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Section 10.5: Steroids: Natural and Synthetic
Section 10.5 Questions, Page 493
1. Steroid hormones are hormones that are derived from cholesterol and act on receptors inside
2. Steroids affect DNA by binding to receptors in the nucleus. This hormone-receptor complex
then binds to certain regulatory elements of genes and activates transcription.
3. Synthetic hormones are human-designed chemicals that mimic the effects of natural
4. The names of many steroids end in –one (pronounced “own”).
5. Answers may vary. Sample answer: A steroid hormone that affects blood glucose is cortisol; a
non-steroid hormone that affects blood glucose is insulin.
6. Answers may vary. Sample answer: Cortisone reduces pain, inflammation, and swelling, and
is often injected into joints of people with joint or back pain. It also suppresses the immune
system and can be used to prevent transplant rejection. Potential side effects of cortisone include
diabetes, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, cataracts, and glaucoma.
7. It would be difficult to detect the use of some banned performance-enhancing drugs, such as
growth hormone, testosterone and EPO because these hormones are also produced naturally in
the human body, and determining what level is unnatural and indicates the use of a drug could be
8. Answers may vary. Sample answer: Yes, I think it is fair to punish an entire sports team for
the action of a few team members who use banned substances because in a team sport, team
members depend on one another and should be responsible to one another. Also, other team
members may have used the substances as well, or may have known about it and not reported it.
9. The administration of extra testosterone from outside the body might confuse the feedback
mechanism and cause the man’s body to make less testosterone of its own now and in the future.
10. Anabolic steroids are sometimes used in patients with AIDS and end-stage cancer because
both conditions cause extreme weight loss and anabolic steroids can help the patient gain some
muscle mass.
11. Reports may vary. Reports should state the sport of interest and describe the specific types of
drug abuse that commonly occur in that sport. Reports should indicate how the drugs work and
how they provide an edge or an advantage to the athlete. Reports should also include the
negative side effects of the drug. Reports should also include a summary of the testing
procedures within the sport, and recommendations for new types of testing.
12. Reports may vary. Reports may include information indicating that not all substances and
drugs are banned or illegal in sport, descriptions of the substances or methods used, the positive
and negative effects on the body of each substance or method, and a brief comment about why
these substances or methods are legal in sport.
13. The medical benefits of Proviron (mesterlerone) include alleviation or reversal of the
symptoms of hypogonadism, which may include low sperm production, lessened libido, a
decrease of muscle mass and bone density, and difficulty remembering or concentrating.
14. Posters will vary. Posters should include: Reliever drugs relax the muscles in the airways.
This opens the airways wider, quickly easing symptoms. Preventer inhalers use a build-up of
steroids that work by reducing the inflammation in the airways. Long-acting bronchodilator
inhalers work in a similar way to relievers, but work for up to 12 h after taking each dose.
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Chapter 10: The Endocrine System