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Chapter 1
Sixteen percent of total renewable electricity worldwide comes from
hydroelectricity. Hydroelectricity is a term used in referring electricity generated
by hydropower, the production of electrical power through the use of gravitational
force of falling or flowing water. While observing the dense flow of water in the
rain gutter during a heavy rain, the researchers have arrived to a study that will
harness the hydropower from the falling rain into hydroelectricity by means of a
device called rain gutter hydroelectric generator.
The device consists of a turbine that will rotate, with the aid of the flowing
water, and is connected to a spinning magnet that would generate magnetic flux
to the copper wire to create electric current. The generated electricity would flow
into a charger containing two AA batteries ready to be used during a power
Background of the study
Electricity can be generated from hydropower. With the aid of a dynamo
and an external source of mechanical energy, electricity generation is possible.
The generator has three essential parts: (1) the turbine, (2) the rotating part of
the dynamo (rotor), (3) the stationary part of the dynamo (stator). The turbine is a
rotary mechanical device that extracts energy from the water flow with its blades
just like of a fan. The turbine is connected in one end of a shaft into the rotor of
the other end. The rotor rotates as the turbine turns. The rotor serves as the field
coil that generates magnetic flux for the armature to interact with. The stator
serves as the armature that interacts with the magnetic flux from the spinning
rotor to create an electric current that will flow into a power line to be used or to
be stored.
From the online article of World Watch institute, constructions of
hydropowerplants using the above principle to generate hydroelectricity have
been present into at least 150 countries worldwide. But disadvantages started to
sprung in the construction of these powerplants. Large bodies of land were
submerges in construction of these powerplants to create dams. Submerged
organic materials such as plants and trees undergo anaerobic decomposition
that releases great amount of methane imbalancing the greenhouse cycle. And
last, the need to relocate all people living on the planned reservoir.
This study focuses on the construction of a simple hydroelectric generator
that would not consume space to create dams but to be built on rain gutters to
harness the hydropower of flowing water when raining base on the device's
electromagnetism and the density of water. The electricity generated would flow
into a charger containing two rechargeable AA batteries that can operate some
devices such as flashlights and radio during a power shortage.
Theoretical framework
In 1831, using his "induction ring", Michael Faraday made one of his
greatest discoveries - electromagnetic induction: the "induction" or generation of
electricity in a wire by means of the electromagnetic effect of a current in another
wire. The induction ring was the first electric transformer. In a second series of
experiments in September he discovered magneto-electric induction: the
production of a steady electric current. To do this, Faraday attached two wires
through a sliding contact to a copper disc. By rotating the disc between the poles
of a horseshoe magnet he obtained a continuous direct current. This was the first
generator. From his experiments came devices that led to the modern electric
motor, generator and transformer.
Conceptual framework
The prepared paradigm about rain gutter hydroelectric generator is as
shown below.
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Density of flowing
>heavy rain
Height of rain gutter
>one-story house
Amount of current
>two-story house
Frame 1
Frame 2
Figure 1 Research Paradigm in Presenting Factors Affecting the Amount
CurrentGenerated by the Rain Gutter Hydroelectric Generator
Frame 1 shows the independent variables of the study. These variables
are the factors that affect the amount of current generated by the rain gutter
hydroelectric generator such as the density of flowing water when raining and the
height of the rain gutter. On the other hand, Frame 2 shows the dependent
variables which consists of the amount of current generated by the device.
Statement of the Problem
The purpose of this study was to measure the current generated by the
rain gutter hydroelectric.
It seeks to answer the following questions:
1. Is there a significant difference in the current generated during different
densities of falling rain?
a. Heavy rain
b. Typhoon
2. To which type of house would generate higher amount of electricity.
a. One-storey house
b. Two-storey house
The density of the flowing water and the height of the rain gutter has no
significant difference in the amount of current generated by the rain gutter
hydroelectric generator.
Significance of the Study
This study is significant because it is the answer to the mentioned
disadvantages of hydroelectricity powerplants. The device would not occupy too
much space and does not need a reservoir but instead use the flowing water in
their rain gutters as source of hydropower. There would be no anaerobic
decomposition present because there is no need to sink plants and trees to form
dams and cause large methane production. And there is no need to relocate
residents because they can have the generator installed in their houses.
The study will benefit most the places that regular rainfall occurs. Families
with the rain gutter hydroelectric generator installed in their houses could use the
generated electricity to charge the batteries during power shortage or black out.
And last, it would help in renewing energy than burning fossil fuel and coals to
generate electricity. Less burning, less carbon dioxide emissions, and less
natural destruction.
