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World War II
Chapter 17 Section 1
Where did we leave off?
„ Mussolini is head of the Fascist Party in Italy. He is an absolute dictator.
„ Hitler is the “Fuhrer” of Germany.
„ Germany is rearming, creating anti-Semitic policies, and looking to expand.
Aggression in the 1930’s
„ War was supposedly outlawed by the Kellogg-Briand Treaty of 1928.
„ In the 1930’s dictators who attacked other countries faced only verbal protests and
requests for peace.
„ This made militaristic powers like Italy, Germany, and Japan seek to expand further.
Japan Invades Manchuria in 1931
„ Japan’s leaders thought that they should have an empire.
„ They invaded Manchuria in 1931. The League of Nations did nothing to stop them.
„ Japan would overrun much of China in 1937 with no consequence.
Italy Invades Ethiopia
„ In 1935, Italy invades Ethiopia.
„ Mussolini was trying to build an empire for Italy.
„ The Ethiopians are killed in huge numbers and the Italians brutally kill civilians and
„ The League of Nations does nothing.
Hitler Breaks the Treaty of Versailles
„ Hitler rebuilds the German Army.
„ He sends troops to the border with France, a violation of the Treaty of Versailles.
„ The rest of the world practices appeasement, or giving in to demands to keep the
The Axis Powers Form an Alliance
„ Germany, Italy, and Japan make an alliance called the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis.
„ The three nations agree to fight Communism but more importantly they will not
interfere if any of the other countries try to expand.
„ This agreement made it easier for these countries to continue to attack others.
„ After a civil war in Spain, Spain joins the Axis under General Franco.
German Aggression Continues
„ Hitler wanted to bring all German speaking people into the Reich.
„ “Nature is cruel; therefore we too may be cruel… I have the right to remove millions
of an inferior race that breeds like vermin.”
„ Hitler looks for more “Lebensraum” for his people.
„ He believes Germans are the master race and deserve land over others.
Anschluss with Austria
„ In 1938, Hitler creates an Anschluss, or union, between Germany and Austria.
„ Many Austrians favored annexation and no one stopped Hitler.
„ Hitler easily had his way.
Hitler Annexes the Sudetenland
„ Hitler demands the German speaking region of Czechoslovakia.
„ It was also an industrial region Hitler could use to build his war machine.
„ No one wants to go to war over it.
Peace For Our Time
„ The British and French leaders meet with Hitler in Munich in 1938.
„ These leaders choose appeasement.
„ Neville Chamberlain, the leader of England announced they had achieved “Peace for
our Time”
War Approaches
„ Hitler had promised only to take the Sudetenland. He soon takes all of
„ The Allies finally realize appeasement will not work and Poland must be protected.
„ In 1939, Hitler makes a Non-Aggression Pact with Russia.
„ On September 1, 1939, Hitler invades Poland and starts World War II.
World War II
Chapter 17 Section 2
The Axis Attacks
„ On September 1, 1939, Hitler invades Poland.
„ Hitler uses a new strategy called the Blitzkrieg, or “lightning war.”
„ This is very different from World War I and trench warfare.
Blitzkrieg, or Lightning War
„ Hitler creates this new strategy.
„ The Luftwaffe, or German Air Force, bombed important targets and softened up troops
with dive bombers.
„ Then fast moving tanks and troops pushed into enemy territory. They quickly
overpowered troops and forced the surrender of huge numbers of troops.
Poland Falls
Poland Falls within a month
Germany attacked from the West and Russia Attacked from the East.
Britain and France could do nothing but declare war.
English and French troops were hunkered behind the Maginot Line, expecting trench
German Blitzkrieg of France
„ Hitler quickly slams through Norway and Denmark.
„ Hitler quickly runs through the Netherlands and Belgium.
„ Hitler attacks France through Belgium in the Ardennes Forest, which the French
thought was invasion proof. Germans pour into France.
The Allies are Surprised
The Maginot Line was worthless.
