokaryote about 4 billion years ago and that for the next 2 billion years, a
huge diversity of singlecelled organisms evolved.
3.1.B.C3 (Introduced)
CONSTANCY AND CHANGE - Compare and contrast various theories of
evolution. Interpret data from fossil records, anatomy and physiology, and
DNA studies relevant to the theory of evolution. PATTERNS - Discuss the
implications of a universal genetic code for evolution.
Topic: The Fossil Record Core Lesson
Explain what information fossils can reveal about ancient life. Differentiate between relative dating and
radiometric dating. Identify the divisions of the geologic time scale.
Topic: Patterns and Processes of Evolution Core Lesson
Identify the processes that influence survival or extinction of a species or clade. Contrast gradualism and
punctuated equilibrium. Make two important patterns in macroevolution. Explain the evolutionary
characteristics of coevolving organisms. Topic: Earth's Early History Core Lesson
Identify some of the hypotheses about early Earth and the origin of life. Explain the endosymbiotic theory.
Explain the significance of sexual reproduction in evolution.
Unit: Viruses and Prokaryotes
Timeline: 3 Weeks
This unit describes prokaryotes, viruses, and the diseases they cause. Explain how viruses invade
cells and alter cell functions
Unit Big Ideas: 1. Viruses
2. Prokaryotes
3. Diseases caused by Bacteria and Viruses
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Unit Concepts:
Unit Essential
1. How do viruses reproduce?
2. How can viruses cause infection?
3. How do the two groups of prokaryotes differ?
4. How do prokaryotes vary in structure and function?
5. What is the role of bacteria in the living world?
6. How can bacteria cause disease?
7. How do viruses cause disease?
8. What is an emerging disease and why are emerging diseases are a threat to human health?
Unit Academic
Vocabulary &
Definitions :
1. antibiotic: group of drugs used to block the growth and reproduction of bacterial pathogens.
2. bacillus: rod-shaped prokaryote.
3. bacteriophage: kind of virus that infects bacteria.
4. binary fission: type of asexual reproduction in which an organism replicates its DNA and divides
in half, producing two identical daughter cells.
5. capsid: protein coat surrounding a virus.
6. coccus: spherical prokaryote.
7. conjugation: process in which paramecia and some prokaryotes exchange genetic information.
8. emerging disease: disease that appears in the population for the first time, or an old disease that
suddenly becomes harder to control. 9. endospore: structure produced by prokaryotes in unfavorable conditions; a thick internal wall
that encloses the DNA and a portion of the cytoplasm.
10. lysogenic infection: type of infection in which a virus embeds its DNA into the DNA of the host
cell and is replicated along with the host cell's DNA.
11. lytic infection: type of infection in which a virus enters a cell, makes copies of itself, and cases
the cell to burst.
12. pathogen: disease-causing agent
13. prion: protein particles that cause disease.
14. prokaryote: unicellular organism that lacks a nucleus.
15. prophage: bacteriophage DNA that is embedded in the bacterial host's DNA.
16. retrovirus: RNA virus that contains RNA as its genetic information.
17. spirillum: spiral or corkscrew-shaped prokaryote.
18. vaccine: preparation of weakened or killed pathogen used to produce immunity to a disease.
19. virus: particle made of proteins, nucleic acids, and sometimes lipids that can replicate only by
infecting living cells.
STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013)
3.1.B.A1 (Introduced)
Describe the common characteristics of life. Compare and contrast the cellular structures and degrees of complexity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
Explain that some structures in eukaryotic cells developed from early
prokaryotic cells (e.g., mitochondria, chloroplasts)
3.1.B.A4 (Introduced)
Summarize the stages of the cell cycle.
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Topic: Viruses Core Lesson
How do viruses reproduce? What happens after a virus infects a cell?
Topic: Prokaryotes Core Lesson
Explain how the two groups of prokaryotes differ. Describe how prokaryotes vary in structure and function.
Explain the role of bacteria in the living world.
Topic: Diseases caused by Bacteria and Viruses Core Lesson
Explain how do bacteria cause disease. Explain how viruses cause disease. Define emerging disease and
explain why emerging diseases are a threat to human health.
