Download Pack 9 KS3 rock detectives session overview

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Wren’s Nest NNR Education Programme
Rock detectives KS3
Session length: 2 hours
Learning outcomes
 To describe the main features of sedimentary
 Use hand lens and worksheets to describe
the features of limestone.
 To identify and describe examples of physical,
chemical and biological weathering.
 At key localities children will sketch the
features they see to observe different types
of weathering.
 To describe the effect of erosion on
weathered material.
 To explain the processes in the sedimentary
rock cycle and link them to observed
 To describe that movement of the continents
can cause uplift and folding of the earth's
 To explain that uplift can lead to weathering
and erosion of crustal rocks.
 Sedimentary rock cycle activity with the
whole class.
 Continental drift activity to introduce the
concept of plate movement and how those
plate movements have affected the local
Time can be built in for a fossil hunt if required
Before your visit:
 Use the Earth Learning Ideas Rock Detectives worksheet to help teach the differences between
Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Ignerous Rocks.
 Use the Weathering and Erosion Practical Pack to introduce the different concepts to the class.
 Use the Earth Structure worksheets to help teach the concept of the different layers within the
earth and where the heat that drives plate movement comes from.
 Use the Make a mini Wren’s Nest Demo to show how rocks fold.
After your visit:
 Use the Erosion & Deposition Practical to reinforce these concepts.
 Use the Make your own rock practical to show how rocks form.
 Using the info gathered by the class on their visit recreate a class sized full sedimentary cycle.
 Use the Plate Tectonics Demo to help the class understand convection and plate movements.
Wren’s Nest
National Nature Reserve
Wren’s Nest NNR Education Programme
Rock detectives KS3
You will need:
 Pre visit worksheets
 Rock Detectives equipment box - pre-booking required with the wardens. Charges may
apply - please ask.
 Post visit worksheets
 Safety note: it is the responsibility of teachers to undertake an appropriate risk assessment
for all activities
Please complete the school/group booking form (available from the website or by
contacting the Wardens) before your visit and return to the Wardens. If you require a
Warden-led visit, please phone the Warden’s base to arrange a date before returning
your form.
Wren’s Nest
National Nature Reserve