Download Drug Unit-Lesson 2 PWPT - Cherokee County Schools

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Lesson 2
Marijuana, Inhalants, and
Mary Jane, bud, gungi, chronic, Whackatabacky ,
pot, weed, dube, Hooch, Stack
Marijuana-Plant whose leaves, buds and flowers
are usually smoked for their intoxicating effects.
 Hashish, hash are stronger forms of MJ.
 MJ is a mind altering drug that can lead
to other serious health problems
 When combined with other drugs like,
cocaine, and alcohol can lead to deadly
MJ Facts and info
MJ contains more cancer causing
chemicals than tobacco.
 MJ users are 17 times more likely to try harder
drugs (heroin, cocaine, meth)
 THC is the psychoactive chemical in MJ, which
is stored in fat cells and can be detected for up to
a month after use.
---May be used medically for
Glaucoma & Chemotherapy
MJ--some of the many health risks
Hallucinations and paranoia
 Impaired short term memory
 Poor reaction times
 Distorted sense of timing, sight
and sound
 Decreased ambition
 Heart & lung damage
 Weakened immune system
 Increased appetite leading to weight gain
 Lower sperm count in males
MJ release a brain chemical called dopamine.
Dopamine allows one to feel intense
well-being and elation.
 When the MJ wears off the pleasure drops quickly.
This causes a mental let-down and physical crash.
This cycle makes
it easy for MJ users to want to do
more and more, which can lead to
(Mental or Physical addiction?)
Mental/Emotional Problems
MJ users begin to experience slow mental
reactions and start to feel anxious and
Paranoia-an irrational suspiciousness or
distrust of others.
School work suffers
Problems with persons of authority
Physical changes
MJ users have a major risk to
Reproductive organs.
Males-low sperm count & low levels of
Females-Increased testosterone, (more facial &
body hair, deep voice) increased risk of
DUI Issues
Using MJ and driving can have similar effects
as alcohol.
 Poor judgment, depth perception, slow
 Insurance rate go up if
caught using and driving.
Are substances whose fumes are
sniffed and inhaled to get high and
alter the mind.
Inhalants go straight to the brain, killing brain cells that
can never be replaced.
 Aerosols, glue, spray paint, gas, and varnishes are
 Most inhalants are depressants slowing the CNS
Body effects are: staring, slurred speech, bad judgment,
increased heart rate, damage to brain cells
Anabolic-androgenic steroids-synthetic
substances that are similar to the male hormone
Anabolic-refers to muscle building
Androgenic-refers to increased male
Legal only with a doctors prescription
Bodily side affects
Mood swings, impaired judgment, paranoia and
Steroids build muscle BUT do NOT grow/build
tendons and ligaments, so when injuries occur they
take longer to heal.
Taken by pill or injection. Pill forms can lead to liver
damage. Injecting can lead to HIV, Hepatitis, and
When hormone production is disrupted, males can
develop breasts, a condition called gynecomastia.
Taking roids can cause pimples to pop up.
Discussion Groups
Should pro athletes be allowed to use
steroids? Support your opinion with quality
ideas and/or facts
Should high school athletes have to under-go
random drug testing??
Support your opinion with
quality ideas and/or facts