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Download Use Target Reading Sldlls Darwin`s Observations (p. 173) 365
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Tliis seelioll disCl/sses Cilnrles Dnrwil1 nlld llis tlleories of evollliioll, ollwlmt lie saw during llis trip nrollnd the world. wilich ore bnsed Galapagos Organisms (pp. 174-175) 5, Use Target Reading Sldlls In tlie grnfJilie orgollizer, idwtify ~ fnetors Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about Darwin's observations. a. Many Galapagos organisms were similar to organisms on mainland South America. b. Iguanas on the Galapagos Islands had small claws for climbing trees. c. Darwin thought the ancestors of Galapagos ilnimals ,md plants came from mainland South America. d. All tortoises living in the Ga!<lpagos Islands looked exactly the same. that enllse natllral selection. 6. Darwin noticed many differences atl10ng similar ___________ as he traveled from one Galapagos island to Look at the bird beaks below. Match the bird beaks with the kind of food the bird eats. 7. insects 8, seeds Darwin's Observations (p. 173) 1. Is tl,e following sentence l-rue or false? Charles Darwin was not surprised by the variety of living things he saw on his voyage around the world. . 2. A group of similar organisms that can mate with each other and produce fertile offspring is called a(n) _ 3. A(n) organism 4. . that lived in the past. is tl,e preserved rernains or traces of an Is the following sentence true or false? Darwin observed diversity of organisms on the Gillapagos Islands. ©PeorsonEduWlion,lnL, the greatest l'ublishingusPeolsonPrcnlicefioILAII'ighlsrcsc",ed. 365 Evolution (p. 176) 10, Circle the letter of ench sentence 1'I,0tis true about I nrwin's conclusions. a, Darwin understood immediOilely WIlYGa.lapaljOo orlj1lni"nlS l'wcI,Hnll elil rl'I'('1I1 adaptations. b. Darwin thought that Galiip1lgos organisms grar[ually chnnge-clov"I' nl,lIly generations. c. Darwin believed that evollillon had occurred on the C:1IJapngos Isl:\nds. d. Selective breeding Ilelped Darw'in understand how evolutioll ,night occIII'. © PeolSon Educotion, Inc., publishing as PeOison Prentice f1ull.AlllighlS resOl"d. 366 11. Circle the letter of the term that means a well-tested concept that explilins many observations. a. b. c. d. Understanding Main Ideas ,11Iswer the followilJg questions 011 idea evolution scientific theory hypothesis 0 sepinote sllfet of paper. 1. Who was CI1ilrJesDar\ol'in, and whal: did he do on the Beagle's voyage? 2. What is evolution? IPna~l!ral Selection (pp. 177-179) 3. Explain how the shape of a finch's beak is an example of an adaptation. 12. In his book The Origin of Species, Dilrwin explilined thilt evolution occms by means of _ 4. When members of d species compete, whdt do they compete for? 5. What happens when species overproduce offspring? 13. Is the following sentence true or fil]se? Individuals with variations that make them better adapted to their environment will not survive. 6. Suppose d variation makes an individual member of a species better adapted to its environment. How might that variation affect the individual's reproduction? Match the factors that affect the process of natural selection with their definitions. 7. How does the environment Definitions Factors 14. Effect caused by limited food and a ther resources a. overproduction 15. Differences between individuals of the same species "select" organisms? 8. I-low do helpful variations accumulate in a species over time? 9. Why can only traits controlled by genes be acted upon by natural selection? b. competition Bui!ding Vocabularv c. variations Fill in the bl(lnk to cOIuplete ellch statement. 10. A(n) is a group of similar organisms that can mate with each other and produce fertile offspring. 16. Effect caused by species' producing more offspring than can survive 17. Is ['he following sentence true or false? Only traits that are controlled by genes can be acted upon by natural selection. 18. Is the following sentence true or false? Darwin knew all about genes and mutations. _ © Pemsoll Edumlioll. [Ill.. publisbingnsPeorsollPrcnliceHoll.AllriglilsreseNed. 367 11. A(n) and reproduce. . is a trait that helps an organism survive 12. A scientific explains a wide range of observations. is a well-tested concept that 13. The process by \o\lhichindividuals that are betler adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce is called 14. That some newly hal'ched turtles can swim faster than others of the same species is evidence of ~ within the species. ©PeorsoIlEducOlioll.lnc..publishingo5 Peorsoll Prenlico Holi. All righls r8lerved. 368 IEvidence of IEvoh.l~ion (cflll/il/ued) Inferring Species Relationships Use Target Reading Skills As YOll read, ielel/I ifv III(' evitl"l/ce evidcllcc iI/ lI,e 8rt1/lillc orsnl/izcr. Ihnt slIpports U,e theory of evo/lltion. Write (pp. 185-186) IJ. Is the following sentence true or false? The more closely related species are, the more similar their DNA sequences. _ 5. What have scientists learned about the elephant evidence? 6. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true abollt evolutionary relationships of organisms. tI,e shrew based on DNA a. DNA comparisons show that dogs are more similar to coyotes than to ,,,,'olves. b. Scientists can compare protein structure to see how cJos"!y two species are related. c. A branching tree shows how scientists think different groups of orRanisms are related. d. DNA evidence shows that giant pandas are more closely related to raccoons than to bears. i-low 11)0~~ew Species lForm? (pp. 186-187) ~ni:ewpi'eting the f£vidence (pp. 183-184) 1. Similar body structures that related species have inherited common ancestor are called _ 2. What similarities in development lead scientists to infer that opossums, chickens, salamanders, and fish share a common ancestor? 