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Chapter 4 World History
1. What does it mean that Hammurabi’s Code demanded “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth”?
2. A mixture of copper and tin is called
a. bronze.
b. amber.
c. brass.
d. platinum.
3. What made it possible for the Chaldeans to take back power from the Assyrians?
a. Many Assyrians had died of disease.
b. The Assyrians were no longer trading with the Hittites.
c. The Assyrians were fighting one another.
d. The Assyrians were conquering other lands.
4. Skilled workers who made metal products, cloth, or pottery are called
a. merchants.
b. priests.
c. artisans.
d. scribes.
Which body of water did the Babylonians use for irrigation?
How were Nabopolassar and Nebuchadnezzar related?
7. How many tablets of stories and songs to the gods did the Assyrian library at Nineveh hold?
a. 2,500
b. 25,000
c. 250
d. 250,000
8. The Chaldean Empire is also sometimes called the
a. Akkadian Empire.
b. New Babylonian Empire.
c. Assyrian Empire.
d. Mesopotamian Empire.
9. Who was the king of the Akkadians who conquered all of Mesopotamia?
a. Paul
b. Hammurabi
c. Gilgamesh
d. Sargon
The Assyrian government built roads to connect its provinces. For what activities were those roads used?
Chapter 4 World History
11. Assyria was made up of the land between the Persian Gulf and the
a. Caspian Sea.
b. Euphrates River.
c. Red Sea.
d. Nile River.
12. What evidence supports historians’ belief that Sumerian city­states were each protected by a large city wall?
13. Caravans of merchants often traveled
a. in wheeled carts
b. on horseback
c. on camels
d. in chariots
14. Which was an ancient writing system that involved cutting wedge-shaped marks into clay?
a. Cyrillic.
b. Sargon.
c. Cuneiform.
d. Hieroglyphics
15. Before the monarchy, the early rulers of Sumerian city-states were
a. kings.
b. priests.
c. gods.
d. scribes.
16. In 612 B.C. the ____________________ joined the Chaldeans to defeat the Assyrian army.
17. Name three important Sumerian inventions.
18. What happened in 2340 B.C. as a result of conflict between Sumer’s city­states?
a. Hammurabi developed his code of laws.
b. The Sumerian people revolted against their leaders.
c. Sargon conquered all that was left of Sumer.
d. The Assyrians built a powerful military.
The Chaldeans of Babylon were the first people to
a. build a ziggurat in the town center.
b. use wheels for transportation.
c. sell goods to traveling merchants.
d. follow a seven-day week.
What types of information did Sumerian scribes record?
Chapter 4 World History
21. The capital of the Chaldean empire was at
a. Jericho.
b. Nineveh.
c. Assyria.
d. Babylon.
22. Civilizations first developed in Mesopotamia around
a. 1500 B.C.
b. 500 B.C.
c. 3000 B.C.
d. 6000 B.C.
23. Mesopotamia’s climate was
a. always cold.
b. tropical.
c. temperate.
d. hot and dry.
24. The Epic of Gilgamesh was a long poem written in
a. hieroglyphics.
b. cuneiform.
c. English.
d. Indo-European.
25. Sumerian kings claimed they received their power from the
a. ziggurat.
b. city’s gods.
c. previous king.
d. Tigris River.
26. The Gilgamesh stories came from which ancient Mesopotamian place?
a. Assyria
b. Jericho
c. Sumer
d. Babylon
27. Who created and ruled the Babylonian Empire?
a. Hammurabi
b. Sargon
c. Marduk
d. Nabopolassar
Chapter 4 World History
28. One factor that contributed to the success of the Assyrian army was its _________ weapons.
a. steel
b. iron
c. bronze
d. gold
How did food surpluses lead to the beginning of trade in Mesopotamia?
After the death of King Nebuchadnezzar, what led to Babylon’s defeat?
31. To make governing such a large area manageable, the Assyrian kings divided their empire into
32. Why did the Sumerians need to develop an irrigation system?
33. During his reign from 883 to 859 B.C., how did the Assyrian King Ashurnasirpal II transform the town of Nimrud?
The Euphrates and Tigris rivers run in what relationship to each other?
a. parallel to
b. away from
c. perpendicular to
d. towards
35. To support Babylon’s building projects and military, Nebuchadnezzar
a. collected very high taxes from his people.
b. stole from neighboring city-states.
c. started wars throughout the region.
d. required traveling merchants to pay tribute to Babylon.
Mesopotamia, the first civilization, was located in what is now the southern part of
a. India.
b. Syria.
c. Iran.
d. Iraq.
37. The first ____________________ were solid wood circles that were clamped together.
Sargon was the leader of Akkad who created the world’s first ____________________.
39. These people built a great army to protect their lands from invasion.
a. Assyrians
b. Chaldeans
c. Egyptians
d. Babylonians
Chapter 4 World History
40. Under Sargon’s rule, how did Akkadian and Sumerian languages merge?
What products did Sumerians trade for timber, minerals, and metals?
42. Something that passes to the children when the parent dies, such as power from a king, is
a. reactionary.
b. tertiary.
c. hereditary.
d. secondary.
43. Sumerian cities were cut off from one another because of surrounding mudflats and
a. rivers.
b. deserts.
c. forests.
d. seas.
Chaldean astronomers mapped
a. the phases of the moon.
b. the locations of asteroids in the Milky Way.
c. the path from Earth to Mars.
d. the distance between constellations.
45. In the ancient Akkadian language, which word means “to rise high”?
a. cuneiform
b. ziggurat
c. Sargon
d. Mesopotamia
What types of things did Sumerians believe their gods controlled or guided?
47. Which of the following were members of the upper class?
a. merchants and traders
b. scribes
c. kings and priests
d. artisans
Merchants came to Babylon in traveling groups called ____________________.
49. Sumerians made _______________ in order to craft stronger tools, weapons, and jewelry.
Chapter 4 World History
Throughout history, which two factors have influenced where people settle?
a. drinking water and the ability to grow crops
b. population density and business opportunity
c. building supplies and nearby trade ports
d. animals for hunting and average temperature
51. The Sumerians considered the ziggurat to be ______________________________; therefore, only special priests
were admitted.
Along which river was the Assyrian capital of Nineveh located?