Unit: Protists
Timeline: 2 Weeks
In this chapter, students will read about the characteristics and major phyla of the protists. For
convenience, this survey of the kingdom Protista divides the phyla into three descriptive,
nontaxonomic groups—the animallike, plantlike, and funguslike protists. Unit Big Ideas: 1. Protist Classification
2. Protist Structure and Function
3. The Ecology of Protists
Unit Concepts:
Unit Essential
1. What is a protist?
2. How are protists related to other eukaryotes?
3. What are the various methods of protist locomotion?
4. How do protists reproduce?
5. What is the ecological significance of photosynthetic protists?
6. How do heterotrophic protists obtain food?
7. What are some symbiotic relationships that involve protists?
Unit Academic
Vocabulary &
Definitions :
1. Algal bloom: increase in the amount of algae and other producers that results from a large input
of a limiting nutrient.
2. Alternation of generation: life cycle that has two alternating phases - a haploid (N) phase and
diploid (2N) phase.
3. Cilium: short hair-like projection that produces movement.
4. Conjugation: process in which some paramecia and some prokaryotes exchange genetic
5. Flagellum: structure used by protists for movement; produces movement in a wavelike motion.
6. Food vacuole: small cavity in the cytoplasm of a protist that temporarily stores food.
7. Gullet: indentation in one side of a ciliate that allows food to enter the cell.
8. Plasmodium: amoeboid feeding stage in the life cycled of a plasmodial slime mold.
9.Protists: an informal term applied to any eukaryote that is not a plant, animal, or fungus. Most
protists are unicellular, though some are colonial or multicellular.
10. Pseudopod: a cellular extension of amoeboid cells used in moving and feeding.
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11. Sporangium: a multicellular organ in fungi and plants in which meiosis occurs and haploid cells
12. Spore: in the life cycle of a plant or alga undergoing alternation of generations, a haploid cell
produced in the sporophyte by meiosis. A spore can divide by mitosis to develop into a
multicellular haploid cell, produced either sexually or asexually, that produces a mycelium after
STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013)
3.1.B.A1 (Introduced)
Describe the common characteristics of life. Compare and contrast the cellular structures and degrees of complexity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
Explain that some structures in eukaryotic cells developed from early
prokaryotic cells (e.g., mitochondria, chloroplasts)
3.1.B.A3 (Introduced)
Explain how all organisms begin their life cycles as a single cell and that in
multicellular organisms, successive generations of embryonic cells form by cell
3.1.B.C1 (Introduced)
Describe species as reproductively distinct groups of organisms.
Topic: Protist Classification Core Lesson
Explain what a protist is. Describe how protists are related to other eukaryotes.
Topic: Protist Structure and Function Core Lesson
Describe the various methods of protist locomotions. Describe how protists reproduce.
Topic: The Ecology of Protists Core Lesson
Describe the ecological significance of photosynthetic protists. Describe how heterotrophic protists obtain
food. Identify the symbiotic relationships that involve protists.
Unit: Fungi Kingdom
Timeline: 2 Weeks
In this chapter, students will read about the structure, reproduction, and ecology of the members of
the kingdom Fungi. They will also read about the characteristics that distinguish each of the four
phyla of fungi.
Unit Big Ideas: 1. Basic Characteristic of Fungi
2. Fungi and the Environment
3. Fungi Symbiotic Relationships with Organisms
Unit Concepts:
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Unit Essential
Unit Academic
Vocabulary &
Definitions :
1. What are the defining characteristics of fungi?
2. How do fungi affect homeostasis?
1. Algal bloom:increase in the amount of algae and other producers that results from a large input
of a limiting nutrient.
2. Alternation of generations: life cycle that has two alternating phases - a haploid (N) phase and
diploid (2N) phase.
3. Chitin:complex carbohydrate that makes up the cell walls of fungi; also found in the external
skeletons of arthropods.
