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Issue 1 Volume 1
School Newspaper
The Drift of the Continents
Emily Bina
Levi Bulik
The continental drift is a theory Deforestation is the cutting
that continents slowly shifted their down of forests for fire wood or
positions due to movement of the for
tectonic plates. In the early 1900s Deforestation happens the
an explorer and a scientist named most in rain forests.Forests are
Alfred Wegner came up with the cut down for many reasons, but
continental drift theory.
most of them are related to
He came up with this theory money or to people’s need to
because he found evidence that provide for their families.The
showed that fossils from South biggest driver of deforestation
and is agriculture. Farmers cut
Australia we almost identical. The forests to provide more room
rock that the fossils were in were for planting crops or grazing
also very similar.
livestock. Often many small
The continents moved my tectonic farmers will each clear a few
plates moving. The earth is broken acres to feed their families by
up into ten major tectonic plates cutting down trees and burning
and about twenty smaller tectonic them in a process known as
plates. These tectonic plates are “slash and burn” agriculture.
very large slabs of rock.
Boundaries are the point where the The quickest solution to
tectonic plates meet. There is deforestation would be to
three different kinds of boundaries: simply stop cutting down trees.
and Though deforestation rates
transform. A convergent boundary have slowed a bit in recent
is when plate tectonics collide. A years, financial realities make
divergent boundary is when plate this unlikely to occur.
transform boundary is when the Deforestation is a particular
plates slide past each other. concern in tropical rainforests
During the continental drift many because these forests are
were home to much of the world’s
biodiversity. For example, in
the Amazon around 17% of the
forest has been lost in the last
50 years, mostly due to forest
conversion for cattle ranching.
Deforestation in this region is
particularly rampant near more
populated areas, roads and
rivers, but even remote areas
have been encroached upon
when valuable mahogany, gold
and oil are discovered
September 20, 2016
The Land Of Volcanoes
Alexandra Anderson
interesting. They are formed
when magma breaks through
the crust. When lava flows
evenly, it forms a plateau like
shield. The ash eruptions can
produce small cinder cone
volcanoes. Volcanoes erupt
because magma is breaking
through the Earth's crust.
Volcanoes can be active,
dormant or extinct. An active
volcano that erupts in the
last few thousand years. A
dormant volcano means that
it has the potential to erupt
again, but hasn’t recently. An
extinct volcano is one that
has no potential to erupt
Volcanoes most commonly
exist along or between
tectonic plates. About 90% of
volcanoes exists around the
ring of fire. The Ring of Fire is
located on the edge of the
volcanoes are active around
the world. A lot of other
volcanoes are dormant, not
active. No volcanoes are
showing signs of exploding.
Some volcanoes can become
active in time.
Hot rock in a cold world
Brady Bartlett
When thick magma and large amounts
of gas build up under the surface,
eruptions can be explosive, expelling
lava, rocks and ash into the air. Less
gas and more viscous magma usually
mean a less dramatic eruption, often
streams of lava to ooze from the
vent.A large eruption can be extremely
dangerous for people living near a
volcano. Flows of searing lava, which
reach 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit or
more, can be released, burning
everything in
its path, including whole towns.
Boulders of hardening lava can rain
down on
villages. Mud flows from rapidly
melting snow can strip mountains and
bare and bury towns while people are
living there. Scientists estimate that
than 260,000 people have died in the
past 250-300 years from volcanic
aftermath.Although volcanoes are all
made from hot magma
reaching the surface of the Earth and
erupting, there are different kinds.
volcanoes have lava flows with low
viscosity that flow dozens of
kilometers; this
makes them very wide with smoothly
sloping flanks
When the Plates Move
Kendra Kremer
There are three layers of Earth, the core,
the mantel, and the crust. The core is the
center of Earth, it is mostly iron with
some nickel and it is very hot. The mantel
is the layer between the crust and the
core. It is 1,800 miles thick, mostly solid,
hard rock, but the top layer can be
flexible. The crust is the thinnest layer of
the Earth, it is about 5 miles thick below
the ocean, and 22 miles thick under the
According to the Plate Tectonics theory
the crust and upper flexible layer of the
mantel is not one thick layer of rock, it is
actually 12 different moving plates. These
plates will push together in a process
called convection, move apart in a process
called divergent, or one tectonic plate will
slide under the other in a process know as
subduction. These processes cause land
forms to form. The Andes, Himalaya,
Alps, and the Rockies were formed from
processes like these. Islands such as Japan
or Aleution Island have been formed by
these processes too.
