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UPDATED 10/20/11
Neurons: The Messengers p. 42-51
• Describe a typical neuron. Distinguish between afferent, efferent and association neurons.
• Describe how neurons transmit information including the concepts of resting potential,
polarization, action potential, graded potential, threshold of excitation, and the all-or-none law.
• Describe the parts of the synapse and the role of neurotransmitters in the synapse.
• Explain "neural plasticity" and "neurogenesis."
The Central Nervous System p. 51-62
• Identify the parts of the brain and their function. Explain what is meant by "hemispheric
specialization" and the functional differences between the two cerebral hemispheres.
• Discuss how microelectrode techniques, macroelectrode techniques, structural imaging and
functional imaging provide information about the brain.
• Explain how the spinal cord works.
The Peripheral Nervous System p. 63-65
• Identify the peripheral nervous system and contrast the functions of the somatic and autonomic
nervous systems.
• Explain the differences between the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems.
The Endocrine System p. 65-68
• Describe the endocrine glands and the way their hormones affect behavior.
Genes, Evolution, and Behavior p. 69-77
• Distinguish between genetics, behavior genetics, and evolutionary psychology.
• Differentiate between genes, chromosomes, DNA and the human genome. Describe what is
meant by dominant and recessive genes, polygenic inheritance, and genotype vs. phenotype.
• Compare and contrast strain studies, selection studies, family studies, twin studies and adoption
studies as sources of information about the effects of heredity.
• Identify the key ethical issues that arise as society gains more control over genetics.
• Describe how evolutionary psychologists view the influence of natural selection on human social
Preparation materials
Thursday, October 20, 2011 2:26:29 PM ET
Online homework quizzes
Quick quiz on ch 1 Chp02QQ1.doc/AP Morris/desktop
Quick quiz on ch 1 Chp02QQ2.doc/AP Morris/desktop
Materials from AP Psych ch 2 Folder
neurotransmitter chart.docx
APNotes for students 02.doc
Practice Packet file: APHandouts for students 02.pdf
• 2.1 Localization of Function Exercise
• 2.2 The Automatic Nervous System
• 2.3 The Basic Structure of the Neuron
• 2.4 Identical Twins Reunited Questionnaire
• 2.5 Crossword Puzzle
• 2.6 Fill in the Blank
From Study Guide
1. List of definitions
2. Outline to complete for review
3. Posttest & neurons, synapse, brain parts graphic
4. Key terms
5. Vocabulary study cards
Cram sheets for chapter 2
#14 Neurons/nervous system
#16 Brain structures and imaging
#18 Biopsych – anatomy and genetics
Thursday, October 20, 2011 2:26:29 PM ET
A. WEB RESOURCES: General/Comprehensive
1. Biological and Physiological Resources:
Links to several sites and interesting topical articles relevant to biological and physiological psychology.
A good starting point for a number of assignments, such as writing short papers or assembling study
guide terms. Maintained by the Centre for Psychology Resources at Athabasca University, Alberta,
2. – Neurosciences on the Internet:
A resource for all things related to neuroscience: databases, diseases, research centers, software, biology,
psychology, journals, tutorials, and so much more.
3. Neuropsychology Central:
Links to resources related to neuropsychology, including brain images, and extensive, well-organized,
links to other sites.
4. Neuroscience for Kids:
Don’t be put off by the name! This site can be enjoyed by people of all ages who want to learn about the
brain. Fun, superbly organized site providing information and links to other neuroscience sites. Includes
informative pages regarding Brain Basics, Higher Functions, Spinal Cord, Peripheral Nervous System,
The Neuron, Sensory Systems, Methods and Techniques, Drug Effects, and Neurological and Mental
Disorders. Even includes a nice answer to the perennial question “Is it true that we only use 10% of our
5. Whole Brain Atlas:
Prepared by Keith Johnson, M.D. and J. Alex Becker at Harvard University. Site includes brain images,
information about imaging techniques, and information about specific brain disorders.
B. WEB RESOURCES: Neurons/Neural Processes
1. Basic Neural Processes Tutorials:
A good site to help you learn about basic brain functioning.
2. Making Connections – The Synapse:
Clear, comprehensible, explanation of how synapses work, with nice illustrations, prepared by Eric
Thursday, October 20, 2011 2:26:29 PM ET
Objectives: Study Neurons: The Messengers
Describe a typical neuron. Distinguish between afferent, efferent and association neurons.
Describe how neurons transmit information including the concepts of resting potential,
polarization, action potential, graded potential, threshold of excitation, and the all-or-none law.