4. Food vacuole: small cavity in the cytoplasm of a protist that temporarily stores food.
5. Fruiting body: reproductive structure of a fungus that grows from the mycelium.
6. Gullet: indentation in one side of a ciliate that allows food to enter the cell.
7. Hypha: one of many long, slender filaments that makes up the body of a fungus.
8. Food vacuole: small cavity in the cytoplasm of a protist that temporarily stores food.
9. Lichen: symbiotic association between a fungus and a photosynthetic organism.
10. Mycelium: densely branched network of hyphae of a fungus.
11. Mycorrhiza: symbiotic association of plant roots and fungi.
12. Plasmodium: amoeboid feeling stage in the life cycle of a plasmodial slime mold.
13. Sporangium: spore capsule in which haploid spores are produced by meiosis.
STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013)
3.1.B.A1 (Reinforced)
Describe the common characteristics of life. Compare and contrast the cellular structures and degrees of complexity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
Explain that some structures in eukaryotic cells developed from early
prokaryotic cells (e.g., mitochondria, chloroplasts)
3.1.B.A3 (Reinforced)
Explain how all organisms begin their life cycles as a single cell and that in
multicellular organisms, successive generations of embryonic cells form by cell
3.1.B.C1 (Reinforced)
Describe species as reproductively distinct groups of organisms.
Topic: Basic Characteristic of Fungi Core Lesson
Identify the defining characteristics of fungi.
Topic: Fungi and the Environment Core Lesson
Identify the role of fungi in the environment.
Topic: Fungi Symbiotic Relationships with Organisms Core Lesson
Give two examples of fungi in a symbiotic relationship.
Unit: Introduction to Plants
In this chapter, students will read about the origin of plants and the major characteristics that
distinguish plants from other organisms. They will also read about the differences among
bryophytes, ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms in reproduction and internal transport systems. Unit Big Ideas: 1. Characteristics of a Plant
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2. Seedless Plants
3. Seed Plants
4. Flowering Plants
Unit Essential
1. What do plants need to survive?
2. How do the first plants evolved?
3. What is the process of alternation of generations?
4. What are the characteristics of green algae?
5. What are the adaptations of bryophytes?
6. What is the importance of vascular tissue?
7. What the reproductive adaptations of seed plants?
8. How do the reproductive structures of gymnosperms aid in its success?
9. What are the reproductive structures of angiosperms?
10. How are some of the ways angiosperms can be categorized?
Unit Academic
Vocabulary &
Definitions :
Unit Student
1. alternation of generations: life cycle that has two alternating phases- a haploid (N) phase and
diploid (2N) phase.
2. angiosperm: group of seed plants that bear their seeds within a layer of tissue that protects the
seed; also called flowering plant.
3. antheridium: male reproductive structure in some plants that produces sperm.
4. archegonium: structure in plants that produces egg cells.
5. bryophyte: group of plants that have specialized reproductive organs but lack vascular tissue;
includes mosses and their relatives.
6. cotyledon: first leaf or first pair of leaves produced by the embryo of a seed plant.
7. dicot: angiosperm with two seed leaves in its ovary.
8. fruit: structure in angiosperms that contains one or more matured ovaries.
9. gametophyte: gamete-producing plant; multicellular haploid phase of a plant life cycle.
10. gymnosperm: group of seed plants that bear their seeds directly on the the scales of cones.
11. herbaceous plant: type of plant that has smooth and non-woody stems; include dandelions,
zinnias, petunias and sunflowers.
12. monocot: angiosperm with one leaf seed in its ovary.
13. ovary: in plants, the structure that surrounds and protects seeds.
14. ovule: structure in seed cones in which the female gametophyte develops.
15. phloem: vascular tissue that transports solutions of nutrients and carbohydrates produced by
16. pollen grain: structure that contains the entire male gametophyte in seed plants.
17. pollen tube: structure in plant that contains two haploid sperm nuclei.
18. pollination: transfer of pollen from the male reproductive structure to the female reproductive
19. seed coat: tough covering that surrounds and protects the seed embryo and keeps the contents
of the seed from drying out.
20. seed: plant embryo and food supply encased in a protective covering.
21. sporangium: spore capsule in which haploid spores are produced by meiosis.
22. sporophyte: spore producing plant; the multi-cellular diploid phase of a plant life cycle.
23. tracheid: hollow plant cells in xylem with thick cell walls strengthened by lignin.
