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AzLA Marketing and Advocacy Committee (MAC) Quarterly Report Timeframe Feburary2015-­‐ April 2015 The Marketing and Advocacy Committee held two meetings at the time of this reporting as well as The AzLA Marketing and Advocacy Day and Outreach at the Tucson Festival of the books. AzLA MAC Meeting on Wednesday, February 18th 2015: 1. Mike Beck, Christine Tuttle, Paula Wilson, Michael Schor, Sandy Edwards and Alexis Skidmore attended. 2. We discussed thoughts on the “Marketing and Advocacy Day Program”; please see separate attachment of participant surveys. 3. We finalized what would be ordered for outreach at Tucson Festival of the Books: • 450 “I My Library” Tote Bags • 1000 Pencils “Friend your Library!” and “Amiga Tu Bibliotheca!” • 1000 “Book Nerd” Tattoos • 750 “Get Connected @ your Library” ALA bookmarks • 750 “You Belong @ Your Library” ALA bookmarks We also used AzLA rack cards and bookmarks as handouts and the existing AzLA Banner at the booth. All extra swag was taken back to the AzLA office (rack cards, pencils, bookmarks and tattoos for storage and use at other outreach events to the public). 4. People signed up for shifts for the AzLA booth at Tucson Festival of the Books and Christine shared what to expect at the event from her previous experience. 5. Michael Schor updated us with happenings from Web and Social Media committee as the liaison for that group. 6. We discussed the possibility of a statewide marketing campaign as a way to meet our AzLA Action Plan goals, Alexis decided to pursue quotes for costs and research different possibilities before putting it in the proposed MAC budget and taking it to the AzLA Board. 7. The group brainstormed ideas for the AzLA Conference and came up with some ideas to pursue for Programs, Roundtables and Poster Sessions. 8. Paula provided an update about the MBA (Marketing, Branding and Awareness) Group that she is working with, excited about their meeting later this month. We also discussed the possibility of surveying the current membership to see what different libraries are doing in regards to Marketing and Advocacy, and Paula prepared a draft of the survey. Ideally this would become part of the ‘resource sharing’ the group is interested in pursuing. AzLA MAC Meeting on Wednesday, March 11th 2015: 1. Paula Wilson, Michael Schor, Christine Tuttle, Mike Beck and Alexis Skidmore attended. 2. Preparations were finalized for Tucson Festival of the Books outreach. 3. Brainstorming for AzLA conference yielded several concrete ideas to pursue: • MAC poster session on AzLA Memebership (will submit for this) • Ned Potter presentations on Library Marketing­‐tools-­‐and-­‐resources.html (Alexis reached out to him but he is doing the keynote at the LIANZA conference in New Zealand in November and will be unavailable for AzLA conference. Will keep him in mind for next year. Marketing and Advocacy Round Table (Alexis asked Mike Beck and Joan Clark to participate, both expressed interest, are trying to hunt down a fourth ‘non-­‐
library’ person to fill out the panel before submitting) • John Chrastka was recommended by Dale Savage (going to check-­‐in and see if anyone else has approached him already) • Partnering with Web and Social Media Committee to present features of the new website and online networking to get more out of your membership and boost your career. (Mike S. is working on this might turn into something along the lines of “Making the Most of your Membership: Did you know AzLA has a new website?” as a program partnership with Web and Social Media Committee and MAC with presenters from each) • Step and Repeat AzLA Banner at conference to create a photo both and a stockpile of photos. Fun and useful. (Alexis will talk to Conference Committee about this) • Wendy Newman “Library Advocacy Unleashed” (Keynote or Program idea from Paula Wilson) • “Marketing and Advocacy Trends and Traps: Getting what you can from what you’ve got” (program idea highlighting successful campaigns, outreach strategies, and meaningful engagement ex: Goodreads versus FB) 4. After review of the comments from the AzLA Marketing and Advocacy Day Surveys, the idea was put forward to create a AzLA member space on the website for Marketing resource sharing, where people could create and share marketing materials for libraries and AzLA could post some AzLA branded general marketing materials for libraries as a way to add value to the AzLA membership. 5. Tucson Festival of the Books outreach overview and stats: • Over 1,347 contacts were made with people at the AzLA booth. • The feedback was overwhelmingly positive from both the people working the booth and event participants. 6. AzLA Budget Proposal form was submitted for the Marketing and Advocacy Committee •
AzLA MAC April meeting is scheduled April 8th, and this report is due the 7th. Any pertinent updates will be shared at the AzLA Board Meeting scheduled April 17th.