Due to tectonic plate movement the Ring
of Fire was created. This is a ring of
volcanoes around the pacific ocean.
Although earthquakes can happen
anywhere on earth the most earthquake
activity happens mostly in the Ring of
Fire. Most of the earthquake activity
happens hear because this is where many
of the tectonic plates meet. As the plates
move and bump into each other two plates
might get stuck together, but the two
plates will keep moving around. Once the
movement becomes too much the plates
will pull apart and cause an earthquake.
Dalton Schmidt
Weathering is the wearing away or
change of the appearance or texture of an
object by long exposure to the air.There
are three main types of weathering,
physical, chemical, and biological.
In physical weathering rocks are broken
down into smaller pieces, but the
chemical composition stays the
same.Things that cause physical
weathering are temperature change,
freeze-thaw, wind rain, and waves.
Chemical weathering is when rocks are
broken down by chemical change. Acid
rain contributes to chemical weathering,
but mostly depends on the type of rock,
temperature, and the gases around the
Biological weathering takes place when
rocks are worn away by living organisms.
Trees and other plants can grow in the
cracks of rocks, and then over time the
roots break the rock apart.
Volcanoes will erupt
By: Jake Corbet
Volcanoes form when magma breaks
through the crust. Well when magma is on
the surface it's called lava. Volcanoes did
shape the Hawaiian islands. When the crust
breaks, folds or move a volcanoes can
form. The Ring of Fire is a bunch of
volcanoes surrounding the Pacific plate.
Volcanoes will form the land around them
when they erupt the lava will add on to the
Volcanoes can stay the same for century's
but change in seconds. Volcanoes have
many different forms like the shield
volcanoes, sratovolcano, cinder cone, lava
dome, caldera, lava plateau. Did you know
that there are 255 volcanoes United States
and Alaska. About half of them are in
Alaska alone. Ash in volcanoes can form
lighting collision between rapidly moving
ash particles can form electrical charges
inside to build up a lighting bolt. The
temperature of bassalt, the hottest type of
lava an reach up to 2,150 degrease F.
"Trees Today, Gone Tomorrow"
Small organisms like algae, moss, and
bacteria can grow on rocks, and produce
chemicals that break down rocks.
Small animals like mice, and rabbits can
burrow underneath rock, and that can
speed the formation of cracks in the rock.
By: Evan Halvorson
What happens when trees are cut down? The loss of trees can
cause deforestation. Deforestation is the act of cutting down
trees in an area. Deforestation can have a tremendous effect
on humans and wildlife.
There are many reasons why deforestation occurs, but most
of the reasons relate to money or people's needs. The biggest
reason for deforestation is agriculture. Farmers cut down
trees to provide more room for planting crops. Often many
small farms will clear acres of trees by cutting down trees and
burning them in a process known as "slash and burn".
What are some of the solutions to deforestation. No longer
cutting down trees will help, but it won't do all of the work.
The trend in reforestation areas has been driven by
organizations such as the U.S. Forest Service
and the Arbor
Day Foundation.
Trees are valuable to wildlife and humans. Trees provide
homes for wildlife and give humans materials. As more trees
are cut down wildlife will have no homes and humans will.
have no materials. I hope that this article will make
you think about how crucial trees are to this world
Where is your location?
