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Name: ___________________________
Date: _________________ Period: ____
1. How stars produce light.
3. Has "Great Dark Spot" storm.
6. The time it takes for the Earth to do one complete
10. The different colors of stars tell us their different ____.
12. Demoted planet, minor dual planet now.
14. Venus is the only planet whose day is ____ than its year.
16. Means "partial darkness."
17. The time it takes for the Earth to do one complete
18. How many minutes it takes
light to reach Earth from the
20. The name of our star
23. Anything that orbits a larger
24. Most massive planet.
25. The time it takes Luna to
make one complete revolution
AND rotation.
28. The shape of our galaxy
when viewed from above.
29. Different moon ____ occur
because of the moon's location
relative to the Earth and the sun.
30. Only planet known to have
2. Happens because of a strange
coincidence in size and distance
as viewed from Earth.
4. Means "total darkness."
5. Nicknamed the "Red Planet."
7. The shape of the planets'
orbits around the sun.
8. Similar in size to Earth but very hot because
of Greenhouse Effect.
9. Stars burn out because they run out of ____.
11. Fastest planet in the Solar System.
13. How many Solar Systems there are.
15. The reason anything orbits anything.
19. Smaller gas giant blue green in color.
20. The name of our local star.
22. The name of our galaxy.
27. Earth's moon.
21. Happens when the Earth's shadow blocks the moon.
26. The shape of our galaxy when viewed from the side.
28. Has most dominant rings in the Solar System.