24. tracheophyte: vascular plant
25. vascular tissue: specialized tissue in a plant that carries water and nutrients.
26. woody plant: type of plant made primarily of cells with thick cell walls that support the plant
body; includes trees, shrubs and vines.
27. xylem: vascular tissue that carries water upward from the roots to every part of the plant.
STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013)
3.1.B.A1 (Reinforced)
Describe the common characteristics of life. Compare and contrast the cellular structures and degrees of complexity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
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3.1.B.A2 (Reinforced)
Explain that some structures in eukaryotic cells developed from early
prokaryotic cells (e.g., mitochondria, chloroplasts)
Identify the initial reactants, final products, and general purposes of
photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
Topic: Characteristics of a Plant Core Lesson
Describe what plants need to survive. Describe how the first plant evolved. Explain the process of alternation
of generations.
Topic: Seedless Plants Core Lesson
Identify the characteristics of green algae. Describe the adaptations of bryophytes. Explain the importance of
vascular tissue.
Topic: Seed Plants Core Lesson
Describe the reproductive adaptations of seed plants. Identify the reproductive structures of gymnosperms.
Topic: Flowering Plants Core Lesson
Identify the reproductive structures of angiosperms. Identify some of the ways angiosperms can be
Unit: Plant Structure and Function
Unit Big Ideas:
In this chapter, students will learn how the cells, tissues, and organs of plants enable them to
1. Specialized Tissues in Plants
2. Roots
3. Stems
4. Leaves
5. Transport in Plants
Unit Essential
1. What do plants need to survive?
2. How did the first plants evolve?
3. What is the process of alternation of generations?
4. What are the characteristics of green algae?
5. What are the adaptations of bryophytes?
6. What is the importance of vascular tissue?
7. How does the reproductive adaptations of seed plants aid in its survival?
8. What are the reproductive structures of gymnosperms?
9. What are the reproductive structures of angiosperms?
10. What are some of the ways angiosperms can be categorized?
Unit Academic
Vocabulary &
1. alternation of generations: life cycle that has two alternating phases- a haploid (N) phase and
diploid (2N) phase.
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Definitions :
2. angiosperm: group of seed plants that bear their seeds within a layer of tissue that protects the
seed; also called flowering plant.
3. antheridium: male reproductive structure in some plants that produces sperm.
4. archegonium: structure in plants that produces egg cells.
5. bryophyte: group of plants that have specialized reproductive organs but lack vascular tissue;
includes mosses and their relatives.
6. cotyledon: first leaf or first pair of leaves produced by the embryo of a seed plant.
7. dicot: angiosperm with two seed leaves in its ovary.
8. fruit: structure in angiosperms that contains one or more matured ovaries.
9. gametophyte: gamete-producing plant; multicellular haploid phase of a plant life cycle.
10. gymnosperm: group of seed plants that bear their seeds directly on the the scales of cones.
11. herbaceous plant: type of plant that has smooth and non-woody stems; include dandelions,
zinnias, petunias and sunflowers.
12. monocot: angiosperm with one leaf seed in its ovary.
13. ovary: in plants, the structure that surrounds and protects seeds.
14. ovule: structure in seed cones in which the female gametophyte develops.
15. phloem: vascular tissue that transports solutions of nutrients and carbohydrates produced by
16. pollen grain: structure that contains the entire male gametophyte in seed plants.
17. pollen tube: structure in plant that contains two haploid sperm nuclei.
18. pollination: transfer of pollen from the male reproductive structure to the female reproductive
19. seed coat: tough covering that surrounds and protects the seed embryo and keeps the contents
of the seed from drying out.
20. seed: plant embryo and food supply encased in a protective covering.
21. sporangium: spore capsule in which haploid spores are produced by meiosis.
22. sporophyte: spore producing plant; the multi-cellular diploid phase of a plant life cycle.
23. tracheid: hollow plant cells in xylem with thick cell walls strengthened by lignin.
24. tracheophyte: vascular plant
25. vascular tissue: specialized tissue in a plant that carries water and nutrients.
26. woody plant: type of plant made primarily of cells with thick cell walls that support the plant
body; includes trees, shrubs and vines.