Scopes and Limitations
The focus of the study and its main concern was to measure the voltage
produced by an improvised hydroelectric generator installed in a rain gutter on
different rain intensities, and different electromagnetism. It was not a requisite of
the study to produce an ideal voltage and amount of electricity to fully operate
some types of electronic devices at home.
Definition of Terms
Anaerobic decomposition is the breakdown of molecules into simpler
molecules or atoms by microorganisms that can survive in the partial or complete
absence of oxygen.
A battery is a device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells that convert
stored chemical energy into electrical energy.
A battery charger is a device used to put energy into a secondary cell
or rechargeablebattery by forcing an electric current through it.
Density is a physical property of matter, as each element and compound has a
unique density associated with it. Density defined in a qualitative manner as the
measure of the relative "heaviness" of objects with a constant volume.
A dynamo is a machine that produces electric currents.
Electric current is the rate of charge flow past a given point in an electric circuit,
measured in Coulombs/second which is named Amperes.The common symbol
for current is the uppercase letter I.
Electricity is a type of energy fuelled by the transfer of electrons from positive
and negative points within a conductor.
Gravitational forceis the force which attracts two bodies together based on the
product of their masses and the reciprocal of the square of their distances.
Electromagnetism is the science of charge and of the forces and fields
associated with charge. Electricity and magnetism are two aspects of
Generator is an engine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by
electromagnetic induction.
Hydroelectric power plants are actually based on a rather simple concept of
water flowing through a dam turns a turbine, which turns a generator.
Hydroelectricity is electricity that is made by the movement of water. It is
usually made with dams that block a river or collect water that is pumped there.
When the water is "let go" the huge pressure behind the dam forces the water
down shafts that lead to a turbine, this causes the turbine to turn, and electricity
is produced. It is a form of renewable energy and reduces pollution.
Hydropower (from hydro meaning water) is energy that comes from the force of
moving water. The fall and movement of water is part of a continuous natural
cycle called the water cycle.
Induction ring is the basis for the transformer, which is used today in electric
power systems to step up and step down voltages to different levels.
Magnet is anything that carries a static magnetic field around with it.
Magnetic flux is measurement of the quantity of magnetism, the description of
how certain materials relate to magnetic fields.
Mechanical energy is the energy acquired by the objects upon which work is
done is known.
Rain gutter is a narrow channel, or trough, forming the component of a roof
system which collects and diverts rainwater shed by the roof.
Renewable electricity is electricity that is produced using a fuel source that is
renewable. Wind and biomass (such as growing and burning trees) are important
examples; other examples include landfill gas and solar.
Rotor is the rotating part of a mechanical device.
Shaft is a solid or hollow cylinder or bar, having one or more journals on which it
rests and revolves, and intended to carry one or more wheels or other revolving
parts and to transmit power or motion; as, the shaft of a steam engine.
Stator is The stationary part of a motor, dynamo, turbine, or other working
machine about which a rotor turns.
Turbines are used in boat propulsion systems, hydroelectric power generators,
and jet aircraft engines, any of various machines in which the kinetic energy of a
moving fluid, such as water, steam, or gas, is converted to rotary motion.
Voltage is an electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts.
Chapter 2
Related Literature
Rain Gutter is a narrow channel, or trough, forming the component of a roof
system which collects and diverts rainwater shed by the roof. The main purpose
of a rain gutter is to protect a building's foundation by channeling water away
from its base. They also help to reduce erosion, prevent leaks in basements and
crawlspaces, protect painted surfaces by reducing exposure to water, and
provide a means to collect rainwater for later use. Rain gutters can be
constructed from a variety of materials, including cast iron, lead, zinc, galvanized
steel, painted steel, copper, painted aluminum, PVC (and other plastics),
concrete, stone, and wood. Water collected by a rain gutter is fed, usually via a
downspout (traditionally called a leader or conductor), from the roof edge to the
base of the building where it is either discharged or collected. A collection system
strategy for water carried from rain gutters may include a rain barrel or a cistern,
Hydroelectricity is the term referring to electricity generated by hydropower; the
production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling
or flowing water. Most hydroelectric power comes from the potential energy of
dammed water driving a water turbine and generator. The power extracted from
the water depends on the volume and on the difference in height between the
source and the water's outflow. This height difference is called the head. The
amount of potential energy in water is proportional to the head. A large pipe (the
Pearson Earth Science 12th Edition (2009) the term rain is restricted to
drops of water that fall from the cloud and have a diameter of at least 0.5
millimeter (0.02 inch). Most rain originates either in nimbostratus clouds or in
towering cumulonimbus clouds that are capable in producing unusually heavy
rainfalls known as cloudburst. Raindrops rarely exceed about 5 millimeters (0.2
inch) in diameter. Larger drops do not survive, because of surface tension, which
holds the drops together, is exceeded by the frictional drag of the air.
