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Practice Test 4
7 Grade Earth Science and Chemistry
Lectures 19 & 20: Erosional and Depositional Features
1. The process by which natural forces move weathered rock and soil from one
place to another is called ______________________.
2. The process of breaking down that material is called
3. The removal of rocks downhill is called ______________________.
4. The most destructive type of mass movement, which is typically due to oversteepening of slopes, is called a _____________________.
5. ________________ are fast-moving downhill movements which are
composed of up to 60% water; they are called “liquefied flows.”
6. A sudden “slip” of soil and rock downhill that goes a very short distanced is
called a __________________.
7. VERY slow movement downhill is called ________________.
8. The amount of sediment that a river is carrying is called its
9. Small grooves in the soil formed by runoff are called _______________; as
they grow larger, they become ______________.
10. Rivers erode into mountains forming valleys that are ____-shaped.
11. Glaciers later come through those same valleys and change them into
______-shaped valleys.
12. A bend in the course of a river is called a ___________________.
13. When the bend is “abandoned” by the river during a flooding event, the
water left behind is called an ____________.
14. A wide, sloping deposit of sediment that forms where a stream leaves a
mountain range is called an ___________________.
15. Where a river enters the sea, there is a fan-shaped deposit of sediment
called a _____________, named after the Greek letter of similar shape.
16. Water stored in rocks beneath us is called ___________________.
17. A particular body of rock which is a source of water for a given area is
called an ______________.
18. The top of the water reservoir described in Question 17 is called the
19. In wet regions where there are limestone deposits, and therefore sinkholes
and caves, we say that there is _____________ topography.
20. In general, as the slope increases, the water speed _________________.
21. As the speed of water increases, the ability to erode ________________.
22. As the speed of water increases, its ability to carry large particles
23. The deeper and narrower a river channel is, the _____________ the
amount of erosion that takes place.
24. Larger volume tends to correlate with ____________ ability to erode and
carry large particles.
25. A large mass of ice that has movement in a definite direction over land is
called a ______________.
26. Glaciers that cover millions of square kilometers are called
_______________ glaciers.
27. Glaciers that are confined to mountain valleys are called _____________
28. The process in which small and large rocks are picked up from the earth and
incorporated into the base of the glacier is called _________________.
29. Glacial sediment, which is generally a mix of very poorly sorted sediments, is
called _____________.
30. When glaciers carve away at all sides of a mountain, leaving a sharpened
peak in the center, it is called a ______________.
31. A bowl-shaped hollow that has been eroded into the upper side of a
mountain by a glacier is called a _______________.
32. A sharp ridge created when two glaciers erode back-to-back is called an
33. A deep inlet of the sea formed by glaciers is called a ______________.
34. A mound or ridge of poorly sorted rock debris that is “plowed up” by a
glacier along its front or sides is called a _______________.
35. Tear-drop shaped mounds of till are called __________________.
36. Large rocks stranded by melting glaciers are called __________________.
37. A portion of the shoreline that juts outward into the ocean and receives
most of the energy of incoming waves is called a _________________.
38. Hollows carved out of a sea cliff by waves are called _______________.
39. When two of the features described in question 38 erode back-to-back,
they form a ________________.
40. Sediment that accumulates where the ocean meets land forms a
41. Sediment on a beach is moved constantly by a process called
__________________; it forms as the incoming wave, or _________,
comes in at an angle and the outgoing wave, or _________________, goes
out perpendicular to the shoreline.
42. A beach that projects like a finger out into the sea is called a
43. An island that forms offshore, parallel to the beach, and is above sea level
is called a ___________________.
44. The process by which wind removes surface materials, leaving larger
particles behind, is called ___________________.
45. Extremely fine-grained, wind-blown sediment that is deposited across large
areas of land is called ___________________.