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Chapter 13
Uncle Sam-Uncle Sam is a popular nickname for the federal government.
His name is said to have been made up to match the initials of US. He
supposedly gave the army meat during the War of 1812.
Alexis de Tocqueville-A French nobleman who came and toured the United
States in 1831 and 1832. He saw the American’s love of money as a greater
love than any other country he had seen. He wrote a book called
Democracy in America.
Jim Crow-Jim Crow never existed; he was in a minstrel song by Thomas Dartmouth
Rice. It was sung by people who dressed up as African Americans and sung in
exaggerated accents. Later, the laws that discriminated against African Americans were
called Jim Crow laws.
1814 In 1814 the Star Spangled Banner was written by Frances Scott Key. He saw the
sun come up behind Fort McHenry and wrote a poem in celebration that the flag was still
there through the fight, meaning the Americans had won. Later in the year it was put to
music and in 1931 it became the national anthem.
Up until 1828-The Era of Good Feelings was so called by a newspaper after
James Monroe went on a goodwill tour. It ended when four presidential
candidates came up for election in1824. The choice ended up in the House of
Representatives, and the outcome enraged Andrew Jackson. Arguments between
parties had begun again.
1812 Rebuiding the White House-During the War of 1812, Congress hired
architects and builders to start the enormous project of rebuilding the White House and
the Capitol. They wanted a style that would rival all the grandest buildings of Europe
and they certainly succeeded.
Approx 1817(During the presidency of Monroe) Capitalism is an economic system
that allows individuals to make as much profit as they want, with their own businesses.
This was proposed by Henry clay.
1812-Today Growing Sense of National Identity-As different types of art, music,
literature, and politics started emerging, a growing sense of national identity grew with