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Chapter 1|Section1
“Italy: Birthplace of
the Renaissance”
The Renaissance
Renaissance is the period of time in which a movemnet
caused an explosion of creativity in art and writing
Renaissance means rebirth ,in this context the
revival of arts and learning
City States
A city-state is a sovereign state that consista of a city
and its dependent territories
Northern Italy was urban while the rest of
Europe was still mostly rural.
They were an ideal breeding ground for an
intellectual revolution.
In the 1300s the bubonic plague struck this
Merchants And The Medici
● A wealthy merchant class developed in each
Italian State.
● During the Renaissance Florence came under the
rule of the Medici, a powerful banking family.
Classical and Worldly Values
The Manuscripts the Romans and greeks left behind & classical ideas changed the outlook of life
and art.
The Study of classical texts
Intellectual movement (Human Potential & Achievement)
Tried to understand ancient greek values instead of complying with the Church.
Artists & architects (classical traditions)
Popularized the study of The Humanities.
Classical and Worldly Values
Humanists suggested that a person could enjoy life without offending God.
Rich: Luxuries, Good music & Fine goods.
Most: Devote Catholics.
Spirit: Secular.
Church leaders lived in luxury.
Classical and Worldly Values
Church leaders were Patrons of the Arts .
Financially supporting artists.
Merchants and wealthy families also helped.
Having portraits done.
Donating arts.
Classical and Worldly Values
Writers said that all people should create art.
Ideal Individual: strived in every field. EXCELLED “Universal Man” later on “Renaissance man”
The Courtier by Baldassare Castiglione (1528)
Renaissance Man:
Personality traits:
Charming, Witty, and well
educated in the classics
Artistic: Dance, Sing, Play
music and Write poetry.
Agility: skilled rider,
wrestler and swordsman.
Classical and Worldly Values
Renaissance Woman:
Personality Traits: Charming, educated in the classics.
Not: seek fame.
Inspire not create art.
Better educated than medieval women
Had little influence in politics.
Few exercised power (Isabella d’Este)
The Renaissance Revolutionizes
Supported by patrons like Isabella
d’Este dozens of artist worked to
make italy a more modern city. In the
Medieval times artist focussed on
religious art but, with the renaissance
the art started to change more into
focussing in the human body, poetry
and sculpting. artist tried to make this
paintings and sculptures as realistic
as possible . Some examples of this
artist were Michelangelo and
Following the new
emphasis on individual
painters began to paint
prominent citizens.These
realistic portraits revealed
what was distinctive about
each person
Renaissance Artists
-Leonardo da Vinci was a true Renaissance man. He studied
how things worked. He incorporated his findings in his art.
-Rapahel Sanzio learned from studying Leonardo and
Michelangelo. He was famous for his use of perspective.
-Sofonisba Anguissola was the first woman artist to gain an
international reputation. Artemisia Gentileschi was mother
accomplished artist.
Renaissance writers change
Renaissance writers produced works
that reflected their time, but they
also used techniques that writers
rely on today.
Some called him “The father of
Renaissance humanism”.
Many followed the example of the
medieval writer Dante.
Giovanni Boccaccio is most known
for “The Decameron” a series of
realistic , sometimes off-color
Francesco Petrarch was one of the
earliest and most influential
He was also a great poet
The Decameron presents both tragic
and comics views of life.
Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527)
Niccolò Machiavelli was a historian ,
politician , diplomat , humanist and
Machiavelli examined and performed
several test on the imperfect conduct
of the human beings.
Machiavelli examines how a ruler
gains power and keeps it in spite of
his enemies.
Machiavelli was not concerned with
what was morally right , but he was
concerned about what was politically
Machiavelli argued that in the real
world of power and politics a prince
most sometimes mislead the people
and lie to his opponents.
Vittoria Colonna (1492-1547)
The women writers who gained fame
during the renaissance usually wrote
about personal subjects, not politics.
Vittoria Colonna was born of a noble
family. In 1509 she married the
marquis of Pescara.
exchanged sonnets
Michelangelo and helped Castiglione
publish the Courtier.
Toward the end of the 15th century,
Renaissance ideas began to spread
north from Italy.