Consequently, large raindrops regularly break apart into smaller ones.
Generator is essentially an axle with many loops that rotates in a magnetic
field. The axle is turned by some form of mechanical energy, such as a water
turbine or a steam turbine, which uses steam generated from fossil fuels or
nuclear energy. As the coil rotates in a magnetic field, a current is induced in the
coil, (McGraw-Hill "Physical Science 9th edition").
can be
generated at a powerplant,
in an
electrochemical reaction, or caused by light rays striking a semiconductor chip. It
can be produced when an object is moved in a magnetic field, or is placed in a
fluctuating magnetic field.
In a dry cell, the voltage is usually between 1.2 and 1.7V, in a car
battery, it is 12 to 14V. In household utility wiring, it is a low frequency alternating
current of about 117V for electric lights and most appliances, and 234V for a
washing machine, dryer, oven, or stove. In television sets, transformer converts
117V to around 450V for the operation of the picture tube. In some broadcast
transmitter, the voltage can be several kilovolts.
Voltage represents the driving force that impels charge carriers to move.
If all other factors are held constant, high voltages produce a faster flow of
charge carriers, and therefore larger currents, than low voltage, (McGraw-Hill
“Teach Yourself: Electricity and Electronics 4th Edition).
Related Studies
Michael Faraday built two devices to produce what he called
electromagnetic rotation: that is a continuous circular motion from the circular
magnetic force around a wire. Ten years later, in 1831, he began his great series
of experiments in which he discovered electromagnetic induction.
Marasigan, et al. (2008), constructed an “Improvised Battery Charger” that
converted the physical work done by the user to the bicycle into a useful energy
by charging a battery and at the same time promoting healthy lifestyle and saving
the environment.
Valsorable et al. (2010), used in their study entitled "Pendulum Battery
Charger" a magnetic coil that acts as a swinging pendulum to produce electricity.
Aparan et al. (2012), construct an "Electric Generating-Step Platform"
that produce electricity once a person steps on the platform. They used a
dynamo to convert the Mechanical energy, produced by stepping on the platform,
to electrical energy.
Chapter 3
This part of the research discuss about the research method used, the
procedures in gathering data needed, the research instrument and the statistical
treatment for the data.
Research Designs
The present study utilized the experimental method of research. According
to Calmorin and Calmorin, as cited by Tobias (2012), this method of research is a
problem-solving approach that the study is described in the future on “what will
be” when certain variables are carefully controlled or manipulated. Its purpose is
to discover the influence of one or more factors upon a condition, group or
situation.In relation to the present research, the experimental method was utilized
because it is the most appropriate with regards to the purpose of the
Data Gathering
The following are the steps, procedures, instruments and materials used
in making the rain gutter hydroelectric generator.
Table 1
Supplies, Materials, Tools, and Equipment
Supplies and Materials
Tools and Equipment
>1 Improvised generator
>Measuring tape
>1AA battery charger
>Metal roofing scissors
>2m Steel wire
>2m Electric wire
>1 Electric tape
>Screw Driver
>10pcs Screw
>2PVC joint
>20”x30”Galvanized Corrugated Metal
Construction Procedure
1. Cut the blade of the electricfan blade.
2. Replace the blades with smaller blades with the plane facing each other
perpendicular to the shaft just like a water wheel.
3. Install the improvised turbine into the shaft of the electric fan motor.
4. Remove the plug part of the battery charger.
5. Connect the extending wire ends of the motor directly into the wires of the
6. Measure a cube from the iron roofing with a side of 9 inches to provide as a
casing for the generator.
7. Bore holes the size of the PVC pipe passing from the top to bottom of the case
where the turbine is located.
8. Install the generator in a household rain gutter at a height of 3feet from the
Try-out and Revisions
First Trial. The researchers found out that the wires are too thin and long giving
too much resistance for the current to pass through. The height of the falling
water to the generator could affect the amount of electricity generated.
Second Trial.The researchers replace the long thin wires with shorter and
thicker wires for the electric current to pass through with less resistance. The
device was also moved to 1 foot from the ground to have the water falling from a
higher distance from the roof.
Construction time frame
It took ten (10) days to complete the “Rain Gutter Hydroelectric
Table 2
Planning and designing
Acquisition of supplies
and materials used
Preparing the tools and
Measuring and layouting
Testing and revising
Construction Time Frame
Numbers of hours
Numbers of days
Statistical Treatment
The researchers used the computed weighted mean as a statistical
treatment. According to Ileto, as cited by Arban (2010), is a proportion or part
considered in its quantitative relation to the whole.