By: Matt Kowski
Location is one of the five
themes of geography.If you
were wondering the five
themes of geography are. The
first theme is place the second
is location, third is region,
fourth movement, fifth is
interaction. Location is a
precise place like coordinates
of a location. The coronates
for st Augustine is latitude is
29.8894722 and longitude is
–81.314444. I chose St.
Augustine because I have
been there. It’s a fort is Florida.
This fort has two sisters in
Porto rico. I have also been to
those when I was a baby. St.
Augustine was really cool we
got to see how they fired the
canons then we got to see
some guy playing flutes.i also
got to see where they stored
the gun powder and the
cannon balls.i have been to
many locations in my life that
is way I choose location.
Chemical Weathering
By: Ryan Linstad
In this essay I will explain what
By:Brandon Phan
chemical weathering is about
What is plate tectonics? Well
and how It forms. By the end
plate tectonics is a scientific
of these three paragraphs you
theory that describes the
will be very educated on
large-scale motion of Earths
chemical weathering, what it
lithosphere (outer layer). What
is, how it forms, and why it
this is saying is that plate
tectonics outer layer is made
of plates, and overtime they
Chemical weather is one of the
have moved which is how we
two forms of weathering.
have big bodies of water in
There are two forms of
certain areas.
weathering .The other form of
Imagine if plate tectonics
weathering is mechanical
never existed, what would our
world look like? If we didn’t
have plate tectonics moving,
weathering are very different
what else would have to
from each other. Mechanical
weathering is when rock is
If we did not have plate
broken down or weakened
tectonics, the big land masses
physically by the forces of
we have, would all be together
nature and the earths natural
to from an even bigger land
processes on the land.
mass. Everything in the middle
of that land mass would never
Chemical weathering happens
see bodies of ocean. I think if
when the rock and soil is
we had one big land mass it
broken down by chemical
would not go well with our day
reactions. One example of
and age. Our generation loves
chemical weathering is ice
water and we like to go places.
splitting a rock apart. When
This would affect my life
water sits on a rock and the
because I would have to drive
water turns to ice and then
thousands of miles just to go
turns to water it can brake the
swimming. I would also have
rock apart. This is a type of
to move closer to the coasts
to get water. Besides me,
others would have to do the
same if they wanted water
How Erosion can create beautiful landforms on accident
There is Erosion by three main things water, wind, and glaciers. Water being the
major agent of erosion. Water movement has created the largest canyons, and
the deepest valleys. One thing that helps create these landforms are
sediments. Wind being the second major agent of erosion. It can be very bad
for famers, but it also creates loess. Glaciers being the third major agent of
erosion. Glaciers can create moraines. During, the Ice Age there were
continental glaciers. Those were the main causes of erosion.
Some of the greatest landforms were created by erosion. Baffin Island
Waterfall was created by mainly glaciers. Outer Banks Sandbars were driven by
ocean winds. Sand Tufa, wind removed the sand under the deposits. Erosion
creates many beautiful land forms my favorite ones are the waterfalls. Also
Arizona has amazing landforms like the rock formation they create the weirdest
By:Mariyah Anchondo
Why Farmers hate Erosion!!!
By: Brady Larson
Why do farmers hate erosion ?
Farmers hate erosion because
erosion brakes down their fields.
Erosion is the movement of soil
or sediments to another location.
From the help of weathering
which is the brake down of rock.
Erosion and weathering make the
perfect team by braking down
rock and moving it to another
There is many types of erosion,
but the main two types are wind
and water erosion. Water erosion
is the most effective on higher
ground like hills. The water would
wash the soil from the top of the
hill to lower ground. On your farm
water erosion is the biggest
Tillage can prevent erosion or
advance erosion. No-till is the
best way to stop erosion, but
some places can't no-till. No-till
works better in sandy soils
because it dries out faster. The
depth and how many passes you
make with your chisel plow can
vary in many ways to. If you dig
to deep with your chisel plow you
could bring up more good soil to
be swept away.
Erosion is a big thing in our
country. We are always finding
Glaciers: The Sinker of the Unsinkable
By:Jon Haman
Glaciers, big blocks of moving ice to most. Some people may even
think of it has the thing that sunk the Titanic, but what a lot of people
don’t know is that glaciers shaped a lot of North America.
