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Names: ________________, ________________
Making Babies
So far we have been talking about your phenotype – your observable traits. For every
characteristic (like eye color) there are different forms or varieties of that characteristic that you
could actually have (blue, green, hazel or brown eyes).
All of these traits are caused by variations in your genes. Every gene comes in one of two
different forms. We represent those forms by a letter, either as a capital letter or a lower case
letter. For example, eye color has a gene that can come in the B form (brown) or the b form
(non-brown). These different forms are called alleles.
Every individual has 2 copies of each gene, one from mom, the other from dad. Thus, for eye
color, you could be:
BB – two brown alleles
Bb – one brown allele, one non-brown allele
bb – two non-brown alleles
One allele is dominant. The other allele is recessive. The dominant allele masks or covers up the
other gene. Brown eyes are dominant over blue eyes. If you have a brown allele, your eyes will
be brown no matter whether the other allele is. Thus, if a person is Bb with one brown allele
and one non-brown allele, then they will have brown eyes, not a mixture of brown and blue.
If you are BB, your eyes will be ___________________.
If you are Bb, your eyes will be ___________________.
If you are bb, your eyes will be ___________________.
Every gene has two alleles or forms, one that is dominant and one that is recessive. For each of
the traits we looked at, there is a dominant and a recessive form.
Brown eyes
Tongue rolling
Earlobe attachment
Widow’s peak
Cleft chin
Hair color
Brown (BB or Bb)
Freckles (FF or Ff)
Can roll (RR or Rr)
Dimples (DD or Dd)
Unattached (EE or Ee)
Widow’s peak (WW or Ww)
Cleft chin (CC or Cc)
Dark (HH or Hh)
Non brown (bb)
No freckles (ff)
Can’t roll (rr)
No dimples (dd)
Attached (ee)
Straight hairline (ww)
Smooth chin (cc)
Light (hh)
Hair texture is a little more complicated because curly textured hair (T) is not completely
dominant over straight hair (t). If you have one curly allele and one straight allele (Tt)
then you end up with wavy hair. This is called incomplete dominance.
Names: ________________, ________________
Step 1 – Figure out your genotype
So… what’s your genotype? Remember, you have two copies of every gene! One gene
comes from each parent.
If your phenotype (your observable traits like eye color) is recessive (b), then your
genotype (which forms of the gene you have) has to be two recessive alleles (bb).
If your phenotype is dominant (B), then your genotype could be EITHER two dominant
alleles (BB) or one dominant and one recessive allele (Bb). In this exercise, if you have
the dominant phenotype, assume that you have one dominant and one recessive allele
(Bb) unless you know for SURE that NO relative (grandparent, aunt, uncle, parent or
sibling) has the recessive trait. Only if NO relative is recessive should you put down two
dominant alleles (BB)
Brown eyes
Tongue rolling
Widow’s peak
Cleft chin
Hair color
Hair texture
Brown (BB or Bb)
Non brown (bb)
Freckles (FF or Ff)
No freckles (ff)
Can roll (RR or Rr)
Can’t roll (rr)
Dimples (DD or Dd)
No dimples (dd)
Unattached (EE or Ee)
Attached (ee)
Widow’s peak (WW or
Straight hairline
Cleft chin (CC or Cc)
Smooth chin (cc)
Dark (HH or Hh)
Light (hh)
Curly (TT)
Wavy (Tt)
Straight (tt)
Step 2 – Make eggs and sperm
You are going to make babies with a partner (don’t worry, no sex required). To begin,
each person will need to make two gametes (sperm and/or eggs). Sperm and eggs are
special because while every other cell in our bodies has two copies of our genes (one
from mom and one from dad), sperm and eggs have only one copy of each gene.
Sperm and eggs are created through a process called meiosis. Meiosis is a special form
of cell division in which you start with a parent cell with 2 copies of every gene and end
up with a daughter cell that has only one copy of every gene. The two alleles for any
given gene are randomly divided into our gametes. Thus, if your genotype is Bb, some
gametes will have the dominant B allele and some gametes will have the recessive b
In this lab, you will flip a coin for each trait to determine which allele is in each gamete.
Names: ________________, ________________
With your partner, decide which person will make sperm and which person will make
eggs. Each person will make 2 gametes.
Look closely at your genotype. Toss the coin for each gene (each trait).
Heads  the gamete will have the first allele
Tails  the gamete will have the second allele
For example, let’s say your genotype is Bb for eye color. If you flip heads, then give
sperm #1 the B allele. Flip again for the second gamete. If you flip tails, then give sperm
#2 the b allele.
Fill in the sperm and eggs below for you and your partner.
___________’s Egg #1
Brown eyes
Tongue rolling
Earlobe attachment
Widow’s peak
Cleft chin
Hair color
Hair texture
___________’s Egg #2
___________’s Sperm #1
Brown eyes
Tongue rolling
Earlobe attachment
Widow’s peak
Cleft chin
Hair color
Hair texture
Brown eyes
Tongue rolling
Earlobe attachment
Widow’s peak
Cleft chin
Hair color
Hair texture
___________’s Sperm #2
Brown eyes
Tongue rolling
Earlobe attachment
Widow’s peak
Cleft chin
Hair color
Hair texture
Notice, there is an extra line for gender under the sperm. That is because sperm pass on
the information that determines whether the child will be a boy or a girl. The sperm
providing partner should flip their coin one extra time.
Head  girl
Tails  boy
Names: ________________, ________________
Step 3 – Making Babies
You and your partner are now ready to have kids! You will make two kids. Sperm #1 will
fertilize egg #1 to create baby #1. They combine their genes to make a baby. That baby
now has two copies of each gene – one copy from mom, and one from dad.
In the chart below, fill in each baby’s genotype and phenotype. Then, draw a picture in
color of what that child will look like in middle school.
Baby #1 - Name __________________________
Brown eyes
Tongue rolling
Earlobe attachment
Widow’s peak
Cleft chin
Hair color
Hair texture
Baby #2 - Name __________________________
Brown eyes
Tongue rolling
Earlobe attachment
Widow’s peak
Cleft chin
Hair color
Hair texture
Draw a picture here:
Draw a picture here:
Names: ________________, ________________
Conclusion Questions
1. How many copies of each gene do you have? _________
Where do they come from?
2. What’s the difference between your phenotype and your genotype?
3. What does it mean for an allele to be dominant?
4. For the freckles trait, having freckles (F) is dominant while no freckles (f) is
recessive. What will someone that is Ff look like? _____________________
5. If someone does not have freckles, what do you know about their genotype?
Explain how you know.
6. What are gametes? ____________________________________________
7. How many copies of each gene do gametes have? _________
8. Look at the gametes you made. Are they exactly the same? _________
Explain why or why not.
9. Did either of your children look exactly like you? _________
How likely is it for you to have kids that look exactly like you? __________
Explain why.