27. xylem: vascular tissue that carries water upward from the roots to every part of the plant.
Unit Student
STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013)
3.1.B.A2 (Reinforced)
Identify the initial reactants, final products, and general purposes of
photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
3.1.B.A5 (Reinforced)
Relate the structure of cell organelles to their function (energy capture and
release, transport, waste removal, protein synthesis, movement, etc).
3.1.C.A9 (Reinforced)
Science as Inquiry
Topic: Specialized Tissues in Plants Core Lesson
Identify the principal organs of seed plants. Explain the primary functions of the main tissue systems of seed
plants. Contrast meristems with other plant tissues.
Topic: Roots Core Lesson
Describe the main tissues in a mature root. Describe the different functions of roots.
Topic: Stems Page 11 of 15
Core Lesson
Describe the main functions of stems. Contrast the processes of primary growth and secondary growth in
stems. Topic: Leaves Core Lesson
Describe how the structure of a leaf enables it to carry out photosynthesis. Explain how gas exchange in leaves
relates to homeostasis.
Topic: Transport in Plants Core Lesson
Explain the process of water movement in a plant. Describe how the products of photosynthesis are
transported throughout a plant.
Unit: Introduction to Animals
Timeline: 3 Weeks
In this chapter, students will read about the major trends and patterns in the evolution of
invertebrate animals. They will also read about the major organ systems and life functions of
invertebrates. Unit Big Ideas: 1. Characteristics of an Animal
2. Animal Body Plans
3. Evolution of an Animal
Unit Essential
Unit Academic
Vocabulary &
Definitions :
1. What are the characteristics that all animals share?
2. What is the difference between invertebrates and chordates?
3. What are the essential functions that animals perform in order to survive?
4. What are some trends in animal evolution?
5. What are the differences among the animal phyla?
1.Bilateral symmetry: body plan in which a single imaginary line can divide the body into left left
and right sides that are mirror images of each other.
2. Blastula: hollow ball of cells that develops when a zygote undergoes a series of cell division.
3. Chordate: animal that has, for at least one stage of its life, a dorsal, hollow nerve cord, a
notochord, a tail that extends beyond he anus, and pharyngeal pouches.
4. Cephalization: concentration of sense organs and nerve cells at the anterior end of an animal.
5. Coelom: body cavity lined with mesoderm.
6. Deuterostome: group of animals in which the blastopore becomes an anus, and the mouth is
formed from the second opening that develops.
7. Ectoderm: outermost germ layer; produces sense organs, nerves, and outer layer of skin.
8. Endoderm: innermost germ layer; develops into the linings of the digestive tract and much of the
respiratory system.
9. Feedback inhibition: process in which a stimulus produces a response that opposes the original
stimulus; also called negative feedback.
10. Invertebrate: animal that lacks a backbone, or vertebral column.
11. Mesoderm: middle germ layer; develops into muscles, and much of the circulatory,
reproductive, and excretory systems.
12. Notochord: long supporting rod that runs through a chordate's body just below the nerve cord.
13. Pharyngeal pouch: one of a pair of structures in the throat region of a chordate.
14. Protostome: an animals whose mouth is formed from the blastopore.
15. Pseudocoelom: body cavity that is only partially lined with meosderm.
16. Radial symmetry: body plan in which any number of imaginary planes drawn through the
center of the body could divide it into equal halves.
17. Vertebrate: animal that has a backbone.
18. Zygote: fertilized egg.
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Unit Student
STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013)
3.1.B.A1 (Reinforced)
Describe the common characteristics of life. Compare and contrast the cellular structures and degrees of complexity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
Explain that some structures in eukaryotic cells developed from early
prokaryotic cells (e.g., mitochondria, chloroplasts)
3.1.B.A3 (Reinforced)
Explain how all organisms begin their life cycles as a single cell and that in
multicellular organisms, successive generations of embryonic cells form by cell
3.1.B.A5 (Reinforced)
Relate the structure of cell organelles to their function (energy capture and
release, transport, waste removal, protein synthesis, movement, etc).
Topic: Characteristics of an Animal Core Lesson
List the characteristics that all animals share. Differentiate between invertebrates and chordates. List and
discuss the essential functions that animals perform in order to survive.