Describe the parts of the synapse and the role of neurotransmitters in the synapse.
Explain "neural plasticity" and "neurogenesis."
Homework Begin Sept 26. No specific homework is assigned for Sept 28-Oct 2.
1. _____Due 10/7 In your textbook, re-read carefully pages 40-50 Neurons: The Messengers
(always include all sidebars and tables)
2. _____Due 10/6 Study the General/Comprehensive web resources above (A.1-A.5).
a. Mandatory: Keep a journal of notes for each web site, labeling your notes A.1…etc.
Spend about 2 hours total on this material. Do not allow yourself to be distracted.
Time on Facebook does not count towards your 2 hours!
3. _____Due 10/11 Study the Neurons/Neural Processes web resources above (B.1-B.2).
a. Mandatory: Keep a journal of notes for each web site, labeling your notes B.1…etc.
Spend about 2 hours total on this material.
Check yourself – Do you have nine paragraphs, labeled A.1-B.4?
4. ______Due 10/6 Take the self-tests on pages 50-51. Take them every day until you get
100% three days in a row.
5. ______Due 10/6 Take Self-tests online; see Pearson AP Quizzes on my website. Make a
note of the answers that were incorrect in your Things to Study section of your notebook.
a. Took quiz _____________________ score___________ date __________
b. Took quiz _____________________ score___________ date __________
c. Took quiz _____________________ score___________ date __________
d. Took quiz _____________________ score___________ date __________
e. Took quiz _____________________ score___________ date __________
f. Took quiz _____________________ score___________ date __________
g. Took quiz _____________________ score___________ date __________
h. Took quiz _____________________ score___________ date __________
Recurrent Things to Study (Problem areas)
Thursday, October 20, 2011 2:26:29 PM ET
6. __ __ __ __ __ __Handout review: (put a check mark each time you spend at least 2 minutes
a. Each day, review the Neurons section of your notes handout.
b. Each day, review the corresponding Rapid Review section of your notes handout.
7. _____Review ethics:
a. Re-read page 34, Animal research.
b. Do the self-check on that page.
c. Re-read p. 39.
8. _____Due 10/12 Practice for the AP exam; Use the Enduring Issue (i.e. Mind/Body) as
your heading
i. Review and take notes on the enduring issues on pages
1. 41(Introduction)
2. 42 (Mind/Body)
3. 48 (Stability/Change – Neural Plasticity)
4. 68 (Nature vs. nurture)
5. There are no special sections for Person-Situation or DiversityUniversality. Review your entire chapter and take notes on these
enduring issues.
ii. You should have 6 labeled paragraphs when you are done. (Intro + 5 enduring
iii. There will probably be an open notes quiz on this so don’t forget to do it.
Thursday, October 20, 2011 2:26:29 PM ET
Due dates assigned on 10/20/11 2:26 PM
Do Handout master 2.1 Localization of function exercise. Cases 1-7
Do Handout master 2.2 ANS use table 2-15 and text on pages 63-64.
Note that the columns are switched and the items are not in order, nor are they labeled.
You may need to use an online internet site to gather more data on anatomy.
Do Handout master 2.3 basic structure of the Neuron
Review Chapter 2 learning objectives handout.
Check when you have fully mastered the material
_______ pages 1 & 2 (Overview thru neurotransmitters)
_______ pages 3 & 4 (Neural plasticity thru language)
_______ pages 5 & 6 (handedness, tools, PNS)
_____ pages 6 & 7 (Endocrine system)
_____ pages 7 thru 9 (Genetics)
_____ pages 9 thru 13 (Rapid review)
Thursday, October 20, 2011 2:26:29 PM ET
Sept 26
Review upcoming chapter, homework, expectations.
Study Figure 2-1 and re-draw it from memory.
Sept 27
Handout – homework checklist.
Warm up – draw that Neuron!
Outline P. 42-44
Study these 2 paragraphs “the brain….transmitted”
Quiz Neuron p. 42(3/4)
Sept 28 no homework will be due the day you get back.
Review Outline P. 42-44
Study Glial cells info in the chapter.
Lecture02. pptx
Oct 3
Study Figure 2-3 (electrical charges during the action potential) and re-draw it from memory.
Oct 4, 5, 6 – Jury duty
a. Outline pages 45-48 – The Synapse & neurotransmitters.
b. Outline neural plasticity and neurogenesis pages 48-50.
c. Hand in outline with proper heading. Subject is Outline pages 45-48
d. Take quizzes on pgs. 50 & 51 until you get a perfect scores reliably.
e. Complete enduring Issues homework.
f. Read The CNS, pages 51-54
g. Outline the CNS pages 51-59
2. Neurotransmitters handout.
a. Review
b. With a partner, study the neurotransmitters handout by quizzing each other, as if you were using
flash cards.
c. There will be a test on this chart, fill in the blanks, soon (not tomorrow).
