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New Government in Operation:
The War of 1812
Level 1
Counterattack: to attack back
Impressment: forcing people to serve in a navy
War Hawk: someone who wanted a war
Artillery: large fire arms (ex. cannon)
POW: prisoners of war
Massacre: unnecessary mass killing
Battery: fortification filled with artillery
Tecumseh: Shawnee Chief and a leader of the Indian
Confederacy who fought against US settlers on the
western frontier
Essential Questions
What were the causes of the War of 1812
What were some of the major battles of the War
of 1812?
What were the results of the War of 1812
How do you think relations between the Native
American and the US will progress in the future?
Causes of the War of 1812
France and Britain hurt US trade by taking ships.
Britain made US sailors join the British Navy.
Britain helped Natives attack between the
Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River.
Britain wouldn’t take troops out of the Louisiana
The War Hawks wanted to add Canada and
Spanish Florida to the States.
Events in the War
of 1812
Battles and Movements of US
and British troops
Three Areas of Conflict
 Great Lakes Area
 Chesapeake Bay Area
 New Orleans Area
Events in the War of 1812:
Constitution “Old Ironsides” vs. Guerriere
USS Constitution had more and
better guns and was faster than any
other ship.
British fired first and did little
US fired on the hull and masts that
destroyed the British ship.
Constitution suffered little damage
and had 7 killed and 7 wounded.
HMS Guerriere was too damaged to
keep and was burned.
The victory over Guerriere showed
the ability of the US Navy
The USS Constitution captures HMS Guerriere, 19 August 1812
Events in the War of 1812:
Battle of York (Toronto) 1813
Major Dearborn attacked York (modern
The Americans captured the battery
after 3 hours but before the British
surrendered, they destroyed the ship
under construction, the naval storehouse
and the magazine at the government
The Americans were going to remove
the flying British flag at the government
house when it exploded and killed 38
and wounded 222.
The Americans looted and destroyed
the remaining government and military
Later in the war Washington D.C. was
burned as pay back.
Events in the War of 1812:
Battle of Lake Erie Sept. 10, 1813
Lawrence and 8 other American ships, 54
guns vs. Detroit and 5 other ships, 63
cannons that had a range twice as long as
the Americans
Lawrence suffered about 80% casualties and
Commodore Perry had to abandon ship and
row to Niagara to attack again.
The British tried to turn their ships but hit
each other and were stuck together.
Perry attacked and the British surrendered.
American control of Lake Erie
Improved American morale
Fort Malden was abandoned and the British
retreated up to Thames River near Detroit
6 ships were taken by the Americans
Perry took Harrison’s army near Thames River
to fight
Events in the War of 1812:
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
Red Sticks (followers of Tecumseh) went to Pensacola to
get weapons from the Spanish and were ambushed by
Americans from Fort Mims
Red Sticks counterattacked & the US retreated to Fort
(August 30, 1813) Red Sticks made a surprise attack
on 553 frontiersmen at Fort Mims
Red Sticks defeated the Americans and then massacred
most of the survivors including women and children
As payback for the massacre, General Andrew
Jackson took his militia and attacked a fortified
Creek village at Horseshoe Bend
Red Sticks were greatly outnumbered
Big guns destroyed the defenses
About 800 warriors died
500 women and children were imprisoned
Andrew Jackson defeated the Creek Indians
Events in the War of 1812:
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
Treaty of Fort Jackson:
(1814) Creeks gave up
most of their lands in
southern Alabama and
Georgia to the US.
Events in the War of 1812:
Burning of Washington D.C. August 24, 1814
The British defeated the Americans at
the Battle of Bladensburg, Maryland.
The British marched into Washington,
Government officials left the capital.
The British army entered Washington.
British troops looted and burned the
White House, the Capitol building,
House of Representatives and Library
of Congress, a number of federal
buildings, and several private homes
to get revenge for York.
(August 26) The British withdrew.
Tom Freeman's painting of the August 24, 1814 burning of the White
House by British troops during the War of 1812.
Events in the War of 1812:
Battle of Baltimore Sept. 12, 1814
British troops landed near Baltimore
British crossed the North Point Peninsula
between two rivers where the Maryland
militia waited and killed the British General
The British didn’t break the third American
line, and their land path to Baltimore was
The British tried to capture Fort McHenry to
open the water route to Baltimore:
The British dropped rounds all day and night
When morning came and the civilians saw
the American flag still flying, they were
Francis Scott Key wrote the first verse of the
Star Spangled Banner that would later
become the US national anthem.
The British withdrew.
It was an American victory.
Events in the War of 1812: Hartford
Convention 1814
New England shipping decreased because of the
New England states sent delegates to Hartford
for secret meetings. Some wanted to secede
(leave the US) or at least threaten secession to get
their way but most didn’t.
Hartford Convention's final demands:
Federal money to help New England's trade
7 Constitutional amendments
The members of the Hartford Convention sent
messengers with their demands to Washington.
They arrived as news of the Treaty of Ghent and
the victory in New Orleans reached the city.
They were ignored.
continued the idea of states' rights
Federalist party began to die out
The End of the War of 1812:
Treaty of Ghent December 24, 1814
Ended hostilities
British left Northwest
Restored land to prewar status
Mediation for
boundary disputes
Events in the War of 1812:
Battle of New Orleans Jan. 8, 1815
British fleet of more than 50 ships
prepared to attack New Orleans
General Jackson moved his army
(7,000 militia) to New Orleans to
help defend it.
They didn’t know about the Treaty of
7,500 British attacked
Fighting lasted half an hour
British withdrew
U.S. victory
Jackson became an American hero.
Effects of the War of 1812
The British recognized US boundaries and left the
Northwest Territory
US gained national pride
US industry increased due to the end of trade with
Federalist Party, which was against the war,
Weakened Native resistance
Essential Questions
What were the causes of the War of 1812
What were some of the major battles of the War
of 1812?
What were the results of the War of 1812
How do you think relations between the Native
American and the US will progress in the future?