3. Why do scientists classify fisl1, amphibians, mamIllals together in one group? Is the following sentence true or false? When a group of incLivicluaIs remains isolated from the rest of its species long enOLlgh to evolve different tralts, a new species can form. _ 8. "Vhat are three ways that isolation can occur? reptiles, birds, and © reO/son [ducolion, Inc.. publishing as POll/son r,cnlice IInll.All ,igbls IOs"lCd. 3'75 7. from a © rearson fdu(fIlion, Inc., publishing as Pearson PIOnlicc 11011.All rlghls I05O''Ied. 376 Understanding Main Ideas Use tile figures below 10 allswer sepamfe slICe I o/papcr. the qllestions Ihnl'follow. Writ'e your answers all n This seclioll cxpll/ills w!Jat fossils ore I/nd !Jow fOSSils give cllles abollt evolulioll. olso desci'ibes tile Geologic Tillie Scale, a colwe/o'!' of Eartll 's history. It ~lfter yOIl rend 11/1' sectioll, reread tlIe pnrngrnplls Ihat contaill defillitions of Key 1er/'ll5: Use all Ihe lrJjorJuatlOn yoniiave lellrned to write n defillition of eacii Key Tenn 111 YOllr own wore/so Write YOllr defillitions 01111 se/Hlmt" sheet of pnper. I-~ow Do ~ossiis 1. r-on-m? (p. 190) Circle the letter of each item that can form a fossil. a. bone b.shell c. stone 1. Compare and contrast the bones of a bird's wing and a seal's flipper. 2. What .do scientists infer from the similarities structures? between tl,ese two 2, Is the following sentence true or false? Most fossils form wIlen organisms tha t die become buried in sediments. 3. Particles of soil and rock are called '1. Remains of organisms ____________ 5, 3. Wbat do scientists call such similar structures? tlw following qllestions On a sepamte sheet of popel'. 5. What types of evidence do scientists use to determine relationships among groups? 6. What do similarities in the early development that are actually changed fossils. to rock are called Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about molds and casts. a. A mold forms when hard parts of an' orgimism buried by sediments me graduaJly dissolved. b. A cast is a hollow space in sediment in the shape of an organism. c, A mold tha t becomes filled in with h,udened ma terials forms a cast. d. A cast is a copy of the shape of an organis;111. 4. Describe how DNA evidence might be used to confirm scientists' conclusions about any relationship between birds and seals. Allswer _ evolutionary of organisms 6. suggest? Is the follovving sentence true or false? The formation common event. _ of any fossil is a BUilding Vocabulary Fill in Uw blonk to complde each stoteillelif. 7. Similar structures that related species have inherited from a common ancestor are called structurcs. 8. 1\(n) is '1 diagram that shows how scientists think different groups of organisms are related. © Pourson Educolion, Inc., puulilhiny ns POOilon Prenlice Hnll. AIIlighll rosOIved. © PeO/son EduCDiion,Inc, puUlilhing as PoO/son PlOnl;ce 11011.Allr;gh~ reserved. 377 383 18. Circle the lelter of the largest SpeW of time in the Geologic Time Scale. Determining 7. a ~OSSiij'5 Age (pp. 191-192) Is the following sentence true or hIisc? By determining scientists can reconstruct the history of Life on Earth. ti,e age of fossils, a. Precanlbrian TilYte b. eras c. periods d. years 19. Look at the illustration of the Geologic Time Scale in your text. What "re the names of the three eras? 9. In layers of sedimentary rock, the llsually at the bottom. Eacll higher layer is than the layers below it. . layer is _ 10. Is the following sentence true or false? Relative dating can only help scientists determine whether one fossil is older than another. 11. Scientists use unstable elements that decay, called _________________ elements, to c}etermine tbe "ctual age of a fossil. How Fast Does EvolLllion Occur? volulion What 1D0 U:os5i!s iteveal? (pp. 192-195) What the Theory Says Equilibria 15. The millions of fossils that scientists have collected are called tbe 16. Is the following sentence true or false? Tbe remains of all organisms have become fossils. _ I ©Peursoll Edllculioll, Inc.,puiJlilhinglisPeursonPlCnliceH"II./\lIrigh 38'1 Is reserved. ©PeorsonEdu([JliOrl,Ir.c.,publishil1gosPcmsOIlPfenticc!-!oiI.AillighlslcsDr/cd. 385 Intermediate Forms of Species? Uli1dellstallndHng Mafillil udJeZls Use thefigure below to answer questions 1 and 2. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. 1. Wllat is shown in the figure above? 2. What evidence do scientists use to place events on this timeline? Answer the followzng questions on a separate sheet of paper. 3. Describe the process by which most fossils form. 4. Which is probably older, a fossil in a sedimentary rock layer at the bottom of a canyon or a fossil in a sedimentary rock layer at the top of a canyon? Explain. 5. How do scientists use radioactive elements to determine the actual age of fossils? 6. What is the fossil record, and why is it incomplete? 13uiiding Voq;;;abuialiY Match each term with its definition by writing the letter of the correct definition on the line beside the tenn. 7. relative dating a. a species that has no living members 8. half-life b. the preserved remains or traces or an orgaflism that lived in the past 9. gradualism 10. radioactive dating 11. extinct 12. sedimentary rock c. the theory that species evolve during short periods of rapid change d. a way to determine the actual age or fossils 13. fossil 14. punctuated equilibria f. the time it takes for half of a radioactive sample to decay g. the theory that evolution occurs slowly but steadily h. a way to determiIle which of two fossils is older © Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice HcrIt. All rights reserved. 386