Download which dynasties? Tang and Song Tang dynasty art

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Chapter 17 Study Guide-­‐ CHINA Advances in farming-­‐ which dynasties? Tang and Song Tang dynasty art -­‐ Poetry Scholar officials tests based on-­‐ civil service tests Social status under Yuan dynasty-­‐ foreigners (Muslim Turks) above Chinese Silk Road under Mongols-­‐ reopened Mongols as rulers of Chinese-­‐ respected customs but remained separate Zheng He-­‐ Travelled with fleet to Africa and Asia looking for tributes Hongwu’s rise to power-­‐ threw off Mongols and became absolute leader Emperor Yongle accomplishments-­‐ built Forbidden City European merchants to China
traded freely
-­‐ Compass-­‐ invention which helped European sailors Chinese inventions-­‐ went to Muslim traders and then on to Europe Beliefs supported by Chinese government-­‐ Confucianism Tang dynasty accomplishments-­‐ money system and united and grew dynasty Buddhism founded by-­‐ Siddhartha Gautama Main crop-­‐ rice Porcelain-­‐ highly sought product Merit system-­‐ based on tests Ghengis Khan-­‐ united Mongols China turns inward-­‐ distrusted outside world, stop building large boats Daoism-­‐ spread from India to Korea and Vietnam Wuzong treatment of Buddhists-­‐ persecuted and destroyed Buddhist temples Money economy-­‐ Tang and Song dynasties… made trade easier Tribute system-­‐ paid money to China to protect and trade with them Smugglers-­‐ Europeans who were not trusted by Chinese government and thought to be breaking Chinese laws Confucius and Korea and Vietnam spread through these countries “the way”-­‐ Daoism Arts and trade during Tang/ Song dynasty-­‐ golden age of art, poetry, music and dance Marco Polo-­‐ guest of Kublai Khan, took inventions and products to Europe, went on expeditions for Khan 3 perfections-­‐ calligraphy, poetry, and painting Essays-­‐ How was China able to have such a great influence on its neighbors in the Middle Ages? Which had greater impact on the world, technology from China or culture? Why was Confucianism important? Kublai Khan was a great ruler. Yes or No? Defend your answer.