Germans are pouring into France.
British and French soldiers are seemingly trapped by the approaching German army.
The English call for all available sea vessels to rescue their troops from France. This
will be known as the “Miracle at Dunkirk.”
France Surrenders
„ France falls in June, 1940
„ The world is shocked that one of the greatest powers in the world lost a war in less
than two months.
„ A new puppet government, called Vichy France, is formed.
Hitler Prepares to Invade England
Hitler prepares Operation Sea Lion.
He begins by bombing military sites in Southern England.
He soon switches to nighttime bombing of British cities.
This was called the London Blitz. The city was bombed for 57 straight nights and then
for months afterwards.
Germany Fails to Take England
Germany cannot gain air superiority over England.
The British are not discouraged but are instead more resolved to fight.
The fighting then moves to several areas in North Africa, Greece, and Yugoslavia.
Erwin Rommel is the successful German commander in North Africa.
Operation Barbarossa
Hitler invades Russia in June 1941.
He wanted the raw materials of Russia.
Three millions soldiers invaded Russia.
The Russians lost millions of soldiers but kept moving east. By December, Germans
were freezing to death. This will be Hitler’s biggest blunder.
Land Occupied by Nazi Germany
Native groups were shoved aside for Lebensraum of German people.
Prisoners were tortured and opposition murdered.
Native populations were used as slave laborers.
Jews and political opponents were sent to concentration camps.
The Final Solution
„ The Nazis sought a “solution” for the problem of all non-Aryan Races.
„ By 1941, the Nazis decided to eliminate all European Jews and other “undesirables” in
six death camps in Poland.
The Holocaust
Over Six million Jews were killed during the Holocaust.
Over six million other people were killed as well.
Many were gassed in the shower rooms of the six Polish death camps.
Many occupied countries assisted with the Holocaust although many individuals
„ Japanese conquests were equally brutal.
The United States Gets Involved
„ The United States was officially neutral during the early years of the war.
„ Roosevelt started a program called “Lend-Lease” where he said he could sell or lend
any war related material to any country he thought would help the United States.
„ He only supplied the Allied side.
Japan and the United States Face Off
„ In 1940, as Japan is expanding, the United States bans the sale of war materials to
„ These materials included iron, steel, and oil.
„ Japan sees this as interference in their political business. The US and Japan set up
talks to discuss the situation.
Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
A surprise attack on the US fleet in Hawaii on December 7, 1941.
Over 2000 Americans are killed and 19 US ships sunk or destroyed.
The US quickly prepares for war.
On December 11, Germany and Italy declare war on the United States.
World War II
Chapter 17 Section 3
z The United States had just been attacked at Pearl Harbor and is now at
war with Germany, Italy, and Japan.
z Total war means all of a nation’s resources are used to fight a war.
z Factories were ordered to convert to war materials and rationing
programs were started.
z Women help to lead war production at home.
z People are encouraged to consume less, donate what they can, and grow
their own food.
z In the United States, many Americans with Japanese Heritage were sent
to internment camps within the country.
z They lost their jobs, property, and civil rights.
z The United States believed that these people were security threats.
z 1942 - 1943 marked the turning point of the war.
z The Japanese Navy was defeated at the Battle of Coral Sea and the Battle
of Midway. Both were conducted mainly by planes from carriers. At the
Battle of Midway, the Japanese lost four aircraft carriers. They would not
be able to go on the offensive again in the war.
z These two battles were the beginning of the end for the Japanese Navy,
although they would continue to fight for over three more years.
z The German Army in North Africa surrenders in 1943.
z This allowed the Allies to move into Italy. The Italian people overthrow
Mussolini but Hitler sends troops to fight for Italy.
z The German Army had stalled in Russia.
z It was unable to take Leningrad so Hitler changed direction and tried to
attack Stalingrad.
z He failed after almost a year. From then on, the Red Army was chasing
the Germans out of Russia.
