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Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the
largest planet within the Solar System. One of
the storm is called the Great Red Spot Jupiter is
classified as a gas giant along with Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune but it is the biggest of the
gas giant and Jupiter have stronger winds and
storms than Earth . Together, these four planets
are sometimes called as the Jovian or outer
Jupiter conditions
Jupiter have a rough conditions such as the
temperature at the inner layer of the clouds,
temperatures can reach -145° C, while just
above the core, where the planetary pressure
has liquefied the hydrogen in the air, the
temperature could reach 9,726 Celsius. The
weather is also hostile the winds are able to
reach 300 mph and above.
Jupiter Properties
Jupiter is mostly made of gas such as helium,
hydrogen and methane. These gasses is what
cause the color of Jupiter cloud of gas. The
atmosphere contains some amounts of methane
and water vapor. There are also traces of
carbon, ethane, hydrogen sulfide, neon, oxygen,
phosphine, and sulfur.
Jupiter is the most massive planet in our Solar
System and therefore, the gravity of Jupiter is
the most powerful in the Solar System. The
gravity of Jupiter is 2.5 times what it is here on
Earth. Jupiter’s Gravity is so strong that in the
1990s Jupiter’s gravity tore apart the comet
Shoemaker-Levy 9 into 21 pieces and pulled the
broken pieces into the to planet
Jupiter Name
Jupiter was named after the Roman God Jupiter
which mean the Kings Of God in Latin. It was
named Jupiter because of it’s size that is
gigantic. So people called it Jupiter.
Jupiter have the mass of 318 times the size of
Earth and twice and a half of all planets in the
solar system combined. Jupiter is so massive
that it would take about 1,000 Earth to fill it’s
entire mass .But fortunately Jupiter gas is not
much to form a star new star that can effect the
entire solar system.
Jupiter’s Orbit
To complete one orbit around the sun it will take
11-12 Earth years but instead of 24 hours a day
it will take Jupiter only 10 hours to complete one
rotation and because of these people can see
Jupiter rotating using telescope.
Distance from the Sun
Jupiter's average distance from the sun is about
778 million kilometers. Jupiter is about 629
million kilometers away from earth. This is why
Jupiter takes 11-12 Earth years to complete a
single orbit and why Earth have a complete orbit
in 365 ¼ days.
Jupiter also have a thin rings system that is invisible to the
naked eye. Just outside the main ring is the broad and
exceedingly faint "Gossamer" ring, which extends out
beyond the orbit of the moon Amalthea. It is probably
composed of dust particles less than 10 microns in
diameter about the size of cigarette smoke particles. It
extends to an outer edge of about 129,000 km from the
center of the planet and inward to about 30,000 km .The
"Main" ring is about 7,000 km wide and has a boundary
of 129,130 km from the center of the planet. At the main
ring’s edge are the "Halo." The halo is a broad, faint ring
about 20,000 km thick and extending halfway from the
main ring down to the planet's cloud tops.
Jupiter has 63-67 natural satellites that orbit
around it but around 51 of these satellites are
less than 15-20 kilometers in mass. The biggest
are called the Galilean moons are Io, Europa,
Ganymede and Callisto. These moons are
massive enough to be seen by galileo using his
old telescope.
Neighboring Planets
The closest Planet of Jupiter is Mars that is only
551 million km from Jupiter but Saturn is 655
million km from Jupiter and is the second closest
Jupiter is the most stormiest planet in our solar
system with wind that mostly reach 300 miles per
hour and one of the strongest, biggest and the
longest storm to last is the great red spot in
southern hemisphere and it has lasted for more
than 300 years and the wind speed over 500 miles
per hour . But astronomers have also observed that
the Red Spot appears to be shrinking, from 40,000
km wide a century ago to half that today and it still
continues to grow smaller