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Conor Porifera Quiz
1. How many cell layers do sponges have
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
2. What systems do sponges have
a. circulatory
b. nervous
c. digestive
d. non of the above
3. How do sponges get their food
a. photosynthesis
b. sting small mammals with their venom
c. filter water
d. eat small fish
4. What fact is not true about sponges
a. sessile
b. asymmetrical or radial symmetry
c. cells have a basement membrane
d. sponges can reproduce sexually or
5. Many Sponges have
a. an endoskeleton
b. an exoskeleton
c. a hydrostatic skeleton
d. both a and b
Cnidaria Quiz - Liz Wilkins
1. Jellyfish use what type of cells to sting?
A. Irukandjis
B. Cnidocytes
C. Smacks
D. Mesogleas
2. Which of the following lists includes only cnidaria?
A. Jellyfish, hydra, stingray.
B. Sea annenome, starfish, phytoplankton.
C. Portugese Man of War, jellyfish, coral.
D. Phytoplankton, hydra, Portugese Man of War.
2. What is not a difference between the Polyp and Medusa body plans?
A. How they feed
B. How they move
C. Location of tentacles
D. Habitat
3. How do cnidarians reproduce?
A. Sexually
B. Asexually
C. Alternate generations
D. All of the above
4. Which systems do Cnidarians have?
A. Circulatory and Nervous
B. Nervous and Digestive
C. Excretion and Digestive
D. Endocrine and Circulatory
David QUIZ
1. The majority of platyhelminthes organisms form a ______ relationship with their host
a. Mutualistic
b. Commensalistic
c. Parasitic
d. They do not interact with other organisms
2. All of the below statements about Platyhelminthes are true EXCEPT
a. There are 4 classes of Platyhelminthes
b. Platyhelminthes are gastrovascular
c. Only a select few organisms are hermaphrodites
d. The eyespots are light sensitive
3. Platyhelminthes are triploblastic, meaning
a. They are omnivorous
b. They can fly
c. They have an ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm
d. They can blast things in three different ways
4. The monogenea and trematoda classes DIFFER in that
a. The monogeneans are tape worms and the trematods are planarians
b. The monogeneans are parasitic and the trematods are not
c. The monogeneans require only one host for a complete lifecycle
d. The trematods and monogeneans are both flukes
5. Planarians are unique in that
a. They are parasitic
b. They are gastrovascular
c. They are not parasitic
d. None of the above
Madeline Nematode Quiz
1. Which of the following body systems does a nematode NOT possess?
a. Digestive
b. Respiratory
c. Nervous
d. Excretory
Which of the following is the correct body symmetry of the phylum Nematoda?
a. Asymmetry
b. Bilateral symmetry
c. Radial symmetry
d. Trilateral symmetry
How many tissue layers does a nematode have?
a. 4
b. 2
c. 3
d. 1
What type of skeleton is characteristic of phylum Nematoda?
a. Exoskeleton
b. Elastic skeleton
c. Cartilage
d. Hydrostatic endoskeleton
Which of the following statements is true?
a. Nematodes make up 1-15% of the biomass of most lakes.
b. Nematodes are never parasites.
c. Nematodes have never been used as research subjects.
d. Nematodes are always under 1 meter long.
Davey Mollusca Quiz
1. Which of the following are not from the phylum Mollusca
a. Squid
b. Tusk Shell
c. Hermit Crab
d. Sea Slug
2. What type of skeleton do organisms from the phylum Mollusca have
a. Hydrostatic Skeleton
b. Exoskeleton
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
3. Which of the following is not a way humans benefit from mollusca
a. Pearls are used in jewerly
b. Squid ink is used in many products, such food, and fabrics
c. Zebra mussels have cleaned up lake michigan
d. People eat shrimp
Which of the following opening develop first for organisms in phylum mollusca
ear cavity
nasal cavity
What does mollusca mean
head foot
Dr. Deken is so cool he should give me 100%
Slimy skin
Nina Quiz
1) How many tissue layers do
echinoderms have?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
2) What does echinodermata mean?
A. spiny skin
B. smooth skin
C. no skin
D. thick skin
3) What separates echinoderms from
A. Pseudocoelom vs. Coelom
B. True tissue vs. No tissue
C. No segmentation vs. Segmentation
D. Protosomes vs. Deuterostomes
4) What are echinoderms used for?
A. medicines
B. fertilizers
C. toothpastes
D. paints
B. Scavenger
C. Primary consumer
D. Tertiary consumer
5) What stage of the food chain are they
A. Producer
Daniel Chondrichthyes Quiz
1) Which shark is most likely to kill a human?
a) Bull shark
b) Great White shark
c) Tiger shark
d) Goblin shark
2) What vital part of a skeleton’s infrastructure do members of the class Chondrichthyes
a) Pelvis
b) Ribs
c) Skull
d) Spine
3) Cartilaginous fish lack bone marrow. Which organ is one of the two organs that produce
their red blood cells?
a) Brain
b) Pancreas
c) Liver
d) Leydig’s organ
4) Which animal’s ancient Greek name narkes gave rise to the modern term “narcotic”?
a) Blowfish
b) Lamprey
c) Electric ray
d) Common Skate
5) Why are thousands of members of the class Chondrichthyes dieing each year?
a) They are harvested for exotic delicacies.
b) They fail at interspecific competition.
c) Aliens abduct them.
d) They evolve rapidly and are living among us.