z Stalingrad was one of the bloodiest battles of the war. Everyone suffered,
fighting was fierce.
z Throughout 1944, the Allies conducted huge bombing raids over
Germany and occupied Europe.
z They targeted factories and infrastructure as well as Axis troops.
z Allied Bombing would have a tremendous effect.
z In 1944, 10 days of bombing killed at least 40,000 civilians and left a
million homeless.
z In 1945, Dresden was firebombed and over 100,000 people were killed.
z Under Dwight Eisenhower, the Allies attack Southern France on D-Day.
z The Allies open a new front and continue to move closer and closer to
z Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt meet in 1945 to decide what will happen
after the war. They agree that Germany will temporarily be divided into
four zones, controlled by the US, the USSR, England, and France.
World War II
Chapter 17 Section 4
z By 1945, the Allied Armies were in Berlin
z American and Russian soldiers met at the Elbe River.
z Mussolini is captured and executed.
z Hitler commits suicide in Berlin.
z May 8, 1945 is V-E Day (Victory in Europe Day)
z Berlin falls to the Red Army.
z Germany had to fight on different fronts at one time.
z Hitler made all decisions and some were bad.
z Hitler invaded the Soviet Union.
z The U.S.A. was producing twice as much as the Axis powers combined by 1944.
z Allied bombing was destroying German industry and resources.
z Japan was not advancing after the Battle of Midway.
z The United States began a policy called “Island Hopping” of taking occupied islands
getting closer to Japan.
z American forces were led by Douglas MacArthur.
z American bombers were pounding Japan.
z The Battles of Okinawa and Iwo Jima showed that the Japanese would rather die
than surrender.
z Beginning in 1944, many Japanese pilots became Kamikaze pilots, who crashed
planes filled with explosives into American forces.
z The United States was working on a new weapon.
z President Roosevelt has died.
z President Truman of the United States warns Japan that it faces “complete
destruction and utter devastation” if they do not surrender.
z On August 6, 1945, an atomic bomb is dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.
z 70,000 people die instantly. Thousands more die soon after.
z Two days later, a bomb is dropped on Nagasaki.
z Finally, Japan surrenders at the Emperor’s request.
World War II
Chapter 17 Section 5
Postwar Europe
► Total War had destroyed huge areas and cities in Germany, Poland, the USSR, Germany, and
► Over twenty million refugees were homeless in Europe.
► Allied troops were shocked by the horrors of the Holocaust, particularly the death camps in Poland.
The Nuremberg Trials
► At the end of the war, nearly 200 Germans and Austrians were tried for “crimes against humanity.”
► Most were found guilty and top Nazi leaders received death sentences.
► Many top Nazis went into hiding.
The United Nations is Created
The United Nations was created in 1945.
It had a General Assembly of all members and a Security Council with more power.
It had the right to send “Peace keeping forces” throughout the world.
The United Nations became and remains a place where diplomacy was used to prevent and end
Problems Between the Allies
► Stalin wants to spread communism in Eastern Europe.
► He also wants a buffer zone between Germany and Russia.
► The Red Army left occupying forces in all land taken from the Axis Powers. By 1948, there were
Soviet friendly governments throughout Eastern Europe.
► President Truman announces the Truman Doctrine, which says that America will resist Soviet
expansion and help anywhere in the world where communism is fighting against democracy.
The Marshall Plan
► The United States sends huge amounts of money and supplies to Europe to help the rebuilding
► Stalin would not allow any Eastern European countries to accept aid from the United States.
► This was a plan to get Europe back on its feet.
Opposing Pacts
► The United States and its allies form NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Members
pledge to help each other if attacked.
► The Soviets and their allies form the Warsaw Pact, their own military alliance.
► These pacts will start the Cold War.
The Berlin Airlift
Berlin is deep in East Germany.
It was divided into zones along with the country.
In 1948, Stalin closes off all entrances to the city.
The Western Powers supplied Berlin for over a year by air.