Glaciers cover 10% of land on Earth. They also hold 75% of the world’s
fresh water. From the 17th to 19th century the world experienced,
almost a mini ice age. Where the worlds temperature dropped which
created the giant blocks of ice now in the North and South Pole. If they
all melted the worlds ocean would rise about 70 meters. Glaciers often
appear blue when they are very dense. When they become extremely
dense, the ice absorbs a small amount of red light, leaving a bluish tint
in the reflected light which is what we see. When the glaciers are white
it mean it is filled with tiny air pockets.
The longest glacier in North America is the Bering Glacier in Alaska,
measuring 190 kilometers (118 miles) long. The Kutiah Glacier in
Pakistan holds the record for the fastest glacial surge. In 1953 it raced
12 km in three months, about 367ft per day. Each summer in
Washington State melting glaciers provide 470 billion gallons of water.
The largest glacier is Lambert-fisher Glacier in Antarctica. Which is
about 250 miles long, and 60 miles wide
All about glaciers
By:Briar Halberg
Did you know glaciers are a huge event of erosion? There
event of erosion because there huge slow moving sheets of
ice. A the glaciers move they carry stuff with them such as
rocks, soil, dirt ,and boulders. Did you know glaciers
sculpted the earth, and shape where we live today?
A glacier can't make itself unless it's above the snow
line.Glaciers normally in mountain areas. For some
examples are Sierra Nevada Mountains.
Did you know that there are different types of glaciers? I
actually did because I remember in some class in
elementary we had to study about glaciers. Alpine glacier is
a type of glacier. An alpine glacier is a glacier that forms by
mountains. Anther type of glacier is continental glacier,
witch is an on going mass of ice which is bigger than alpine
When I think about glaciers I think about penguins and cold
and Igloos.This is what I learned about glaciers.
What You Should Know About Erosion
By: Brooke Aronson
Erosion is the process of moving sediment from one
location to another. The most important force of
erosion is gravity. The amount of erosion by a stream
depends on the velocity and volume of water flow.
Erosion happens when running water, sea waves,
wind, or glaciers pick up materials from the Earth's
surface and carry them to other locations. It removes
the topsoil first. Once this nutrient-rich layer is gone,
few plants will grow in the soil again.
Erosion is an important part of the cycle that has
made and kept the earth a place where living things
can survive. Without this process, the earth's surface
would be barren rock, with no soil where plants can
grow. Moving water such as rain, rivers, streams, and
oceans, is the greatest cause of erosion.
A time where erosion has appeared in my life was
when we planted grass at my lake. A week later, three
inches of rain fell and washed out the topsoil and the
grass seed. When it dried we had to put a fabric
barrier with straw inside it and that solved the
problem and the grass grew
Wild Volcanoes
By: Alexis Herda
I have never been anywhere out of North Dakota or Minnesota, so I
have never seen a volcano in real life. I have always wondered what
causes volcanoes, what makes volcanoes and what volcanoes do.
Did you know that the tallest volcano isn’t in our solar system, it’s on
Mars, its name is Olympus Mons, its elevation is 27km and it
measures 500 km across. The term volcano actually comes from
Vulcano, an Italian volcanic island, which was named after Vulcan,
the Roman god of fire. There are many volcanoes in a circular for and
it’s called The Ring of Fire. I have learned stuff about volcanoes from
reading about them, from school, and from my mom. Here’s an
interesting fact: Types of volcano rocks are basalt, rhyolite, andesites,
and plagioclase. The lava that comes out of volcanoes when they
explode is very, very, very, very hot. It destroys everything in its path. It
doesn’t really kill people, but it causes other things that do kill people,
like tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other things. Fun fact:
The three major kinds of volcanoes are shield volcanoes,
stratovolcanoes, and cinder cone volcanoes. The worst volcano killed
92,000 people in Indonesia.