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Measures of Academic Progress for Language Usage
RIT Scores between 201 and 210
Writing Strategies
Prewriting Skills
· Choose formal or informal language
· Select purpose of paragraph
· Choose syntax that illustrates point of view
· Outline expository mode
Drafting and Revising Skills
· Use participial phrases in correct word order
· Use of figurative speech in context
· Select the best title for a piece of work
· Use precise language
· Correct use of transitional expressions
· Use vivid descriptors
· Use adverbial clauses in complex sentences
· Avoid run-on sentences
· Use sentence variety
· Use correct word order when using adjective phrases
Use Editing and Proofreading Processes
· Use capitals in magazine, newspaper, essay and titles
· Use commas in letter closure
· Punctuate introductory dependant clauses
· Capitalize inside addresses
· Punctuate non-essential parenthetical phrases with commas
New Vocabulary:
run-on sentence, formal and informal language, composition,
simile, subheading, detail, subdetail, style, figure of speech,
suffix, capitalization, caret (editing mark), research report,
Writing Applications and Genres
Use Appropriate Format
· Combine sentences into paragraph structure
Use Sentence Forms Appropriate to Purpose
· Focus on exclamatory sentence structure
Develop Paragraphs
· Choose the best definition for the term “topic sentence”
· Look for patterns of organization in a paragraph
· Order sentences into a concise paragraph
· Give directions in a systematic order
Use Composition Forms
· Use correct business letter structure
· Define parts of a research paper
· Define purposes of poetry (i.e. feelings, moods, expressions)
· Define paragraph by genre
· Identify parts of the newspaper
New Vocabulary:
exclamatory sentence, encyclopedia, supporting detail
Use Appropriate End Punctuation
· Identify different meanings of the same sentence when end
punctuation is changed
· Identify incorrect end punctuation
· Identify periods when given a paragraph
Use Commas Appropriately
· Use commas after a direct address in an imperative sentence
· Use commas after participial phrases in a lengthy paragraph
· Use commas between two main clauses in a complex sentence
· Use commas in non-essential parenthetical phrases
· Use commas around interrupting phrases contained within the
Use Apostrophes
· Use apostrophes in possessive plurals
· Use apostrophes with helping verb and “not”
Use Enclosing Punctuation
· Use quotations in titles
· Use parentheses around non-essential phrases
New Vocabulary:
parentheses, hyphen, rough draft
Use Beginning Capitalization
· Capitalize the first word in the greeting and closing of a letter
· Capitalize the first word in the sentence
· Capitalize first word of a quotation
· Generalize rules of when to capitalize the first word: sentences,
poems, letter greetings
· Distinguish sentences using quotations that are not capitalized
· Capitalize the first word in the sentence and the first word of a
· Capitalize the first word in the sentence, the first word of a
quotation, and proper nouns
· Capitalize the beginning of each sentence in a group of
sentences, including quotations within sentences
· Capitalize only the first word in a multi-word greeting or closing
Capitalize Proper Nouns and Adjectives
· Format: Most of the items in this range require correct
identification of more that one capitalization error, either
missing capitals or incorrect capitals
· Format: Longer passages in many of the items
· Full names, including titles and initials
· Particular places, points of interest, buildings, monuments
· Radio and TV station initials
· All titles: which words should and should not be capitalized
· Teams, organization, government bodies
· Countries and continents
· Historical events and eras
· Companies, stores, products
· Differentiate between similar common and proper nouns
· Classes, schools
· Compass directions: when they are correctly and incorrectly
· Ships
· Identify proper nouns
New Vocabulary:
closing, book title, paragraph
Grammar Usage
Use Basic Sentence Patterns
· Sentences have more complex syntax and phrasing, more
difficult vocabulary
· Recognize complete and incomplete sentences (first time this
term appears)
· Identify compound sentences
· Identify sentence patterns (some articles and possessive
pronouns used in short, simple sentences): noun-verb, nounverb-noun
· Change the word order and keep the same meaning
· Add a phrase to form a complete sentence
· Recognize a group of words as an incomplete sentence or a
· Name the two main parts of a sentence
· Verbalize what sentence part is needed to form a complete
sentence: subject, object, adjective, or subordinate clause
Use Types of Phrases
· Vocabulary: prepositional phrase
· Identify a prepositional phrase
· Recognize a phrase telling “which”
Use Types of Clauses
· Understand the intended meaning of a particular clause
Use Noun Forms
· Recognize the correct plural form of a noun
· Understand the meaning of a singular possessive noun
· Recognize the correct irregular plural form of a noun
· Identify which word is not a plural noun
· Recognize the correct use of a plural noun in a sentence
· Distinguish possessive nouns from contractions
· Recognize a collective noun as being singular, distinguishing it
from plural nouns
Use/Distinguish Verb Tenses
· Identify sentences that tell past, present, or future
· Understand the tense and meaning of verbs, replace with
similar verbs of the same tense and meaning
· Determine the correct verb tense to use in a sentence
· Determine the correct verb form to use in a sentence: irregular
verbs, verbs used with auxiliary verbs
· Identify present tense verbs
· Determine the correct verb phrase to use in a sentence
Use Irregular Verb Forms
· Format: Difficulty of vocabulary increases in this RIT range
· Determine which verb to use in sentences with or without
auxiliary verbs
Use Subject-Verb Agreement
Recognize the correct use of subjects or verbs in the following
· Singular subject - linking verb
· Singular subject - main verb
· Plural subject - linking verb
· Plural subject - auxiliary verb
Use Adjective Forms
· Use comparatives “less, least” correctly
· Understand the meaning of comparative adjectives
· Identify adjectives used in a sentence
· Recognize correctly and incorrectly used comparative forms
Use Adverb Forms
· Understand that adverbs can tell “where, when, or how”;
Identify adverbs that tell “when”
· Use comparative adverbs correctly
· Understand the meaning of comparative adverbs
Use Pronoun Forms
· Format: Difficulty of vocabulary and sentence length and
complexity increase at this level
· Recognize the correct and incorrect use of nominative,
objective, possessive, and demonstrative pronouns
· Use objective pronouns correctly in a complex sentence:
Everyone except ___.
· Recognize correct and incorrect use of “their, they’re, and there”
· Identify the noun replaced by a pronoun
· Use reflexive pronouns correctly: themselves
Use Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
· Replace more than one noun with the correct pronouns,
matching gender and type of pronoun: nominative, objective,
and possessive
· Use the correct pronoun in one sentence to match the number
and gender in another: them
Use Negative Forms Correctly
· Recognize the correct use of only one negative in a sentence:
no more than; hasn’t any
· Recognize that two negatives in a sentence is not Standard
· Use “n’t” contractions correctly
· Format: Generally more difficult, commonly misspelled words
· Recognize correctly and incorrectly applied basic spelling rules
when adding endings or affixes
· Recognize when to double final consonant before adding ending
· Distinguish the correct spelling of a word from incorrect
· Identify which word is or is not spelled correctly
New Vocabulary:
fragment, compound sentence, prepositional phrase, present
tense, adjective, nonstandard English, linking verb, adverb,
possessive, dependent clause