Oct 7
Prepare for open notes quizzes: Study Glial cells, and the neuron.
Quiz Glial cells and TF
Neuron quiz 42-43
Memorize Acetylcholine on neurotransmitter handout and report aloud, from memory.
Thursday, October 20, 2011 2:26:29 PM ET
Oct 11
Review Summary table on p. 44 and re-draw it from memory with a friend.
Study Figure 2-4 (synaptic transmission) and re-draw it from memory.
Homework check.
Homework quiz hwp50 (see binder)
Oct 12
Study figure 2-1 & drugs and behavior p. 48.
Homework quiz. (know the 2 Pearson quizzes on the neuron.)
Drugs and behavior quiz. (study page 48)
Oct 13
Memorize figure 2-2 and related text.
Prepare and take a demo quiz (5 minutes)
The neural impulse paper quiz part 1 closed book. (ques. 1-16)
The neural impulse paper quiz part 1 open book. (ques. 17-25)
Oct 14
Return quizzes, note errors in Things to Study.
Look for patterns.
Study summary table on p. 47 and pages 45-47
Make cheat sheet on star.
Synapse/Neurotransmitter paper test.
Begin: (do the ones you know)
o Crossword Puzzle
o Fill in the Blank
Thursday, October 20, 2011 2:26:29 PM ET
Oct/18 – Begin Central Nervous system
Notes homework dates.
Lecture slides 34-48 (CNS thru limbic system)
Hand out hypothalamus notes file: hypothalamus in AP Psych 2 folder
Highlight handout.
Notes; Main funcitons of hypothalamus: Temperature, sex, hunger, thirst, regulation of
endocrine system via the pituitary gland.
Display Picture of hypothalamus
from AP Psych 2 folder
Lecture. Memorize Figure 2-6 and be able to sketch it out from memory for a quiz.
(Complete) Review Outline pages 51-55 (stop at limbic system) in exceptional detail.
(Complete) Review Outline pgs. 55-56 The Limbic system
Continue: (do the ones you know)
o Crossword Puzzle
o Fill in the Blank
Oct 19
Ch 2 major test
• 100 points, 30 minutes
• 50 questions, Mult choice & TF
• Know textbook from pages 41 to 56 (neuron through CNS, roughly)
Do – Complete for homework.
1. Outline 56-61
2. Check your understanding on p 62.
3. Study figures 2-8 & 2-9
Thursday, October 20, 2011 2:26:29 PM ET
Oct 20
1. Lecture on Tools for studying the Brain and the endocrine system.
2. Hand back tests and answers to study.
3. Put items wrong in “things to study” area of notebook.
4. Hand out pre-test practice packet (pink) ch 2 rev 100 ques.tst
5. Do the ones you know first.
Test tips:
Answer all questions
Do the ones you know first.
Do - Complete for homework.
1. Draw the brain figure in 2-7
2. Outline PNS 63-64
3. Check your understanding on p 65.
4. Study figures 2-10 & 2-11
5. Memorize summary table on p 60 (tools for studying the brain)
Oct 21
Lecture on Genetics, Evolution and Behavior
Do - Complete for homework.
1. Outline endocrine system pages 65-67
2. Check your understanding on p 68.
3. Study figures 2-12 & 2-13 and images on page 61
Oct 24
1. Outline genetics, etc. system pages 68-76
2. Check your understanding on p 76.
3. Study figures 2-12 & 2-13 and images on page 61
Oct 25
Memorize Figure 2-18 and be able to sketch it out from memory.
Complete for homework:
• 2.4 Identical Twins Reunited Questionnaire
• 2.5 Crossword Puzzle
• 2.6 Fill in the Blank
Oct 26
Test on chapter from p. 56 to end, as well as a few tricky items from the last test.
Additional resources or 2012 or AP exam review
* The Limbic system paper quiz.
* Figure 2-1 quiz
* Quiz – level easy topic: neurons
* Quiz neurons: hard quiz
* Neurons – paper quiz
* Make a lightning fast poster of the limbic system. Look throughout your book for any mention of the LS and add it
to the picture. Pages 55-56, 317
Thursday, October 20, 2011 2:26:29 PM ET
Thursday, October 20, 2011 2:26:29 PM ET