* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
ES 3210 ECONOMIC MINERAL DEPOSITS ORE MICROSCOPY II Stephen J. Piercey ORE MICROSCOPY • Continued …………………….. INTERNAL REFLECTIONS • A second property (best) observed with crossed polars is INTERNAL REFLECTION INTERNAL REFLECTIONS • Internal reflections are generated by light reflected back to the surface from subsurface cracks or flaws in grains of a mineral that is not totally opaque. • • Many transparent minerals, like quartz, will often appear as masses of internal reflections under reflected light. If we were dealing with gems these features would be termed “flaws” Quartz Photo: JLM Visuals INTERNAL REFLECTIONS • Internal reflections are best observed under crossed polarizers and with the illumination brightness increased. • Not all grains of a mineral will necessarily show them, but they can be useful diagnostics. INTERNAL REFLECTIONS • Sphalerite commonly shows yellow, brown, green or red internal reflections. • This property can be very useful in distinguishing sphalerite from another cubic mineral, magnetite, which does not. • Internal reflections may also be useful in identifying cassiterite, hematite, wolframite and chromite Sphalerite Photo: JLM Visuals Sphalerite HARDNESS • Hardness has several useful manifestations in ore microscopy • Not necessary to use a sophisticated microindentation hardness tester for all applications POLISHING HARDNESS/RELIEF • Good preparation techniques always attempt to minimize polishing relief • • Relief makes grain boundary features and textural relationships more difficult to observe. Nevertheless, harder minerals inevitably stand out topographically to some degree from adjacent softer minerals. Polishing Relief from Craig&Vaughan, 1994 POLISHING HARDNESS/RELIEF • If the relief is sufficient, it is possible to utilize the Kalb Light Line test • Sometimes called the “Pseudo-Becke” line test, although it is caused by a completely different physical phenomenon) POLISHING HARDNESS/RELIEF • Kalb Light Line Test: • • • • 1.Focus on a clear boundary line between two mineral grains. 2. Lower the stage to defocus the sample. 3. Observe a “Becke-like” line of light, which will move into the softer mineral. In practice, this is similarly difficult to execute to the Becke Line Test. But is still sometimes very useful for difficult identifications. SCRATCH HARDNESS • Good preparation techniques also attempt to completely eliminate the scratches accumulated during progressive stages of grinding and polishing the section. • Nevertheless, the sample surface always displays some scratches, which can be used to advantage …………………….. SCRATCH HARDNESS • The relative depth of a scratch as it traverses different minerals allows one to judge their relative hardness. tn gn Which mineral is harder? Photo: Craig&Vaughan, 1994 SCRATCH HARDNESS • One has to remain aware, however, that deep scratches produced early in preparation may be preferentially retained by very hard minerals. • In fact, this is a diagnostic characteristic of pyrite Pyrite is, in fact, harder than sphalerite, and so displays higher relief – but also displays deep retained scratches from initial preparation steps py sph Photo: Craig&Vaughan, 1994 SCRATCH HARDNESS • Very soft minerals such as gold, silver, molybdenite and graphite almost always retain a scratched or dimpled appearance even after final polishing. Py Au Scratch Hardness PPL Differential Interference Contrast (Nomarski) STRUCTURAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL PROPERTIES • These are also invaluable aids to mineral identification in Ore Microscopy • So don’t forget all the mineralogy we made you learn!! CRYSTAL FORM AND HABIT Covellite - Bladed xp pp Millerite - Acicular Photo: Marshall et al, 2004 Millerite Photo: JLM Visuals Pyrite – Framboidal/Spheroidal Common in shalehosted pyrite, this texture is a product of bacterial activity. CLEAVAGE AND PARTING Arsenopyrite rhombs (with chalcopyrite and sphalerite) Galena Photo: JLM Visuals Galena – Triangular Pitting This a consequence of the perfect cubic cleavage of galena, which causes characteristic plucking features during polishing. mrc mrc Marcasite – Irregular Longitudinal Fractures Photo: Marshall et al, 2004 Molybdenite Photo: JLM Visuals Molybdenite – Basal Cleavage/Lath Shape Photo: Marshall et al, 2004 EXSOLUTION TEXTURES Ilmenite with exsolved magnetite lamellae ©RA Ixer & PR Duller Pentlandite Flame Lamellae in Pyrrhotite Marshall et al, 2004 Chalcopyrite Disease Sphalerite from VMS and other types of deposit often contain small inclusions of chalcopyrite. These often appear to be oriented along crystal planes, and were originally thought to be an exsolution texture. Photo: Marshall et al, 2004 Chalcopyrite Disease Photo: Augustithus, 1995 In fact, these chalcopyrite inclusions are a later hydrothermal replacement feature, commonly termed “chalcopyrite disease” from Craig&Vaughan, 1994 Paragenesis • Paragenesis refers to the time sequence of formation of mineral phases. • The textural relationships of minerals in thin or polished sections provide essential information for establishing paragenetic sequences. Simultaneous growth texture – Galena and Sphalerite from Craig&Vaughan, 1994 Myrmekitic chalcopyrite and bornite chc cpy chc Chalcocite crosscutting earlier Chalcopyrite Photo: Augustithus, 1995 Typical textures of vein-filling minerals. Note the bilaterally symmetrical sequence of deposition from edge(s) to centre in (b). from Craig&Vaughan, 1994 Most ore deposits form in dynamic environments. Brecciation of both ores and host rocks is a common feature due to faulting and collapse events. Brecciated Sphalerite Ore Photo: Marshall et al, 2004 Subsequent to brecciation events, successive generations of mineralization often nucleate on individual fragments. from Craig&Vaughan, 1994 PARAGENESIS: TWO EXAMPLES FROM AN MVT PBZN DEPOSIT dolo gn sph cc Photo: Ixer, 1990 Photo: Ixer, 1990 TIPS AND TRICKS GOOD HABIT I • Look at the section surface and any existing offcut hand sample without the microscope before you start. • Knowing one or more of the more abundant constituent minerals to begin with is a great help. GOOD HABIT II • Always do a low magnification reconnaissance of the entire sample first. • Try to look at more than one sample from the same suite if possible. GOOD HABIT III • • • Don’t stop being a mineralogist. Learn to recognize X-sectional shapes. Be cognizant of crystal system. • e.g., iIsometric/cubic minerals are generally isotropic Spry and Gedlinske (1987)