Nathan Adams Quiz
1. Osteichthyes can be divided into what two categories?
a. Actinopterygii and Arthranida
b. Sarcoplasmic reticulum and Actinerids
c. Actinopterygii and Sarcopterygii
d. Acne prevention and SARS control
Osteichthyes are which of the following?
a. Hairy fish
b. Scary Fish
c. Land Fish
d. Bony Fish
Osteichthyes have which kind of symmetry?
a. Radial
b. Bilateral
c. Ocular
d. A-symmetrical
What type of body covering do Osteichthyes have?
a. Hair
b. Skin
c. Shell
d. Scales
Which of the following is a major human impact on Osteichthyes?
a. Over hunting
b. Deken being too much of a stud for them to handle
c. Deforestation
d. Eye gouging
Nathan N – Amphibia
1. Name one species of amphibians
a. Golden dart frog
b. Nathan Nguyen
c. Potato frog
d. Gazelle
2. What is the name of the largest frog?
a. Goliath frog
b. Eleutherodactylus Iberia
c. Big frog
d. Even bigger frog
3. What is one way amphibians help humans?
a. They eat insects that are harmful to agricultural plants.
b. They are used as paper wights.
c. They are sometimes used as medicine.
d. Both a and c are correct.
4. How many species of amphibians are there
a. 6000
b. 1000000000
c. 0
d. 10000
5. What fungus is affecting amphibians most?
a. chytrid
b. HIV
c. swine flu
d. amphibian flu
Maggie Quiz
1. What kind of reptile can live to be over 100 years old?
a. tortoise b. turtle c. python d. iguana
2. What are reptiles more closely related to?
a. amphibians b. mammals c. birds d. fishes
3. Which animal is not a reptile?
a. snake b. turtle c. crocodile d. frog
4. What type of animals are Squamata?
a. lizards b. snakes c. tuataras d. a and b e. all of the above
5. Which is not a niche of reptiles?
a. regulate rodent population b. valuable skin c. food for predators d. regulate insect population
Jake S.- Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which bird has, proportionally, the largest brain of any member of Aves?
a) Black Vulture
c)Red Tailed Hawk
2. How many tissue layers do members of Aves have?
3. What type of skeleton do birds have?
c)hydro skeleton
d)no skeleton
4. Which of the following is true?
a)Birds are protostomes, have a true coelom, and have one digestive opening
b)Birds are protostomes, have a pseudocoelom, and have two digestive opening
c)Birds are deuterostomes, have a true coelom, and have two digestive opening
d) Birds are deuterostomes, have a pseudocoelom, and have two digestive openings
5. Which of the following is true about birds?
a)bilateral symmetry, hollow bones
b)bilateral symmetry, solid bones
c)asymmetrical, hollow bones
d)radial symmetry, hollow bones
Mammals - Eileen Williams
Which of the following have a neocortex region in their brain?
all mammals
placental mammals only
egg-laying mammals only
all vertebrates
2) Which of the following are mammals?
all of the above
Which of the following statements is false?
All mammals have lungs.
All mammals are verebrates.
No mammals can fly.
No mammals are exothermic.
Around how many species of mammals exist?
What is the biggest threat that humans pose to mammals?
habitat destruction
air pollution
introduction of invasive species
Andy Zhou - Arachnida
What order do scorpions belong to?
a. Opotones
b. Aracheae
c. Acari
d. Scorpionida
How many spiders are venomous?
a. 1
b. 2
c. all of them
d. none of them
How many legs do arachnids have?
a. 497
b. 6
c. 8
d. 4
How do fishing spiders sense their prey?
a. they have eyes on their foot
b. they stick their head in the water
c. they sense the vibrations of the water
d. they have special hairs on their stomachs
What is not a venomous spider?
a. brown recluse
b. black widow
c. daddy-long leg
d. all of the above
Sandra Quiz - Crustacea
a. are how crustaceans exchange gases
b. are located on the thorax of crustaceans
c. are feathery structures
d. all of the above
2.A cephalothorax
a. is the structure crustaceans use to swim
b. plays an important role in the reproduction process of crustaceans
c. is the partial fusion of the abdomen and thorax of a crustacean
d. is the outer coating around the appendages of crustaceans
a. show how important crustaceans are in the aquatic food webs
b. are never seen during daylight
c. feed on seaweed and other aquatic plants
d. cannot swim but draft instead
4. Crustaceans were once classified as molluscs because
a. they live in a marine environment
b. they secret a hard outer shell containing calcium carbonate
c. some have a cephalothorax
d. have a true coelom
5.Crustaceans have a(n) ________ circulatory system
a. closed
b. open
c. short
d. aquatic
Claire Quiz
1. How many body segments does an insect have?
a. 1
b. 3
c. 6
d. 11
2. What is complete metamorphosis?
a. The growth of insects.
b. The complete transformation of body form of insects.
c. The manufacturing of silk and shellac.
d. The total number of appendages an insect has.
3. How do insects grow in size?
a. metamorphosis
b. complete metamorphosis
c. incomplete metamorphosis
d. molting
4. Which of the following is a positive effect insects have on humans?
a. They cause diseases.
b. They inhabit homes.
c. They make food.
d. They eat human flesh
5. What is an exoskeleton?
a. A soft body cavity
b. Calcium containing bones.
c. A hard outer shell.
d. The body cavity of a sponge.