Topic: Animal Body Plans Core Lesson
Discuss some trends in animal evolution. Explain the differences among the animal phyla.
Topic: Evolution of an Animal Core Lesson
Discuss some trends in animal evolution. Explain the differences among the animal phyla.
Unit: Animal Systems II
Timeline: 3 Weeks
The students will learn about body systems that carry out essential functions, including feeding and
digestion, respiration, circulation, and excretion. Students will gain understanding by interpreting
and using information in the many labeled figures found in the chapter. Unit Big Ideas: 1. Feeding Digestion
2. Respiration
3. Circulation
4. Excretion
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Unit Concepts:
Unit Essential 1. What are the different ways animals get food?
2. How did digestion occur in different animals?
3. How are mouthparts adapted for an animal's diet?
4. What are the characteristics of respiratory structures that all animals share?
5. How do aquatic animals breathe?
6. How do the respiratory structures enable land animals to breathe?
7. How do open and closed circulatory systems compare?
8. How do patterns of circulation in vertebrates differ?
9. What are the methods animals use to manage nitrogenous wastes?
10. How do aquatic animals eliminate wastes?
11. How do land animals eliminate wastes?
Unit Academic
Vocabulary &
Definitions :
1. Alveolus: one of many tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchiole in the lungs that provides surface
area for gas exchange to occur.
2. Atrium: upper chamber of the hear that receives blood from the rest of the body.
3. Closed circulatory system: type of circulatory system in which blood circulates entirely within the
blood vessels that extend throughout the body.
4. Digestive tract: tube that begins at the mouth and ends at the anus.
5. Excretion: process by which metabolic wastes are eliminated.
6. Extracellular digestion: type of digestion in which food is broken down outside the cells in a
digestive system and then absorbed.
7. Gastrovascular cavity: digestive chamber with a single opening.
8. Gill: feathery structure specialized for the exchange of gases and water.
9. Heart: hollow muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body.
10. Intracellular digestion: type of digestion in which food is digested inside specialized cells that
pass nutrients to other cells by diffusion.
11. Kidney: an organ of excretion that separates wastes and excess water from the blood.
12. Lung: respiratory organ; place where gases are exchanged between the blood and inhaled air.
13. Malpighian tubule: structure in most terrestrial arthropods that concentrates the uric acid and
adds it to digestive wastes.
14. Nephridium: excretory structure of an annelid that filters body fluid.
15. Open circulatory system: type of circulatory system in which blood is only partially contained
within a system of blood vessels as it travels through the body.
16. Rumen: stomach chamber in cows and related animals in which symbiotic bacteria digest
17. Ventricle: lower chamber of the heart that pumps blood out of heart to the rest of the body.
STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013)
3.1.B.A1 (Reinforced)
Describe the common characteristics of life. Compare and contrast the cellular
structures and degrees of complexity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
Explain that some structures in eukaryotic cells developed from early
prokaryotic cells (e.g., mitochondria, chloroplasts)
3.1.B.A3 (Reinforced)
Explain how all organisms begin their life cycles as a single cell and that in
multicellular organisms, successive generations of embryonic cells form by cell
3.1.B.A6 (Reinforced)
Explain how cells differentiate in multicellular organisms.
3.1.B.A8 (Reinforced)
CHANGE AND CONSTANCY - Recognize that systems within cells and
multicellular organisms interact to maintain homeostasis.
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3.1.C.A1 (Reinforced)
Explain the chemistry of metabolism.
Topic: Feeding Digestion Core Lesson
Describe the different ways animals get food. Explain how digestion occurs in different animals. Describe
how mouthparts are adapted for an animal's diet.
Topic: Respiration Core Lesson
Describe the characteristics of respiratory structures that all animals share. Explain how aquatic animals
breathe. Identify the respiratory structures that enable land animals to breathe.
Topic: Circulation Core Lesson
Compare open and closed circulatory systems. Compare patterns of circulation in vertebrates.
Topic: Excretion Core Lesson
Describe the methods animals use to manage nitrogenous wastes. Explain how aquatic animals eliminate
wastes. Explain how land animals eliminate wastes.
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